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 Subject: AGRIC SCIENCE                        Duration: 2HR                       Class: JSS 1

  1. A plant that grown in a place it is not wanted is called _____ (a) Crop (b) Beans (c) Weed

(d) Rice [the_ad id=”40090″]

  1. The gestation period of a cow is ____ (a) 8 month (b) 9 ½ month (c) 15 month (d) 309 month
  2. One among the following has herbaceous stem (a) Coffee (b) Rubber (c) Maize (d) Cocoa
  3. Which among the following is the reproductive organs of the plant

(a) Leaf (b) Root (c) Flower (d) Shoot

  1. All of the following are function of root EXCEPT (a) Hold the plant firmly in the soil (b) Take in water and mineral salt up to the stem (c) It hold the leaf and branches in positions to receive air and sunlight
  2. Examples of beverage are the following g EXCEPT (a) Coffee (b) Cocoa (c) Tea (d) Kola nut
  3. Which of these animal has high deposit of fats (a) Cattle (b) Pig (c) Sheep (d) Dog
  4. The most important factors affecting animal and crop production in Nigeria is _____

(a) Climate (b) Land use (c) Soil type (d) Topography

  1. plants fund on land is called ____ (a) aquatic plant (b)  atmospheric (c) terrestrial plant (d) common plant

(a) Cereals (b) Pulse (c) Spices (d) Tuber (e) Vegetable

  1. Which of the following is not cultural method of controlling weed

(a) Burning (b) Crop (c) Flooding (d) Hoeing (e) Mulching

  1. A plant that grown where it is not wanted is referred to as a ______

(a) Crop (b) Fodder (c) forage (d) Pasture (e) Weed

  1. The practice of growing only one crop on a piece of land is _______

(a) Mixed crop (b) Crop rotation (c) Mono cropping (d) Pastoral farming

  1. Which of the following crop does not posses tap root (a) Carrot

(b) Cowpea (c) Melon (d) Sorghum (e) Water leaf

  1. Fish and Fish product are sources of the following EXCEPT ______

(a) Carbohydrate (b) Oil (c) Protein (d) Vitamin

  1. Legumes are good sources of _____ (a) Carbohydrate (b) Fat and oil (c) Mineral

(d) Protein (e) Vitamin

  1. Which of the following is NOT a monogastrics animal (a) Cattle (b) Duck (c) Horse (d) Pig
  2. Crop which take more than two years to develop from seed to maturity include the following EXCEPT (a) citrus (b) Cocoa (c) Mango (d) Rice
  3. Which of the following is NOT a biennial crop (a) Cassava (b) Cocoyam (c) Cotton (d) onion

(e) Pepper

  1. Which of the following groups comprise only oil crop (a) Groundnut, coconut and cotton (b) Melon, kolanut and sisal (c) Sunflower, rubber and ginger
  2. Agriculture is best define as ________ and _______ (a) Crop, Animal (b) Farm animal, domestic animals (c) Fisheries, aquatic animals (d) Flowers, tree crop
  3. The following crops are sources of carbohydrate EXCEPT ______ (a) Cocoyam

(b) Millet (c) Rice (d) Spinach

  1. Weed are beneficial to the farmer EXCEPT that they ______ (a) Harbor crop disease (b) Prevent soil erosion (c) Protect the soil from direct sunlight (d) Serves as medicinal herbs
  2. The following are examples of annual crops EXCEPT _______ (a) Cotton (b) Cowpea (c) Maize

(d) Millet (e) Pineapple

  1. Cereals are good sources of ______ (a) Carbohydrate (b) Fat and oil (c) Mineral

(d) Protein

  1. Which of the following crop is cultivated mainly for its protein content (a) Beans

(b) Cocoa (c) Maize (d) Oil palm [the_ad id=”40092″]

  1. Cotton is an example of ______ (a) Beverage (b) Cereal (c) Fibre (d) Latex
  2. Farm animal are classified based on the following criteria EXCEPT ______

(a) Habitat (b) Produce (c) Size (d) Stomach type (e) Use

  1. Aquatic animal live in/on _____ (a) Hole (b) Home (c) Land (d) Trees (e) Water
  2. Which of the following is NOT a use of farm animals? (a) Decoration (b) Food

(c) Protection (d) Sport

  1. Which of the following is NOT a canned food produce (a) Baked beans (b) Coca cola (c)  Corn beef (d) Sardine
  2. The following are the futures of dicotyledonous crop EXCEPT possession of _____

(a) Leaves with net vain (b) Leaves with petioles (c) One seed leaf (d) Stem with many branch

  1. The following are forms of farm animal EXCEPT ______ animal (a) Aquatic (b) Diary (c) Guard (d) Wild
  2. Which of these farm animal is used for transportation of farm produce (a) Donkey (b) Cattle (c) Goat (d) Rabbit
  3. Which of these farm animal is kept for production of wool (a) Cattle (b) Dog

(c) Rabbit (d) Sheep

  1. Which of these is used for work animal on the farm (a) Cattle (b) Duck (c) Goat

(d) Rabbit

  1. Jute is an examples of ______ (a) Beverages (b) Fibre (c) Forage (d) Latex
  2. ______ is an example of biting and chewing pests (a) tick (b) Cocoa myrids (c) Aphids (d) Grasshopper
  3. _______ are living organisms that cause physical damage to plant (a) Pests (b) Soil

(c) Wind (d) Water

  1. The chemical used for weed control is called ______ (a) Insecticide (b) Herbicide

(c) Pesticide (d) Rodencide

  1. All of the following are example of weed that are not edible to man EXCEPT

(a) Goat weed (b) Elephant grass (c) Spear grass (d) Water leaf


  1. What is weed? b.        State and explain five use of weeds
  2. State five weeds and their botanical name
  3. What are pets? b.        Explain the following     i.           Biting and chewing pests
  4. Piercing and sucking pests iii.      Boring insects pests
  5. Enumerate five important of insect pest in crop production

3         Explain the following

  1. Diary animal ii. Work animal    iii.   Beef Animal iv. Poultry animals v. Aquatic animals
  2. State five importance of farm. c.       What is Monocotyledonous plant?
  3. In a tabular form state five characteristics of each of these.
  4. Cattle Ii.     Pigs
  5. List two examples of each of these: i.         Guard animals     ii.           Work animals

iii.      Aquatic animals        iv.       Pet animals      v.        Beef animals

  1. Explain the following i. annual weeds ii. Biennial weeds   iii. Perennial weeds
  2. Mention five weed and their botanic name.[the_ad id=”40091″]