Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Examination
Instructions for Teachers:
- Ensure Fairness: Make sure that every student has a clear understanding of the exam instructions and that they know the importance of academic honesty.
- Prevent Malpractices: Actively monitor the examination room to prevent any form of cheating.
- Provide Assistance: Offer help to students if they have questions about the exam instructions but do not assist with answering questions.
- Collect Papers: Ensure that all answer sheets are collected and properly marked.
Instructions for Students:
- Read Carefully: Read each question and instruction thoroughly before answering.
- Do Your Best: Answer each question to the best of your ability. No talking or copying from others.
- Follow the Rules: Avoid any form of cheating. Keep your work to yourself and focus on your own paper.
- Stay Calm: If you don’t understand a question, move on and come back to it later if you have time.
- Write Neatly: Make sure your answers are clear and legible.
Part A: Objective Questions
30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
- Ayatul Kursi is found in Surah ________.
- a) Al-Fatiha
- b) Al-Baqarah
- c) An-Nas
- d) Al-Ikhlas
- The Angel of Revelation is ________.
- a) Mikail
- b) Jibril
- c) Az-Rail
- d) Israfil
- Suratul-Fil describes the attack of an army with ________.
- a) Horses
- b) Camels
- c) Elephants
- d) Lions
- Shirk is the act of associating ________ with Allah.
- a) Money
- b) Partners
- c) Power
- d) Fame
- Suratul Qadr highlights the importance of the ________ Night.
- a) Night of Blessings
- b) Night of Decree
- c) Night of Mercy
- d) Night of Guidance
- One of the Glorious Books is the ________.
- a) Bible
- b) Quran
- c) Torah
- d) Vedas
- Suratul-Tin discusses the creation of ________.
- a) Animals
- b) Humans
- c) Plants
- d) Angels
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received his first revelation in the Cave of ________.
- a) Hira
- b) Badr
- c) Uhud
- d) Khandaq
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was known for his ________ before prophethood.
- a) Wealth
- b) Wisdom
- c) Honesty
- d) Power
- Suratul Inshira talks about the easing of ________.
- a) Joy
- b) Wealth
- c) Difficulties
- d) Health
- In Medina, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the ________ leader.
- a) Political
- b) Spiritual
- c) Economic
- d) Military
- The Hijrah was a ________ to escape persecution.
- a) Journey
- b) Battle
- c) Trade
- d) Celebration
- Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) tolerance teaches us to be ________.
- a) Strict
- b) Vengeful
- c) Forgiving
- d) Angry
- Impartiality means treating everyone ________.
- a) Differently
- b) Unequally
- c) The same
- d) Special
- The Night of Decree is considered ________ than a thousand months.
- a) Less important
- b) Equal
- c) More important
- d) Unrelated
- Suratul-Fil is in the ________ of the Quran.
- a) 105th chapter
- b) 101st chapter
- c) 50th chapter
- d) 40th chapter
- The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by the Angel ________.
- a) Jibril
- b) Mikail
- c) Az-Rail
- d) Israfil
- One function of Angels is to ________ messages from Allah.
- a) Ignore
- b) Destroy
- c) Deliver
- d) Hide
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) built the first mosque in ________.
- a) Mecca
- b) Medina
- c) Jerusalem
- d) Cairo
- Suratul Qadr emphasizes the ________ of the Night of Decree.
- a) Shortness
- b) Importance
- c) Distance
- d) Darkness
- The Prophet who received the Injil was ________.
- a) Musa
- b) Isa
- c) Dawud
- d) Muhammad
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the ________ of his people.
- a) King
- b) Chief
- c) Imam
- d) Commander
- Suratul-Tin is also known as the Chapter of the ________.
- a) Olive
- b) Date
- c) Fig
- d) Grape
- The Book revealed to Prophet Musa was the ________.
- a) Injil
- b) Torah
- c) Quran
- d) Psalms
- The Night of Decree is better than a ________ months.
- a) Thousand
- b) Hundred
- c) Ten
- d) Five
- Shirk is a ________ sin in Islam.
- a) Minor
- b) Major
- c) Forgivable
- d) Ignored
- Suratul Inshira is found in Surah ________.
- The Angel of Death is ________.
- a) Jibril
- b) Mikail
- c) Az-Rail
- d) Israfil
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) showed ________ in his dealings with others.
- a) Anger
- b) Impatience
- c) Tolerance
- d) Fear
- The first book revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was in the ________.
- a) Cave of Badr
- b) Cave of Hira
- c) Cave of Uhud
- d) Cave of Khandaq
Part B: Theory Questions
30 Simple Short Answer Questions
- What is Ayatul Kursi about?
- Answer: It describes Allah’s greatness and power.
- Name the Angel who brought messages to the prophets.
- What happened in the story of Suratul-Fil?
- Answer: An army with elephants tried to attack the Kaaba but was defeated.
- Why is Shirk considered a major sin in Islam?
- Answer: It means associating partners with Allah, which goes against monotheism.
- What does Suratul Qadr teach us about the Night of Decree?
- Answer: It is a night full of blessings and better than a thousand months.
- List one of the Glorious Books of Allah.
- What is the main message of Suratul-Tin?
- Answer: It talks about the creation of humans and their potential.
- Describe how Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received his first revelation.
- Answer: He received it from the Angel Jibril in the Cave of Hira.
- What were Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) notable qualities before he became a prophet?
- Answer: He was known for his honesty and trustworthiness.
- What does Suratul Inshira talk about?
- Answer: It speaks about Allah easing difficulties.
- What were some of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) activities in Medina?
- Answer: He built a mosque, established brotherhood, and led in battles.
- What was the significance of the Hijrah for Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
- Answer: It was a migration to escape persecution and to establish a new Muslim community.
- How did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) demonstrate tolerance?
- Answer: He remained patient and forgiving towards his enemies.
- What does impartial judgement mean?
- Answer: Treating everyone equally and fairly.
- Name one reason why the Night of Decree is important.
- Answer: It is a night of great blessings and mercy from Allah.
- Why is the Quran considered the final Glorious Book?
- Answer: It is the last revealed book and final guidance for humanity.
- What was the role of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a spiritual leader in Medina?
- Answer: He guided the Muslims in worship and spiritual matters.
- What does Suratul-Fil signify about divine intervention?
- Answer: Allah protects the Kaaba from harm.
- What is the role of the Angel Mikail?
- Answer: He is responsible for providing sustenance and managing natural affairs.
- How did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) establish the Ummah in Medina?
- Answer: By uniting the Muslims and setting up a strong community.
- What was Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) role as a commander in Medina?
- Answer: He led the Muslims in battles and defense.
- What is Suratul-Tin known for in its teachings?
- Answer: It highlights human nature and the importance of faith.
- What message did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) convey during his encounters with non-believers?
- Answer: He preached patience, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence.
- Describe one of the uses of Suratul-Qadr.
- Answer: It is recited for blessings and seeking forgiveness during Ramadan.
- What did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) do to build brotherhood between Muhajirun and Ansar?
- Answer: He established a system of mutual support and cooperation.
- Why is it important for Muslims to believe in all of Allah’s Glorious Books?
- Answer: It shows faith in Allah’s complete guidance and teachings.
- What did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) do to improve the social structure in Medina?
- Answer: He created laws and systems to ensure justice and equality.
- How does Suratul-Tin relate to the importance of faith in Allah?
- Answer: It emphasizes that faith should be reflected in one’s actions and character.
- What was the main focus of the first revelation in the Cave of Hira?
- Answer: It emphasized the importance of reading and knowledge.
- What can we learn from Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) life about leadership?
- Answer: His life teaches us about leading with justice, compassion, and integrity.
Part C: True or False Questions
30 True or False Questions
- Suratul-Fil describes a battle involving horses.
- The Quran was revealed to Prophet Isa (A.S).
- Shirk is a minor sin in Islam.
- Suratul-Qadr is considered less important than other chapters.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received his first revelation in the Cave of Hira.
- The Glorious Books include the Quran, Torah, and Psalms.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) showed tolerance and forgiveness.
- The Night of Decree is considered equal to a thousand months.
- The Hijrah was a migration to escape persecution.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a leader in both spiritual and political matters in Medina.
- Suratul-Tin is known as the Chapter of the Grape.
- The Angel of Death is called Israfil.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) established brotherhood between the Muhajirun and Ansar.
- Impartiality means treating everyone differently based on their status.
- Suratul Inshira talks about easing difficulties.
- The Quran was the first book revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
- Suratul Qadr is about the importance of the Day of Judgment.
- The Angel Mikail is known for bringing sustenance.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was known for his dishonesty before prophethood.
- Suratul-Fil describes the defeat of an army with elephants.
- The Night of Decree is less significant than other nights of Ramadan.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) built the first mosque in Mecca.
- The Angel Jibril brought messages to all prophets.
- The Book of Psalms was revealed to Prophet Musa.
- The Hijrah was a journey to spread Islam.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a military leader in Medina.
- Suratul-Tin focuses on the importance of humility.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) showed intolerance to his enemies.
- The Quran is the last revealed book of Allah.
- Suratul Inshira is found in Surah 94 of the Quran.
SUBJECT: Islamic Rel. Studies
- SuratulBaqarah means __________ (a) peace (b) joy (c) can
- Ayatulqursiy is found in Quaran__________ (a) 2:455 (b) 2:25 (c) 1:215
- AyatiuQursiy is a verse in __________. (a) suratulbegarah (b) suratul-fu (c) suratulkautha
- Allah brings messages to the __________ through his angels. (a) doctors (b) teachers (c) prophets
- Angels are _______ of Allah. (a) brothers (b) relatives (c) messengers
- As Muslims, we must belief in angels and their function. True/ False
- Suratul-fil means the _________ (a) chair (b) monkey (c) elephant
- Suratul-fil is used for ________ (a) prayers (b) dancing (c) playing
- Where was Suratul-fil revealed?(a) Egypt (b) Syria (c) Mecca
- Quran 4:116 forbids shrirk. True / False
- Allah is _________ and indivisible (a) three (b) two (c) one
- Allah ________ Shirk. (a) accepts (b) likes (c) forbids
- SuratulQadri is used for prayers and _________ (a) preaching (b) fighting (c) dancing
- SuratulQadri was revealed in __________ (a) Medina (b) Mecca (c) South Africa
- Suratul-Qudri means _________ (a) night of sorrow (b) night of majesty (c) night of joy
- Which of these is not a glorious book?
(a) Al-Quran (b) Az-zaburu (c) strong book
- Who among these prophets received the AT-Taorat?
(a) Prophet Mohammed (b) Musa(A.S) (c) Isa (A.S)
- There are _______ glorious books of Allah. (a) 4 (b) 1000 (c) 1001
- Suratul-tin has _______ verses (a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 10
- Suratul-tin means _______ (a) death (b) the fig (c) the clap hart
- Suratul-tin was revealed in _______ (a) Egypt (b) Mecca (c) Medina
- Prophet Mohammed was a ______ man (a) wicked (b) gold (c) curry
- Prophet Mohammed established _________ in Medina. (a) Malu (b) Company (c) Ummah
- Prophet Mohammed recieved first revelation as __________
(a) Mount Arafat (b) Mount Medina (c) Cave thra
- Suratulinshra’l has _____ verses (a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 8
- SuratulInshra’l is found in chapter _____ of the Quran. (a) 100 (b) 84 (c) 90
- When did Prophet Mohammed die? __________
- When was Prophet Mohammed born? ____________
- Did Prophet Mohammed built a mosque? ____________
- Was Prophet Mohammed Chief of the armed forces? ___________
- Narrate the story of Prophet Mohammed.
- What is the full meaning of SAW?
- List four(4) names of some angels.
- List six(6) functions of the angels.
- Who is Allah?
- Recite and write SuratulQadri.
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Edu Delight Tutors
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