Hospital Equipment and Tools Used in a Mechanic Workshop Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3


Vocational Aptitude


Primary 1


Second Term




6 years


Hospital Equipment and Tools Used in a Mechanic Workshop


Types and Uses of Hospital Equipment and Mechanic Tools


40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Identify different types of hospital equipment.
  • Identify various mechanic tools.
  • Describe the uses of hospital equipment and mechanic tools.
  • Draw and label at least one piece of hospital equipment and one mechanic tool.


Hospital equipment, mechanic tools, types of tools, uses of equipment

Set Induction

  • Start the lesson with a brief story about a day in a hospital and a mechanic workshop. Ask students questions about what they think is found in each place, such as, “What tools do you think a doctor uses?” and “What tools do mechanics use?”

Entry Behaviour

  • Students should have some understanding of hospitals and mechanic workshops from previous lessons or personal experiences.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of hospital equipment and mechanic tools (e.g., hammer, wrench, stethoscope).
  • Real-life examples of simple tools (if available).
  • Drawing materials (paper, crayons).

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Discuss previous lessons on home furniture and hospital equipment. Relate these tools to the community helpers and their roles in society, emphasizing the importance of both doctors and mechanics.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication skills through sharing ideas.
  • Creative skills through drawing and labeling.
  • Critical thinking by analyzing the purpose of different tools.

Learning Materials

  • Flashcards with images of hospital equipment and mechanic tools.
  • Charts showing different types of equipment and their uses.

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Vocational Aptitude.
  • Age-appropriate books about hospitals and mechanics.

Instructional Materials

  • Visual aids (pictures and flashcards).
  • Drawing sheets and colored pencils for student activities.


  1. Definition of Hospital Equipment and Mechanic Tools
    • Hospital equipment refers to the tools and machines used by doctors and nurses to treat patients.
    • Mechanic tools are devices used by mechanics to repair vehicles.
  2. Types of Hospital Equipment
    • Stethoscope: Used to listen to the heart and lungs.
    • Thermometer: Used to check body temperature.
    • Hospital Bed: A special bed for patient care.
    • Syringe: Used for injections or drawing blood.
    • Wheelchair: Helps patients who cannot walk.
  3. Types of Mechanic Tools
    • Wrench: Used to tighten or loosen nuts and bolts.
    • Hammer: Used for driving nails into wood or other materials.
    • Screwdriver: Used to turn screws.
    • Pliers: Used to grip and twist wires or objects.
    • Jack: Used to lift vehicles for repair.
  4. Uses of Equipment and Tools
    • Hospital equipment helps doctors take care of patients and check their health.
    • Mechanic tools are essential for fixing cars and other vehicles.

Board Summary

  • Understanding hospital equipment helps us learn how we are cared for when sick. Knowing mechanic tools teaches us how vehicles are repaired. Both professions use important tools to help people.

Evaluation Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. A ________ is used to listen to the heart. (a) Stethoscope (b) Hammer (c) Wrench
  2. We use a ________ to check for a fever. (a) Thermometer (b) Pliers (c) Jack
  3. A ________ helps people who cannot walk. (a) Bed (b) Wheelchair (c) Screwdriver
  4. ________ are used to give medicine. (a) Stethoscopes (b) Syringes (c) Wrenches
  5. A ________ is used to tighten bolts. (a) Hammer (b) Wrench (c) Thermometer
  6. The ________ helps doctors check if our heart is okay. (a) Stethoscope (b) Wheelchair (c) Jack
  7. A ________ is used for driving nails. (a) Hammer (b) Bed (c) Screwdriver
  8. ________ are helpful for gripping wires. (a) Pliers (b) Thermometers (c) Beds
  9. A ________ is where patients lie down. (a) Table (b) Wheelchair (c) Bed
  10. Mechanics use a ________ to lift cars. (a) Stethoscope (b) Jack (c) Syringe
  11. A ________ helps us know our temperature. (a) Wheelchair (b) Hammer (c) Thermometer
  12. ________ are important for moving patients. (a) Wheelchairs (b) Beds (c) Wrenches
  13. A ________ can hold medicine to inject. (a) Syringe (b) Screwdriver (c) Jack
  14. Patients can rest on a ________. (a) Bed (b) Table (c) Chair
  15. ________ are used to turn screws. (a) Wrenches (b) Screwdrivers (c) Hammers

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. What is hospital equipment?
    • Hospital equipment includes tools that help doctors and nurses care for patients.
  2. What does a wrench do?
    • A wrench is used to tighten or loosen nuts and bolts.
  3. Why is a stethoscope important?
    • A stethoscope helps doctors listen to heartbeats and breathing.
  4. What do mechanics use hammers for?
    • Mechanics use hammers to drive nails or break things apart.
  5. What is the use of a thermometer?
    • A thermometer is used to check if someone has a fever.
  6. Can you name a tool used by a mechanic?
    • Yes, tools like wrenches, hammers, and screwdrivers are used by mechanics.
  7. Why do we use a syringe?
    • Syringes are used to give medicine or take blood samples.
  8. Where do patients rest in a hospital?
    • Patients rest on hospital beds.
  9. What do we check with a thermometer?
    • We check our body temperature to see if we are sick.
  10. How do mechanics fix cars?
    • Mechanics use various tools like wrenches and screwdrivers to repair cars.
  11. What is your favorite hospital equipment?
    • (Students can answer based on their preferences.)
  12. Do all mechanics use the same tools?
    • Most mechanics use similar tools, but some may have special tools for different jobs.
  13. Why is it important to know about tools?
    • Knowing about tools helps us understand how doctors and mechanics help us.
  14. Can we draw mechanic tools?
    • Yes, we can draw tools to show what we see in mechanic workshops.
  15. How can we take care of our tools?
    • We should clean our tools and put them away properly after use.


Step 1:

The teacher revises the previous topic, which was about hospital equipment.

Step 2:

The teacher introduces the new topic, “Hospital Equipment and Tools Used in a Mechanic Workshop,” by showing pictures and asking questions about the uses of each tool.

Step 3:

The teacher allows pupils to contribute by sharing their experiences of visiting a hospital or a mechanic workshop and discussing the tools they saw, correcting them where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show pictures and real examples of hospital equipment and mechanic tools.
  • Engage students with questions about the uses of each item.
  • Encourage students to draw and label one piece of hospital equipment and one mechanic tool.

Learners’ Activities

  • Students will look at pictures of hospital equipment and mechanic tools.
  • They will share their ideas about the equipment and tools they saw during visits.
  • Students will draw and label at least one piece of hospital equipment and one mechanic tool.


Evaluation Questions

  1. Name one type of hospital equipment.
  2. What do we use a wrench for?
  3. Why is a thermometer important?
  4. Where do we find wheelchairs?
  5. What is your favorite mechanic tool?
  6. How many types of hospital equipment can you name?
  7. Can you draw a wrench?
  8. What do we check with a thermometer?
  9. Why is a wheelchair helpful?
  10. How does a stethoscope help doctors?


The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on the students’ drawings and answers, ensuring understanding of the topic on hospital equipment and mechanic tools.

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