Prevention of Drug Abuse – Life – Coping Skills Social Studies Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 5

Term: Third Term

Week: 8

Topic: Prevention of Drug Abuse – Life – Coping Skills

Sub-topic: Understanding how to prevent drug abuse and develop coping skills in life.

Duration: 1 hour

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will be able to list ways to prevent drug abuse.
  • Students will understand the concept of health promotion behavior.
  • Students will identify the role of non-government organizations in society.
  • Students will comprehend the importance of moral responsibility in preventing drug abuse.

Key Vocabulary Words:

  1. Drug abuse
  2. Prevention
  3. Health promotion behavior
  4. Non-government organization (NGO)
  5. Moral responsibility

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Textbooks
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts on drug abuse prevention
  • Educational videos on health promotion
  • Charts or posters about NGOs
  • Scenario cards for moral responsibility discussion

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Social Studies
  • Grade 5 Social Studies textbook

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Review previous lessons on community health and safety.
  • Discuss any prior knowledge or experiences students may have with drug abuse prevention.
  • Relate the topic to personal experiences or stories to engage students.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking: Analyzing the impact of drug abuse on individuals and communities.
  • Communication: Discussing preventive measures and expressing opinions on moral responsibility.


  1. Introduction to Drug Abuse Prevention:
    • Define drug abuse and its risks.
    • Discuss why it’s important to prevent drug abuse.
  2. Ways to Prevent Drug Abuse:
    • List and explain strategies such as education, healthy lifestyle choices, and seeking support.
  3. Understanding Health Promotion Behavior:
    • Define health promotion behavior as actions that promote overall well-being and prevent illness.
    • Provide examples such as exercise, balanced diet, and regular check-ups.
  4. Role of Non-government Organizations (NGOs):
    • Explain the purpose of NGOs in addressing social issues like drug abuse.
    • Discuss specific NGOs involved in drug prevention programs.
  5. Importance of Moral Responsibility:
    • Define moral responsibility as the duty to make ethical choices and act in ways that benefit society.
    • Discuss how individuals can demonstrate moral responsibility in preventing drug abuse.
  1. List of Ways to Prevent Drug Abuse:
    • Teach people about the dangers of drugs 🚫
    • Encourage healthy habits like exercise and eating well 🍏
    • Offer support to those facing challenges 😊
    • Teach how to cope with stress and emotions 💪
    • Make rules and programs to stop drug use 📜
  2. Explaining Health Promotion Behavior:
    • Health promotion means doing things to stay healthy 🏃‍♂️
    • It’s like eating good food, exercising, and staying away from bad things like drugs 🍎
    • Going to the doctor for check-ups and shots is part of health promotion 🩺
  3. Outline of Non-Government Organizations:
    • NGOs are groups that help people without being part of the government 🤝
    • They help with things like education, health, and the environment 🌍
    • Examples include charities, clubs, and groups like Red Cross 🛑
  4. Description of Moral Responsibility:
    • Moral responsibility means doing what’s right and fair to others 🤲
    • It’s about making good choices even when no one is watching 👀
    • Helping someone who is hurt or telling the truth when you make a mistake are examples of moral responsibility 🙏
  5. Outline of Non-Governmental Organizations:
    • NGOs are groups that help others without being part of the government 🤝
    • They work on problems like poverty, health, and the environment 🌳
    • Some NGOs are big like UNICEF, while others are small groups helping in local communities 🌐

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. How can we prevent drug abuse?
    • By educating people about the dangers of drug abuse.
    • Encouraging healthy lifestyle choices like exercising and eating well.
    • Providing support to those struggling with addiction.
  2. What is health promotion behavior?
    • Health promotion behavior involves actions that improve health and well-being.
    • Examples include eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful substances.
  3. What are non-government organizations (NGOs)?
    • NGOs are groups that work independently of the government.
    • They often focus on social issues like drug abuse and provide support and resources to affected individuals.
  4. What is moral responsibility in preventing drug abuse?
    • Moral responsibility means doing what is right to help others and prevent harm.
    • It includes speaking out against drug abuse and helping those who are struggling with addiction.
  5. How do non-governmental organizations help in preventing drug abuse?
    • NGOs raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse through education campaigns.
    • They provide support services and treatment options for individuals affected by addiction.
  6. How do we prevent drug abuse at home?
    • By fostering open communication between family members.
    • Setting clear rules and boundaries regarding substance use.
    • Being role models by demonstrating healthy behaviors.
  7. What role does education play in preventing drug abuse?
    • Education helps people understand the risks and consequences of drug abuse.
    • It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their health.
  8. Why is peer pressure a factor in drug abuse?
    • Peer pressure refers to the influence of friends or peers to engage in certain behaviors, including drug use.
    • Some individuals may feel pressured to use drugs to fit in or be accepted by their peers.
  9. What are some alternatives to drug use for coping with stress?
    • Engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation.
    • Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor.
    • Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.
  10. How can communities contribute to preventing drug abuse?
    • Communities can organize events and programs to raise awareness about drug abuse.
    • They can provide resources and support services for individuals struggling with addiction.
  11. What is the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in preventing drug abuse?
    • NGOs often provide educational programs and support services to communities.
    • They advocate for policies and initiatives aimed at reducing drug abuse and supporting recovery.
  12. Why is it important to address the root causes of drug abuse?
    • Addressing root causes such as poverty, trauma, and lack of access to education can help prevent drug abuse.
    • By addressing underlying issues, communities can create environments that support healthy behaviors.
  13. What is the responsibility of individuals in preventing drug abuse?
    • Individuals have a responsibility to make healthy choices and avoid substance abuse.
    • They can also support others in making positive choices and seeking help if needed.
  14. How can schools contribute to preventing drug abuse?
    • Schools can incorporate drug education into their curriculum to teach students about the risks of substance abuse.
    • They can also provide support services for students who may be struggling with addiction.
  15. What are some consequences of drug abuse on individuals and communities?
    • Consequences may include health problems, strained relationships, legal issues, and economic challenges.
    • Drug abuse can also contribute to social problems such as crime and violence in communities.


  1. How do we prevent drug abuse?
    a) By teaching people about the dangers of drugs
    b) By ignoring the problem
    c) By buying more drugs
    d) By hiding drug use from others

  2. What is health promotion behavior?
    a) Doing things to stay healthy
    b) Skipping meals
    c) Playing video games all day
    d) Eating unhealthy food

  3. What are non-government organizations (NGOs)?
    a) Groups that help people and are part of the government
    b) Clubs for playing games
    c) Organizations that only work on weekends
    d) Groups that help people without being part of the government

  4. What does moral responsibility mean?
    a) Doing whatever you want
    b) Always blaming others for mistakes
    c) Doing what’s right and fair to others
    d) Avoiding helping others in need

  5. Which organizations are examples of NGOs?
    a) Red Cross and UNICEF
    b) Supermarkets and restaurants
    c) TV stations
    d) Government offices

  6. What is one way to prevent drug abuse in communities?
    a) Educating people about the dangers of drug abuse
    b) Ignoring the problem
    c) Encouraging drug use among friends
    d) Keeping drug abuse a secret

  7. What does health promotion behavior involve?
    a) Engaging in activities that maintain or improve health
    b) Avoiding all forms of physical activity
    c) Eating only unhealthy foods
    d) Spending long hours watching TV

  8. What is the role of non-government organizations (NGOs)?
    a) Providing assistance without government support
    b) Working closely with government agencies
    c) Selling products to make a profit
    d) Focusing solely on profit-making activities

  9. Why is moral responsibility important?
    a) It involves doing what is right and fair to others
    b) It allows individuals to do whatever they want
    c) It encourages blaming others for one’s actions
    d) It promotes selfish behavior

  10. Which organizations exemplify non-governmental organizations (NGOs)?
    a) Red Cross and Amnesty International
    b) Public schools and hospitals
    c) Government ministries
    d) Private companies and businesses

  11. What is one way individuals can fulfill their moral responsibility in preventing drug abuse?
    a) Encouraging friends to experiment with drugs
    b) Reporting drug abuse to relevant authorities
    c) Participating in drug abuse themselves
    d) Ignoring the problem and staying silent

  12. What is the primary focus of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in combating drug abuse?
    a) Generating profits
    b) Providing education and support
    c) Promoting drug use
    d) Engaging in political activities

  13. Why is it important to outline non-government organizations in addressing drug abuse?
    a) To understand the various entities involved in combating drug abuse
    b) To avoid seeking help from any organization
    c) To increase drug abuse in communities
    d) To discourage individuals from getting involved in addressing drug abuse

  14. What are some examples of health promotion behaviors?
    a) Exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet
    b) Avoiding sleep and rest
    c) Consuming sugary foods and drinks excessively
    d) Smoking and drinking alcohol excessively

  15. How do non-governmental organizations contribute to preventing drug abuse?
    a) By providing treatment to individuals suffering from drug abuse
    b) By raising awareness and educating communities about the dangers of drug abuse
    c) By promoting drug use among the youth
    d) By ignoring the issue of drug abuse and focusing on other matters


  • Use engaging visuals, stories, and interactive activities to present each topic.
  • Encourage student participation through questions, discussions, and group activities.

Step 1: Review previous topic on community health and safety.

Step 2: Introduce new topic on drug abuse prevention and coping skills in life.

Step 3: Facilitate discussions, group activities, and presentations to reinforce learning.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions and group activities.
  • Provide explanations and examples.
  • Monitor student participation and understanding.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions and group activities.
  • Ask questions and seek clarification.
  • Engage in hands-on learning activities.
  1. List how we prevent drug abuse:
    a) Educating individuals about the dangers of drug abuse.
    b) Encouraging healthy lifestyle choices, including regular exercise and balanced nutrition.
    c) Providing support networks and resources for individuals facing challenges.
    d) Promoting positive coping skills for managing stress and emotions.
    e) Implementing community-wide prevention programs and policies.

  2. Explain health promotion behavior:
    Health promotion behavior involves actions aimed at improving individual and community health. It includes adopting healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, eating nutritious foods, avoiding harmful substances, and seeking preventive healthcare services.

  3. Outline non-government organizations:
    Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are independent groups that work to address social, environmental, or humanitarian issues. They operate without government control and rely on donations, volunteers, and grants to fund their activities. Examples include charities, advocacy groups, and development organizations.

  4. Describe moral responsibility:
    Moral responsibility refers to the duty individuals have to act ethically and consider the consequences of their actions on others. It involves making decisions based on principles of fairness, integrity, and empathy for others.

  5. Outline non-governmental organization:
    Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are independent entities that work to address various social, economic, and environmental issues. They operate at local, national, or international levels and focus on areas such as human rights, healthcare, education, and environmental conservation. Examples include Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, and Greenpeace.


  • Observations during class discussions and activities.
  • Completion of worksheets or quizzes on drug abuse prevention.
  • Participation in role-playing scenarios related to moral responsibility.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is drug abuse?
  2. Why is it important to prevent drug abuse?
  3. Name two ways to prevent drug abuse.
  4. What does health promotion behavior involve?
  5. Give an example of a non-government organization.
  6. What is moral responsibility?
  7. How can individuals demonstrate moral responsibility in preventing drug abuse?
  8. What role do NGOs play in addressing social issues?
  9. List two consequences of drug abuse.
  10. How can you support a friend who is struggling with drug abuse?


  • Review key points covered in the lesson.
  • Provide feedback on student participation and understanding.
  • Assign homework or further reading on drug abuse prevention.

By the end of the lesson, students should have a clear understanding of the importance of preventing drug abuse and developing coping skills to lead healthy lives.

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