Music JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes – Musical Notes, Time Value, and Rest

Music JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 2

Subject: Music

Class: JSS 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 2

Age: 10–12 years

Topic: Musical Notes, Time Value, and Rest

Sub-topic: Description of Musical Notes

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define musical notes.
  2. Explain the different types of musical notes.
  3. Identify the time values of different notes.
  4. Describe the function of rests in music.
  5. Recognize musical notes in written form.


  • Musical Notes
  • Time Value
  • Rest
  • Duration
  • Symbols

Set Induction

The teacher will begin by clapping different rhythmic patterns and asking students to identify the differences in duration.

Entry Behavior

Students have previous knowledge of sound, pitch, and rhythm from the first term.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Flashcards of musical notes and rests
  • Musical notation charts
  • Audio recordings of different note durations

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students learned about rhythm, pitch, and notation in the first term. This lesson will build upon that by focusing on the specific values of notes and rests.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Listening Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Pattern Recognition

Lesson Content

1. What is a Musical Note?

  • A musical note is a symbol used in written music to represent the duration of a sound.
  • Different note shapes indicate different lengths of time.
  • There are eight different types of notes in music.

2. Description of Musical Notes

The following are the main types of musical notes and their time values:

Note Name Symbol Time Value
Semibreve (Whole Note) 𝅝 4 beats
Minim (Half Note) 𝅗𝅥 2 beats
Crotchet (Quarter Note) 𝅘𝅥 1 beat
Quaver (Eighth Note) 𝅘𝅥𝅮 ½ beat
Semiquaver (Sixteenth Note) 𝅘𝅥𝅯 ¼ beat
Demisemiquaver (Thirty-second Note) 𝅘𝅥𝅰 ⅛ beat
Hemidemisemiquaver (Sixty-fourth Note) 𝅘𝅥𝅱 1/16 beat
Breve (Double Whole Note) 𝄼 8 beats

3. Time Value of Notes

  • The longest note is the breve, which lasts for 8 beats.
  • The shortest note is the hemidemisemiquaver, which lasts for 1/16 of a beat.
  • Each note value is half the duration of the previous one.

4. Rests in Music

  • A rest is a symbol that represents silence in music.
  • Just like notes, rests have different time values.
Rest Name Symbol Time Value
Semibreve Rest 𝄻 4 beats
Minim Rest 𝄼 2 beats
Crotchet Rest 𝄽 1 beat
Quaver Rest 𝄾 ½ beat
Semiquaver Rest 𝄿 ¼ beat


Answer the following questions:

  1. What is a musical note?
    a) A symbol representing silence
    b) A symbol representing a musical sound
    c) A symbol for volume
    d) A symbol for speed

  2. How many beats does a crotchet last?
    a) 4 beats
    b) 2 beats
    c) 1 beat
    d) ½ beat

  3. Which note has the longest duration?
    a) Breve
    b) Semibreve
    c) Crotchet
    d) Minim

  4. The time value of a quaver is ______.
    a) 1 beat
    b) ½ beat
    c) ¼ beat
    d) ⅛ beat

  5. Which of these represents silence in music?
    a) A note
    b) A chord
    c) A rest
    d) A melody

  6. How many beats does a minim last?
    a) 2 beats
    b) 4 beats
    c) 1 beat
    d) ½ beat

  7. What is the symbol for a semibreve rest?
    a) 𝄼
    b) 𝄻
    c) 𝄽
    d) 𝄾

  8. Which note is shorter than a crotchet?
    a) Semibreve
    b) Minim
    c) Quaver
    d) Breve

  9. A crotchet rest lasts for how many beats?
    a) 4
    b) 2
    c) 1
    d) ½

  10. What is the shortest note in music?
    a) Quaver
    b) Hemidemisemiquaver
    c) Semiquaver
    d) Breve

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

  1. What is the purpose of a musical note?

    • A musical note represents the duration of a sound.
  2. What is the difference between a note and a rest?

    • A note represents a sound, while a rest represents silence.
  3. Which note lasts for the longest duration?

    • The breve lasts for 8 beats.
  4. How many quavers make one semibreve?

    • 8 quavers make 1 semibreve.
  5. What is the time value of a crotchet?

    • A crotchet lasts for 1 beat.
  6. Why are rests important in music?

    • They create pauses and rhythm in musical compositions.
  7. What is the shortest rest in music?

    • The semiquaver rest, which lasts ¼ of a beat.
  8. How do we recognize a minim in notation?

    • It is an open notehead with a stem.
  9. What is another name for a quarter note?

    • A crotchet.
  10. Which note has half the value of a crotchet?

    • A quaver (½ beat).

Assessment (Evaluation Questions)

  1. Define a musical note.
  2. List four different types of musical notes.
  3. Explain the difference between a semibreve and a minim.
  4. How many beats does a quaver last?
  5. What is the function of a rest in music?


The teacher will review students’ answers, provide corrections, and give feedback on their performance.