1st Mid Term Examination
Subject: RHYMES Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
- I see the moon
- When I was a baby
- Early to bed
- Toys toys toys
- Point to the window
- Doctor doctor doctor
1st mid Term Examination
Subject: MUSIC Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
- I have Joy
- I love Jesus
- Busy Cat, Busy cat
- Elephant the elephant
- Pawpaw is a kind of fruit
- Head, Shoulder, knees and toes
1st mid Term Examination
Subject: FINE ARTS Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
Colour these objects
1st Term Examination
Subject: HANDWRITING Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
Writing of letter A, B and C
1st Term Examination
Subject: C.R.S Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
SECTION A: Objective
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
- Is it good to pray before eating your food? Yes/No
- Eating with dirty hand is good? Yes/No
- _________ is the one that created heaven and earth (a) God (b) dog
- Earth is also created by God? Yes/No
- Mention 5 things God created in earth (1)___________ (2)____________ (3)_______________ (4)___________ (5)____________________
- Lion is the on that created heaven and earth? Yes/No
- ___________ is first man God created (a)Satan (b)Adam
- Eve is the first woman God Created Yes/No
- ________ was father of Jesus Christ (a)Joseph (b)Daniel
- Who created you? (a)mother (b)God
- The mother of Jesus is Mary? Yes/No
- _______ is the person that give us gift of sight? (a)Man (b)God
1st Term Examination
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
SECTION A: Objective
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
- Name four people around you at home ____________ _________________ ___________________ _______________________
- Lion is one of animal in the home Yes/No
- Which of these is animal in the forest (a)Lion (b)Ant
- Mention three anima in the home __________________ ___________________ ____________________
- Tiger and snake are among animal at home? Yes/No
- ___________ and ___________ is among things we eat (a)rice and beans (b)paper and pencil
- What do you called your mother’s sister (a)aunt (b)uncle
- Did dog among people around you at home? Yes/No
- Ant is one of bird in the home? Yes/No
- Name two bird in the home? Yes/No
- Name two bird at home? (1) ______________ (2) _____________
- Animal at home is also called? (a)domestic animals (b)forest animals
1st Term Examination
Subject: NUMBER WORK Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
- Count and write number 1 – 20
- Count and match the correct answer
- Fill in the missing numbers
1st Term Examination
Subject: HEALTH HABIT Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
SECTION A: Objective
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
- Putting sand in your eyes is the way of taking care of eyes? Yes/No
- Eye is part of your body Yes/No
- Mention five part of your body __________________ ___________________ ___________________ ______________________ __________________
- What should you do after using the toilet? (a)washing hand (b)wash my head
- Is it good to cover our mouth when coughing? Yes/No
- Eating with dirty spoon can cause coughing? Yes/No
- Is it good to wash our hand after we cough? Yes/No
- Putting dirty in your mouth can cause cough? Yes/No
- Toes is also part of the body? Yes/No
- Is it good to talk in the toilet Yes/No
- Is head part of the body Yes/No
- Rubbing dirty on your eyes is good Yes/No
- Should you sneeze on people’s body Yes/No
- Identify the following part of the body, head, nose, leg, eye and mouth
1st Term Examination
Subject: CIVIC EDUCATION Class: K.G 2
Name: ____________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
SECTION A: Objective
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
- Love for school is when you are crying when going to school? Yes/No
- Will you like to become a doctor? Yes/No
- Is greeting a way of showing respect to elders? Yes/No
- Boys kneel down when greeting? Yes/No
- Girls prostrated when greeting? Yes/No
- We come to school to learn how to read & write. Yes/No
- Appreciation is to say thank you? Yes/No
- When we greet elders around us is called? (a)greeting (b)playing
- When we do what our parents say we should not do it is called _________ (a)obedience (b)Disobedience
- A school is a place where we learn how to read and __________ (a)write (b)play
1st mid Term Examination
Subject: SOCIAL STUDIES Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
SECTION A: Objective
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
- Mention four objects that we can find in the class.
- _______________ 2. _________________________
- ___________________ 4. ___________________________
- Which of these objects can be find in the class (a)stove (b)table
- Pen is one of the objects in the class. Yes/No
- Name four members of a family 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ___________________4. _________________
- Table manners are ways of eating properly? (a)yes (b)No
- Table manner is to jumping when eating? Yes/No
- Kindness is to help people around us? Yes/No
- Giving our friend what he doesn’t have is _________? (a)friendship (b)table
- Mention three things you should not play with?
- ______________________ 2. ______________________
- _____________________
- Saying thank you is the way of showing appreciation? Yes/No
- Obeying simple instruction can keep you always from trouble Yes/No
- Is it good to obey our teacher Yes/No
1st mid Term Examination
Subject: LETTER WORK Class: K.G 2
Name: __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
Recite and write capital letter A – Z
Match object with the correct letter
Fill in the missing letters
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