The Definition, Father of Objective History, Importance of History, and Country of Origin

Subject: History
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 1 & 2
Age: 11 – 12 years
Topic: The Meaning of History
Sub-topic: The Definition, Father of Objective History, Importance of History, and Country of Origin
Duration: 80 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of History.
  2. Identify the father of Objective History.
  3. Discuss the importance of studying History.
  4. State the country of origin of History and the continent.


  • History
  • Objective History
  • Origin
  • Importance

Set Induction

The teacher asks students to mention significant events in their lives, like birthdays, to introduce the concept of recording events and explain how History is the study of past events.

Entry Behaviour

Students should have basic knowledge of important events, such as public holidays or family celebrations, from previous studies in Social Studies.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Chart displaying images of ancient historians (e.g., Herodotus).
  • A map showing Greece and Africa.
  • Flashcards with key historical terms.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher connects History to students’ prior knowledge of important days and their significance, helping them understand that History studies these important events in more detail.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Research skills
  • Problem-solving

Learning Materials

  • Textbooks (Lagos State Scheme of Work, JSS History Textbook)
  • Charts
  • Maps
  • Flashcards

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • JSS History Textbook
  • “The History of Western Civilisation”

Instructional Materials

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart of ancient historians
  • Flashcards with historical terms


Definition of History

History is the study of past events. It helps us understand how past events shape the present and future. It involves recording and analyzing past events to learn from them.

Father of Objective History

Herodotus, a Greek historian, is often referred to as the “Father of Objective History.” He recorded events without bias, aiming to be as accurate as possible.

Importance of History

  1. History teaches us about our origins.
  2. It helps us learn from past mistakes.
  3. History shapes our present and future decisions.
  4. It helps us understand cultures and societies.
  5. History promotes national identity and unity.

Country of Origin and Continent

The study of History as an academic discipline started in Greece, a country in Europe. However, every culture has its own historical records.


  1. The Nigerian independence of 1960.
  2. The American Revolution of 1776.
  3. World War II (1939-1945).
  4. Ancient Egyptian Civilization.
  5. The Invention of the Wheel.

Board Summary

History: The study of past events.
Father of History: Herodotus (Greek).
Importance of History: Learn from mistakes, understand culture, promote national identity, shape decisions.
Origin: Greece, Europe.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (with options)

  1. History is the study of ______.
    a) future events b) past events c) present events d) dreams
  2. ______ is known as the Father of Objective History.
    a) Plato b) Aristotle c) Herodotus d) Socrates
  3. The country of origin of History as a discipline is ______.
    a) Egypt b) Nigeria c) Greece d) India
  4. History helps us learn from past ______.
    a) mistakes b) successes c) celebrations d) all of the above
  5. Studying History promotes national ______.
    a) division b) identity c) wars d) rebellion
  6. ______ is an example of a historical event.
    a) Sleeping b) Nigerian independence c) Singing d) Playing
  7. History started in ancient ______.
    a) Rome b) Greece c) India d) Africa
  8. Learning from the past can help us avoid ______.
    a) wars b) food c) mistakes d) rain
  9. World War II happened between ______.
    a) 1930-1933 b) 1939-1945 c) 1945-1950 d) 1920-1930
  10. History is important in shaping ______.
    a) the future b) the past c) dreams d) games
  11. A famous historical event in Nigeria is ______.
    a) American Revolution b) Nigerian independence c) Invention of the wheel d) World War I
  12. The study of History began in ______.
    a) 1500 BC b) 400 BC c) 1960 AD d) 2000 AD
  13. Studying History can help us understand different ______.
    a) buildings b) foods c) cultures d) sports
  14. The importance of History includes learning from past ______.
    a) mistakes b) animals c) inventions d) parties
  15. Herodotus is from the continent of ______.
    a) Asia b) Africa c) Europe d) South America

15 FAQs with Answers

  1. What is History?
    • History is the study of past events.
  2. Who is the Father of Objective History?
    • Herodotus is the Father of Objective History.
  3. Why do we study History?
    • To learn from the past and understand our culture.
  4. What is the importance of History?
    • It helps us learn from past mistakes and shape the future.
  5. Where did the study of History begin?
    • It began in Greece.
  6. Can History help prevent wars?
    • Yes, by learning from past mistakes.
  7. What is an example of a historical event in Nigeria?
    • Nigerian independence in 1960.
  8. What can History teach us about culture?
    • It helps us understand different cultures.
  9. How does History shape the future?
    • By helping us make better decisions based on past experiences.
  10. When did Herodotus live?
    • Around 484 BC to 425 BC.
  11. What continent did History begin in?
    • Europe.
  12. What historical event happened between 1939-1945?
    • World War II.
  13. What does History help us avoid?
    • Past mistakes.
  14. Which country is known as the origin of History?
    • Greece.
  15. How does History promote national identity?
    • By helping us understand our origins.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Revise the previous topic with the class.
  2. Introduce the new topic: “The Meaning of History.”
  3. Ask students to share important past events.
  4. Explain the definition, importance, and origin of History.
  5. Show pictures of Herodotus and the map of Greece.
  6. Discuss the importance of studying History.
  7. Correct any misconceptions students may have.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in the class discussion on significant events.
  2. Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations.
  3. Ask questions about the origin and importance of History.
  4. Take notes during the lesson.
  5. Participate in answering the FAQs.

Evaluation (10 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Define History.
  2. Who is the Father of Objective History?
  3. Why is History important?
  4. State the country where History originated.
  5. Name a famous historical event in Nigeria.
  6. How does History help us learn from mistakes?
  7. What continent is Greece located in?
  8. Give an example of a historical event.
  9. What year did Nigerian independence take place?
  10. How does History promote national identity?


The teacher will move around to mark students’ work and give feedback.

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