Understanding Civic Education and Citizenship Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10


Vocational Aptitude


Primary 1


Second Term




6 years


Understanding Civic Education and Citizenship


40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Define civic education and its importance.
  • Explain what citizenship means.
  • Identify rights and responsibilities of citizens in their community.


Civic education, citizenship, rights, responsibilities, community, participation

Set Induction

  • Begin the lesson by asking, “What does it mean to be a good citizen?” Engage students by discussing their ideas about what citizens should do in their community.

Entry Behaviour

  • Students should have some knowledge of their community and basic ideas about being a member of a group.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures or illustrations showing community helpers and citizens in action.
  • Chart paper and markers for group activities.
  • Storybook about citizenship (if available).

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Connect this lesson to previous discussions about community and the roles of various individuals, emphasizing that citizenship involves participating positively in the community.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication skills through group discussions.
  • Critical thinking by evaluating what it means to be a good citizen.
  • Social skills by working together in groups.

Learning Materials

  • Visual aids (pictures of citizens and community helpers).
  • Drawing materials (paper, crayons) for activities.

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Vocational Aptitude.
  • Age-appropriate books on civic education and citizenship.

Instructional Materials

  • Pictures and illustrations to aid understanding.
  • A chart summarizing the rights and responsibilities of citizens.


  1. What is Civic Education?
    • Civic education teaches us how to be good citizens.
    • It helps us understand our roles and responsibilities in the community.
    • It encourages participation in community activities.
  2. What is Citizenship?
    • Citizenship means being a member of a community or country.
    • Citizens have rights and responsibilities.
    • Rights include the ability to vote, access to education, and freedom of speech.
    • Responsibilities include helping others, following laws, and taking care of the environment.
  3. Rights of Citizens
    • Right to be safe and secure.
    • Right to express opinions.
    • Right to education.
  4. Responsibilities of Citizens
    • Respect others and their property.
    • Help keep the community clean.
    • Participate in community activities (e.g., local events).

Board Summary

  • Civic education is important for teaching us how to be responsible citizens. Citizenship involves knowing our rights and responsibilities to create a better community.

Evaluation Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Civic education teaches us to be good ________. (a) students (b) citizens (c) friends
  2. Citizenship means being a ________ of a community. (a) leader (b) member (c) visitor
  3. Citizens have rights and ________. (a) toys (b) responsibilities (c) games
  4. One right of a citizen is the right to ________. (a) sleep (b) vote (c) eat
  5. Helping to keep the community clean is a ________ of citizens. (a) responsibility (b) game (c) choice
  6. Civic education helps us understand our roles in the ________. (a) house (b) community (c) school
  7. The right to express opinions is important for ________. (a) children (b) democracy (c) fun
  8. Citizens should respect others and their ________. (a) toys (b) property (c) pets
  9. Helping others in need is a good way to show ________. (a) friendship (b) citizenship (c) responsibility
  10. A good citizen takes care of the ________. (a) school (b) environment (c) house
  11. ________ is the act of participating in community activities. (a) Citizenship (b) Community service (c) Playing
  12. The right to education means that every child can go to ________. (a) school (b) home (c) market
  13. A responsible citizen follows the ________. (a) rules (b) games (c) friends
  14. Everyone has the right to feel ________ and secure. (a) happy (b) sad (c) safe
  15. Civic education encourages ________ in the community. (a) participation (b) isolation (c) neglect

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. What is civic education?
    • Civic education teaches us how to be responsible citizens.
  2. What does citizenship mean?
    • Citizenship means being a member of a community or country.
  3. What are some rights of citizens?
    • Rights include safety, education, and freedom to express opinions.
  4. What are the responsibilities of citizens?
    • Responsibilities include helping others and keeping the community clean.
  5. How can we participate in our community?
    • We can join local events or help with community activities.
  6. Why is it important to respect others?
    • Respect helps create a peaceful and friendly community.
  7. What should a good citizen do if they see litter?
    • A good citizen picks it up to keep the area clean.
  8. Can children be good citizens?
    • Yes, children can also be good citizens by following rules and helping others.
  9. How can we express our opinions?
    • We can talk to others and share our ideas respectfully.
  10. Why is education important for citizenship?
    • Education helps us understand our rights and responsibilities.
  11. What can we do to help our environment?
    • We can recycle, plant trees, and avoid littering.
  12. What is one right you value?
    • (Students will provide personal answers.)
  13. How does helping others make you feel?
    • (Students will provide personal answers.)
  14. Why is participation in community activities important?
    • It builds friendships and strengthens the community.
  15. What can you do if you notice a problem in your community?
    • (Students will provide personal answers.)


Step 1:

The teacher revises the previous topic on community roles and responsibilities.

Step 2:

The teacher introduces civic education and citizenship, discussing their importance and showing relevant pictures.

Step 3:

The teacher allows students to share their ideas about citizenship and how they can contribute to their community.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show pictures illustrating civic education and citizenship.
  • Discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens using examples from their daily lives.
  • Facilitate a group activity where students create a poster displaying their rights and responsibilities.

Learners’ Activities

  • Students will identify their rights and responsibilities.
  • They will participate in a group discussion about what it means to be a good citizen.
  • Students will draw a picture representing their favorite right or responsibility.


Evaluation Questions

  1. What is civic education?
  2. Name one right of a citizen.
  3. What is one responsibility of citizens?
  4. How can we help our community?
  5. Why is it important to respect others?


The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on students’ drawings and answers, ensuring they understand civic education and the importance of being a responsible citizen.

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