How to Write a Descriptive Essay on Your School Compound

Subject: English Language
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 2
Age: 12-14 years
Topic: Descriptive Essay
Sub-topic: My School Compound
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define a descriptive essay and explain its features.
  2. Use descriptive language to describe their school compound vividly.
  3. Apply the five senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) in their descriptions.
  4. Write a well-organized descriptive essay on “My School Compound.”


Descriptive, essay, senses, vivid, mental picture

Set Induction

The teacher asks students to close their eyes and imagine walking around their school compound. They are then asked to describe what they see, hear, and feel.

Entry Behaviour

Students have basic knowledge of writing essays and have likely seen and interacted with their school compound many times.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of different school compounds
  • Flashcards with descriptive words related to sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students are familiar with essay writing from previous classes. This lesson will focus on improving their descriptive skills by encouraging them to use vivid and sensory details.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Creative thinking
  • Vocabulary development
  • Writing skills

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • New Oxford English for Junior Secondary Schools

Instructional Materials

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards with descriptive words (e.g., beautiful, loud, soft, fragrant, etc.)


Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that provides a vivid picture of a person, place, or object. It uses detailed descriptions that appeal to the five senses:

  • Sight: What does it look like?
  • Sound: What can you hear?
  • Touch: How does it feel?
  • Taste: What does it taste like?
  • Smell: What can you smell?

Features of a Good Descriptive Essay

  1. Vivid Details: The essay should paint a clear picture in the reader’s mind.
  2. Organized Structure: The description should follow a logical sequence, focusing on different aspects of the subject.
  3. Appeal to the Five Senses: The essay should include details that help the reader see, hear, feel, taste, or smell what is being described.

Guidelines for Writing a Descriptive Essay

  • Start with an introduction that gives a general overview of the place.
  • Use paragraphs to focus on specific areas or aspects of the school compound.
  • Include sensory details to make the description vivid.
  • Conclude by summarizing your overall impression of the school compound.

Example Outline of “My School Compound”


  • Briefly describe the school compound, mentioning its size, layout, and general appearance.
  • Example: “My school compound is a beautiful and spacious area filled with greenery and vibrant activity. It is where students gather during breaks, play sports, and engage in school activities.”


  1. The School Building (Sight):
    • Describe the appearance of the school building, its color, size, and design.
    • Example: “The main school building is tall and painted in bright white with large windows that let in plenty of sunlight.”
  2. The Playground (Sound and Touch):
    • Describe the sounds you hear on the playground and how the ground feels.
    • Example: “The playground is always filled with the joyful sounds of students playing, their laughter echoing across the compound. The grass underfoot is soft, and the basketball court is smooth and firm.”
  3. The Garden (Smell and Sight):
    • Describe the smell of the flowers and the beauty of the plants.
    • Example: “The school garden is a peaceful place with colorful flowers that fill the air with a sweet fragrance. The tall trees provide shade on sunny days.”
  4. The Canteen (Taste and Smell):
    • Describe the food smells coming from the canteen and the taste of the meals.
    • Example: “The aroma of freshly cooked food wafts from the canteen, where students enjoy snacks and lunch during breaks. The spicy jollof rice is my favorite dish.”


  • Summarize your feelings about the school compound.
  • Example: “My school compound is more than just a place for learning; it is a home away from home, where I enjoy spending time with friends and experiencing the beauty of nature.”

15 Fill-in-the-blank Questions with Options

  1. A descriptive essay gives a mental picture of a ___, a place, or an object.
    a) person
    b) book
    c) house
    d) city
  2. In a descriptive essay, you should describe using your five ___.
    a) limbs
    b) senses
    c) books
    d) paragraphs
  3. The essay should be ___ to help the reader imagine the place.
    a) clear
    b) short
    c) confusing
    d) boring
  4. What sense is used to describe the appearance of a place?
    a) Taste
    b) Sight
    c) Smell
    d) Touch
  5. The school canteen often smells like ___.
    a) food
    b) water
    c) paper
    d) grass
  6. The school garden is filled with ___ flowers.
    a) colorful
    b) noisy
    c) broken
    d) silent
  7. We hear the sound of students playing on the ___.
    a) classroom
    b) playground
    c) library
    d) garden
  8. The grass on the field feels ___.
    a) hard
    b) soft
    c) sour
    d) bright
  9. The walls of the school building are painted ___.
    a) red
    b) blue
    c) white
    d) green
  10. The basketball court in my school compound is ___.
    a) small
    b) smooth
    c) rough
    d) tall
  11. The scent from the school garden is ___.
    a) sour
    b) sweet
    c) bitter
    d) salty
  12. The sound of the school bell is ___.
    a) loud
    b) soft
    c) sharp
    d) silent
  13. The classrooms in my school have ___ desks.
    a) broken
    b) colorful
    c) wooden
    d) short
  14. The field in the school compound is ___ for sports activities.
    a) dry
    b) large
    c) small
    d) flat
  15. During break time, the canteen serves ___.
    a) water
    b) food
    c) books
    d) grass

15 FAQs with Answers for Better Understanding

  1. What is a descriptive essay?
    • A descriptive essay is a type of writing that gives a clear and detailed picture of a person, place, or object.
  2. What senses are used in a descriptive essay?
    • The five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
  3. How can I describe the appearance of a place?
    • Use sight-related words like color, size, and shape.
  4. What makes a description vivid?
    • Using specific details and appealing to the senses.
  5. Why is organization important in a descriptive essay?
    • It helps the reader follow the description easily.
  6. What is the difference between sight and touch in a description?
    • Sight describes what you see, and touch describes how something feels.
  7. Can I use personal experiences in a descriptive essay?
    • Yes, personal experiences make the description more authentic.
  8. What is the role of adjectives in descriptive essays?
    • Adjectives help describe nouns and make the writing more vivid.
  9. What is the purpose of describing a place?
    • To help the reader imagine the place clearly.
  10. Can I describe sounds in a descriptive essay?
    • Yes, sounds are an important part of the description.
  11. How do I describe the smell of a place?
    • Use sensory words like “sweet,” “fresh,” “stinky,” etc.
  12. What should I include in the introduction of a descriptive essay?
    • A general overview of the place you are describing.
  13. How can I make my description interesting?
    • By using vivid and specific details that appeal to the senses.
  14. What is a good conclusion for a descriptive essay?
    • A summary of your overall feelings about the place.
  15. Can I describe emotions in a descriptive essay?
    • Yes, you can include how the place makes you feel.

Presentation (Steps 1-3)

  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the features of essay writing with the students.
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the descriptive essay and explains how to use the five senses in writing.
  3. Step 3: The teacher asks the students to brainstorm sensory words they can use to describe their school compound.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Guide students in generating descriptive words related to their school compound.
  • Provide feedback on students’ use of descriptive language in their essays.

Learners’ Activities

  • Brainstorm sensory words for their school compound.
  • Write a descriptive essay on “My School Compound.”


A friend of yours who has not been to your school before has requested you to give a description of your school. Vividly describe your school to him.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What is a descriptive essay?
  2. Name the five senses used in descriptive writing.
  3. How can you describe a place using sight?
  4. What should the conclusion of a descriptive essay contain?
  5. Give an example of how to describe sound in a descriptive essay.
  6. Why is it important to organize your description?
  7. What role do adjectives play in a descriptive essay?
  8. What should you include in the introduction of a descriptive essay?
  9. How can sensory details improve your writing?
  10. Describe your favorite place in your school using all five senses.


The teacher collects the students’ essays for marking and provides feedback on how to improve their descriptive writing.