First Term Examination Questions Literature in English JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Literature in English JSS 2 First Term Examination Notes – Week 12

Exam Instructions for Teachers and Students

For Teachers:

  1. Ensure Fairness: Make sure all students understand the rules. Explain the importance of academic honesty.
  2. Supervision: Monitor the examination room closely to prevent any form of cheating.
  3. Clear Instructions: Provide clear instructions for each section of the exam. Ensure students know what is expected.
  4. Material Check: Ensure students have only allowed materials (pens, pencils, erasers) at their desks.
  5. Address Misconduct: If you notice any suspicious behavior, address it immediately.

For Students:

  1. No Cheating: Do not look at others’ papers or use unauthorized materials.
  2. Keep Your Work Private: Cover your answers while you work.
  3. Follow Instructions: Read each question carefully and follow the instructions given.
  4. Ask Questions: If you don’t understand something, raise your hand and ask the teacher for help.
  5. Stay Calm: Focus on your own work and do your best.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. The main message in a story is called the ______.
    a) theme
    b) plot
    c) setting
    d) character
  2. A character who opposes the main character is called the ______.
    a) hero
    b) villain
    c) narrator
    d) sidekick
  3. The time and place where a story occurs is called the ______.
    a) plot
    b) theme
    c) setting
    d) climax
  4. A comparison using “like” or “as” is a ______.
    a) metaphor
    b) simile
    c) personification
    d) analogy
  5. The most exciting part of a story is called the ______.
    a) introduction
    b) climax
    c) conclusion
    d) resolution
  6. ______ is descriptive language that helps readers visualize.
    a) Imagery
    b) Dialogue
    c) Theme
    d) Conflict
  7. A traditional story that teaches a lesson is called a ______.
    a) fable
    b) novel
    c) poem
    d) drama
  8. The part of the story where conflicts are resolved is the ______.
    a) falling action
    b) climax
    c) resolution
    d) exposition
  9. ______ is when human traits are given to animals or objects.
    a) Personification
    b) Metaphor
    c) Hyperbole
    d) Simile
  10. ______ hints at future events in a story.
    a) Foreshadowing
    b) Climax
    c) Resolution
    d) Exposition
  11. A character that remains the same is called a ______ character.
    a) flat
    b) round
    c) dynamic
    d) static
  12. ______ refers to conversations between characters in a play.
    a) Prose
    b) Dialogue
    c) Soliloquy
    d) Monologue
  13. The series of events that make up a story is known as the ______.
    a) plot
    b) setting
    c) theme
    d) conflict
  14. ______ is when what you expect to happen is different from what happens.
    a) Irony
    b) Alliteration
    c) Imagery
    d) Symbolism
  15. The beginning of a story, where characters and setting are introduced, is called the ______.
    a) resolution
    b) climax
    c) exposition
    d) conflict
  16. The main character in a story is called the ______.
    a) antagonist
    b) protagonist
    c) narrator
    d) foil
  17. A ______ is a story that is made up or imagined.
    a) nonfiction
    b) fiction
    c) biography
    d) history
  18. ______ gives human qualities to non-human things.
    a) Hyperbole
    b) Personification
    c) Metaphor
    d) Alliteration
  19. The lesson or moral of a story is often found in its ______.
    a) plot
    b) theme
    c) character
    d) setting
  20. A story told in verse is called a ______.
    a) poem
    b) novel
    c) essay
    d) drama
  21. The part of the plot that leads to the climax is called the ______.
    a) exposition
    b) rising action
    c) falling action
    d) resolution
  22. A ______ character shows a wide range of emotions.
    a) flat
    b) dynamic
    c) static
    d) minor
  23. The author uses ______ to create a specific feeling in the reader.
    a) tone
    b) setting
    c) plot
    d) theme
  24. The central conflict in a story is usually resolved in the ______.
    a) introduction
    b) climax
    c) conclusion
    d) exposition
  25. ______ refers to words that sound like their meaning, such as “buzz.”
    a) Hyperbole
    b) Simile
    c) Onomatopoeia
    d) Alliteration
  26. The final part of a story where everything wraps up is called the ______.
    a) climax
    b) falling action
    c) resolution
    d) introduction
  27. A ______ is a recurring element in a story that has symbolic meaning.
    a) motif
    b) theme
    c) plot
    d) character
  28. A ______ is a type of literature written for performance.
    a) drama
    b) novel
    c) poem
    d) essay
  29. The main idea that the author wants to convey is the ______.
    a) theme
    b) plot
    c) character
    d) setting
  30. ______ is the use of exaggeration for effect.
    a) Personification
    b) Hyperbole
    c) Simile
    d) Alliteration

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Define the term “theme” in literature.
  2. What is the role of a protagonist in a story?
  3. Describe the function of dialogue in a play.
  4. How does the setting affect a story?
  5. Explain what foreshadowing is.
  6. What is a fable? Give an example.
  7. What are round characters?
  8. Define the term “plot.”
  9. What is the difference between a static and a dynamic character?
  10. Describe the elements of a conflict in a story.
  11. What is imagery and how is it used?
  12. Explain the purpose of the climax in a story.
  13. What does personification mean?
  14. How does irony differ from coincidence?
  15. Describe the concept of a motif in literature.
  16. What is the significance of the resolution in a story?
  17. Explain what hyperbole is with an example.
  18. Define onomatopoeia and provide two examples.
  19. What is the purpose of a moral in a fable?
  20. Describe the elements of a drama.
  21. What are flat characters?
  22. Explain the role of a narrator in a story.
  23. What is the significance of the falling action?
  24. Describe the importance of tone in literature.
  25. Explain what a soliloquy is.
  26. How can setting influence the mood of a story?
  27. What is symbolism in literature?
  28. Describe the structure of a typical story.
  29. Explain the relationship between conflict and plot.
  30. How do authors use characterization to develop characters?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 True or False)

  1. A fable is always a true story. (True/False)
  2. The theme is the central idea of a story. (True/False)
  3. Dialogue is not important in a drama. (True/False)
  4. Personification gives human traits to non-human things. (True/False)
  5. The plot of a story refers to its sequence of events. (True/False)
  6. Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound. (True/False)
  7. The falling action follows the climax. (True/False)
  8. The theme is the underlying message of the story. (True/False)
  9. A round character has a complex personality. (True/False)
  10. A protagonist is the main character in a story. (True/False)
  11. Conflict is the struggle between opposing forces. (True/False)
  12. A static character does not change throughout the story. (True/False)
  13. Irony is when the opposite of what is expected happens. (True/False)
  14. The setting includes the time and place of the story. (True/False)
  15. A novel is a type of drama. (True/False)
  16. Hyperbole is an understatement. (True/False)
  17. A motif is a recurring theme or element. (True/False)
  18. The resolution is where conflicts are introduced. (True/False)
  19. Imagery is used to create a visual representation. (True/False)
  20. Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound. (True/False)
  21. A climax is the least exciting part of a story. (True/False)
  22. Symbolism uses symbols to represent ideas. (True/False)
  23. Dialogue is important for character development. (True/False)
  24. A drama is meant to be read silently. (True/False)
  25. The moral of a story is its lesson. (True/False)
  26. A flat character shows little growth or change. (True/False)
  27. A soliloquy is a speech made by a character alone on stage. (True/False)
  28. The introduction of a story sets the scene. (True/False)
  29. The climax is where the story begins. (True/False)
  30. Nonfiction is a made-up story. (True/False)

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. The ______ is the main character in a story.
  2. ______ is the time and place where the story happens.
  3. A ______ is a story that teaches a lesson.
  4. The ______ is the most exciting part of a story.
  5. ______ is a comparison that does not use “like” or “as.”
  6. The ______ gives human traits to non-human things.
  7. The main idea of a story is called the ______.
  8. ______ is when the opposite of what you expect happens.
  9. A ______ character has a wide range of emotions.
  10. ______ refers to conversations between characters.
  11. The series of events in a story is called the ______.
  12. ______ is descriptive language that creates pictures in the mind.
  13. A ______ character shows little change throughout the story.
  14. The ______ is where the conflicts are resolved.
  15. ______ is a recurring theme in a story.
  16. The ______ is the final part of the story.
  17. A ______ is a word that imitates a sound.
  18. The ______ is the struggle between opposing forces.
  19. A ______ is a type of literature meant for performance.
  20. ______ uses symbols to represent ideas.
  21. The ______ is the introduction to the story.
  22. ______ is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
  23. The ______ gives the reader a feeling about the story.
  24. The ______ is the main conflict in a story.
  25. ______ is exaggeration for effect.
  26. The ______ follows the climax.
  27. A ______ is a character who opposes the main character.
  28. The ______ helps the reader understand the setting.
  29. ______ refers to words that sound like their meaning.
  30. The ______ of a story is its lesson or moral.