Category: Nursery 2

Fruits Watermelon

Subject : Health Habits Topic : Fruits Class : Nursery 1   Term :   Third Term Week : Week 4 Reference Materials :  . Instructional Materials :..     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of     Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able

Domestic Animals and Wild Animals

  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : Social -Studies Topic : Mention five(5) domestic Animal and Wild animals Domestic  Animals 1.———————– 2.———————— 3.————————– 4.————————– 5.————————– Wild  Animals 1. ————————- 2. ————————— 3.————————– 4.————————– 5.————————–    

Write five sentences on My Mother

    Class: Nursery 2   Subject: English language    Topic: Write five sentences on the topic below                                        My mother    1. ———————   2. ————————   3. ————————–   4. —-‐———————–   5. —————————-


  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : Health Habits Topic: Nutrition What is nutrition ? Is a substance that is needed to keep living things alive e.g protein ,carbohydrates. Importance of nutrition? It helps us to grow well and healthy. It keeps us away from diseases . It makes our body fresh.etc. Mention two importance of

Identification and mastering of six words.

  SUBJECT::Reading Readiness TOPIC: Identification and mastering of six words. CLASS : Nursery HOME – WORK Re- write the Following Six Letter Words. 1) M o t h e r ___________________ 2. F a t h e r __________________ 3. S i s t e r _______________ 4. S c h o o l ________________


    Class: Basic 2   Subject:Verbal Reasoning   Topic:Spelling   Examples   Choose any of these letters to complete the words   Cloth(es) (es, ev) Cutla(ss) (ss, vv)   1.DOCT___ ___ (OR, ER)   2.WOM___ ___ (AS, AN)   3.BEN___ ___ (SH, CH)   4.PARR___ ___ (AT, OT)   5.NUR___ ___ (SE, EV)  

Six letter words

  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : English language Topic : Six letter words, Consonant letters   Six letter words 1.Bucket   2.Insect   3.Banana   4.Orange   5.Rabbit.etc.   Consonant letters.   B C D F G H J   K L M N P Q R   S T V W X Y Z
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