Agricultural Science JSS 2 Second Term Examination



Second Term Exams Agricultural Science JSS 2

Edu Delight Tutors 

  1. ______ is the solid part of the earth that is made up of minerals. (a) Earth (b) Rock (c)Soil (d) Mountain
  2. ______ is formed from a cooled molten magma. (a) Metamorphic Rock (b) Sedimentary rock (c) Igneous rock (d) Slate
  3. ______ are hatched out into chicks. (a) Chicks (b) Fertilized eggs (c) Garden eggs (d)Fowl eggs
  4. Which of these structures look like a big pot? (a)Silo (b) Hutch (c) Crib (d) Rhombus
  5. Which of the following building is built with solid cement blocks? (a)Cribs (b)Silos (c) The farm manager’s office (d) The battery cage
  6. The feeling of the pond is done to keep level ________________ in the pond. (a) the height of the pond (b)of sand (c)of water (d)silt in the pond
  7. The site of the school farm must be on a (a)bevel land. (b)hilly land. (c)near the forest. (d)high topography.
  8. The school farm should near the school because (a) student need treak to farm. (b) students need to go to the farm in a short time. (c) students must ride on bicycles to farm. (d) students do not need to go to farm.
  9. Arranging the farm structures and buildings in the farm is called ________. (a) arrangement (b) planning (c) research (d) study
  10. When animals are grazed in a well planned pasture that is fenced is called ______. (a)let farming (b) ranching (c)normadic herding (d) pastoral cropping
  11. The battery cage is used in raising and rearing ______. (a)dogs (b)layers (c)cattles (d)ducks
  12. Which of these is not a cultural practice? (a) Thinning (b)Supplying (c) Nursery (d) Climate
  13. A system where many types of crops are planted on the same land and at the same time is called ________. (a)ley farming (b)mixed farming (c) mixed cropping (d) mono cropping
  14. Most cash crops are grown in ________. (a)mixed farming (b)mono cropping (c) ranching (d) mixed cropping
  15. One of the advantages of ranching is ______. (a) the animals can be infected (b) the animals receives adequate health care (c) the animals are prone to road accident (d) the animals find it difficult to drink
  16. The science of turning wheat into flour is called ________. (a) furtherance (b) harvesting (c) processing (d) projection
  17. Which of these comes during pre planting? (a) Planting (b) Sowing (c) Watering (d) Burning
  18. Maize found growing in a rice farm can be regarded as ______. (a) crop (b)wanted weed (c) weed (d)manure
  19. The breaking of plough lumps into tiny pieces of soil is called ________. (a)herding (b) heliculture (c) harrowing (d)tillage
  20. Weeds are problems to farm crops because (a) weeds take the soil nutrients needed by crops. (b) weeds prevent erosion to plant crops. (c)weeds are cover crops. (d) Weeds are needed when planting crops.
  21. ______________ are edible materials which are fed to farm animals in the course of rearing them to contribute energy and other nutrients to their diet. (a) ration (b) feeds (c) succulent (d) foods
  22. The following except one are basal or energy given feeds (a) millet (b) vitamin A (c) maize (d) cassava
  23. One of the following is not a dry roughage (a) hay (b) straw (c) fresh forage (d) chaff
  24. Concentrates that are high in carbohydrates are called _____________ concentrates (a) protein (b) energy (c)body building (d) forage
  25. ___________ is the sum total of feeds needed by an animal in a day. (a) ration (b) nutrient (c) straw (d) fibre
  26. Which of the following is an example of fodder? (a) straw (b) bone meal (c) fish meal (d) lime stone
  27. Which of the following animals does not feed on hay? (a) cattle (b) goat (c) horse (d) poultry birds
  28. The type of ration that contains all the essential nutrients needed by the animals in the right proportion is called __________ ration (a) maintenance (b) balanced (c) production (d) dietary
  29. The following are feeding tools except ___________ (a)feed scoup (b) feeding trough (c) drinking trough (d) fork
  30. The removal of plant stumps and roots from the soil is called ______ (a) stumping (b) plotting (c) ploughing (d) harrowing
  31. The process of making seedbed is known as (a) Ploughing (b) stumping (c) ridging (d) plotting
  32. The lifting of seedlings from the nursery and planting them out in their permanent plot or field is (a) nursery (b) sowing (c) seed rate (d) transplanting
  33. The replacement of seeds that fail to germinate is called _________ (a) supplying (b) thinning (c) mulching (d) weeding
  34. The amount or quantity of planting materials required for planting one hectare of land is called _______ (a) staking (b) pruning (c) trimming (d) seed rate
  35. A _________________ is an abnormality in health. (a) pest (b) disease (c) supplement (d) ration
  36. Staking is usually done for ____ (a) cassava (b) maize (c) rice (d) yam
  37. Layers are feed with ______________ mash in order to enhance egg production (a)growers (b) broilers (c) layers (d) none of the above
  38. ___________ refers to the stage of the animal in production (a) nutritive value (b) physiological state (c) specie of the animal (d) growth
  39. The following are basal feds except _______ (a) maize (b) rice (c) bone meal (d) millet The following are common symptoms of diseases of farm animals except(a) Abortion (b) increased food consumption (c) loss of appetite (d) loss of weight
  40. Anthrax is an examples of _____ disease in farm animals (a) bacteria (b) fungi (c) viral (d) protozoa
  41. ____________ diseases are the diseases that can only affect an animal by physical contact with an infected animal or infected materials. (a) viral (b) contagious (c) infectious (d) bacterial
  42. Animals can contact contagious diseases through the following except (a) contaminated feeds (b) animal droppings (c) infected feeding materials (d) none of the above
  43. Which of the following is not a feed supplement (a) hay (b) groundnut cake (c) soya beans (d) bone meal
  44. Trypanosomiasis is a common disease of (a) cattle (b) goat (c) pig (d) poultry
  45. The following are economic importance of livestock diseases except (a) poor growth of animals (b) poor feed utilization (c) low yield of products (d) high income for farmers
  46. ____________ is not a poultry disease (a) Foot rot (b)Coccidiosis (c) Fowl typhoid (d)Fowl cholera
  47. Any organism that live in or on another organism is a _________ (a) pathogens (b) host (c) parasite (d) diseases
  48. Tse-tse fly is a parasite that infect __________ (a) rabbit (b) fish (c) cattle (d) fowl __________ is an endo-parasite (a) tape worm (b) tick (c) lice (d) tsetse fly Concentrates that are high in carbohydrates are called ________________ Concentrates that are high in protein are called _________________
  49. The type of ration that contains all the essential nutrients needed by the animal in the correct proportion is ________________ ration.
  50. ______________ ration is the amount of feeds needed to keep the animal’s live weight constant. Another name for dry roughages is ___________________
  51.  Two examples of feed supplements are ______________________ and ____________
  52. Containers that are used for giving water to farm animals is called __________
  53. Growing animals are fed with more of ________________ than other feeds to enhance proper growth.
  54. Parasites which lives inside the body of the host are called _______________ The husk separated from grains during threshing is called ______________
  55. The husk separated from grains during threshing is called ______________



1a. Define ranching.

1b. Clearly states the advantages of ranching.

2a.Explain the disadvantages of nomadic herding.

2b.. Write or list out the factors to be considered in siting a school farm.

3.Explain the following:

i. mixed farming:

ii. monocropping:

iii  bush fallowing:

4. List and explain seven (7) importance of agriculture.

5. Define animal feeds.

6. Mention and briefly explain the six classes of animal feeds base on nutrients they supply.

7. Mention any four examples of feed supplements and additives.

8.Mention and briefly explain any four (4) factors that influence the choice of farmers on what to feed their livestock with.

9..Define the term ration.

10. Mention and briefly explain any two (2) types of ration

11. Mention three (3) importance of feeds to farm animals.

12.What is animal disease?

13..Mention and briefly explain the two (2) categories of disease 3mks

14. Mention any four (4) general symptoms of disease in farm animals

15..What is a parasite?

16.Parasites can be grouped based on where they live and where they are found , mention and briefly explain the two (2) groups of Parasites .

17. Mention four (4) economic importance of livestock disease

18. Describe the farm animal disease Anthrax under the following heading



SYMPTOMS (at least three):





