Examination Christian Religious Studies JSS 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

Term 2022/2023 Session (JSI CRKJ4)

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Mary was conceived by: a. Andrew b. Jame c. Prophet Isaiah d. the Holy Spirit. (Correct answer: d. the Holy Spirit)
  2. The following announced the birth of Jesus EXCEPT: a. Isaiah b. Hosea c. Micah d. Angel Gabriel (Correct answer: b. Hosea)
  3. Jesus was named and circumcised on the _____ day. a. third b. sixth c. seventh d. eighth (Correct answer: d. eighth)
  4. The names of Jesus’ brothers were James, Joseph, Simon, and _____. a. Peter b. Judah c. John d. Philip (Correct answer: c. John)
  5. _____ were regarded by Jesus as members of his true family. a. The Pharisees b. The Scribes c. The Sadducees d. His disciples. (Correct answer: d. His disciples)
  6. The Christian Sacrament which initiates us into the Christian community is called _____. a. Baptism b. Confirmation c. Holy Communion d. Penance. (Correct answer: a. Baptism)
  7. In the second temptation, Jesus was to _____. a. jump from the top of the mountain b. bow down to Satan c. jump from the Pinnacle of the temple d. turn rod to serpent. (Correct answer: c. jump from the Pinnacle of the temple)
  8. The brother of Simon Peter was _____. a. Sages. b. James c. Astrologers d. Magi. (Correct answer: b. James)
  9. The wise men from the East are commonly referred to as the _____. a. demonstration of God’s glory b. confirmation of Jesus as the true messiah and savior of the world c. voice of one crying on the mountain. d. Magi. (Correct answer: d. Magi)
  10. Jesus was without sin, yet He submitted Himself for baptism in order to _____. a. identify with the sinners He came to save b. prove that He was sinless c. take part in church sacraments d. ensure that He was accepted by Jesus. (Correct answer: a. identify with the sinners He came to save)
  11. To tempt means to _____. a. deter someone from doing b. dissuade someone from doing c. discourage someone from doing d. persuade someone to do. (Correct answer: a. deter someone from doing)
  12. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan at the age of _____. a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40. (Correct answer: c. 30)
  13. Jesus was led into the wilderness by _____. a. a rival King had been born. b. he was not a Jew, c. he was a wicked man d. he was the ruler of Jews. (Correct answer: b. he was not a Jew)
  14. Jesus fasted for _____. a. 40 days and 40 nights b. 40 days only c. 40 nights only d. a lifetime. (Correct answer: a. 40 days and 40 nights)
  15. “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” This statement was addressed by Jesus to _____. a. Peter and James b. James and John c. Peter and Andrew d. Peter and John. (Correct answer: c. Peter and Andrew)
  16. “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.” This statement was made to _____. a. Elizabeth b. Mary c. Hannah d. Esther. (Correct answer: b. Mary)
  17. Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger because _____. a. Joseph was too poor to pay the hospital bill. b. the labor started suddenly. c. the available rooms were too expensive for them. d. there was no more place for them in the inn. (Correct answer: d. there was no more place for them in the inn.)
  18. Joseph changed his mind and decided to marry Mary because _____. a. of the message the angel gave to him in a dream b. of the warning from his parents not to disgrace them. c. he was a just man d. he did not want to put Mary to shame. (Correct answer: a. of the message the angel gave to him in a dream)
  19. Herod the tetrarch attested and imprisoned John the Baptist because _____. a. of his evil behavior. b. John rebuked him for his evil deeds. c. John was converting many souls. d. John harassed Herod’s wife in public. (Correct answer: c. John was converting many souls.)
  20. Jesus was without sin, yet He submitted Himself for baptism in order to _____. a. identify himself with sinners that he came to save. b. receive the Holy Spirit. c. approve of the work of John the Baptist. d. water. (Correct answer: a. identify himself with sinners that he came to save.)
  21. The birth of Jesus was first announced to the _____. a. Pharisees b. Scribes c. Sadducees d. shepherds. (Correct answer: d. shepherds)
  22. Jesus was taken to the temple in Jerusalem in fulfillment of the law of Moses _____ days after _____. a. eight; circumcision b. forty; baptism c. thirty; circumcision d. twenty-one; birth. (Correct answer: c. thirty; circumcision)
  23. “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” This statement was addressed by Jesus to _____. a. Peter and James b. James and John c. Peter and Andrew d. Peter and John. (Correct answer: c. Peter and Andrew)
  24. In the beatitudes, those that shall see God are _____. a. those who mourn b. the pure in heart c. the persecuted d. the peacemakers. (Correct answer: b. the pure in heart)
  25. Which of Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus a question on the number of times to forgive? a. James b. Judas c. Matthew d. Simon. (Correct answer: c. Matthew)
  26. Jesus Christ was without sin, yet He submitted Himself for baptism in order to _____. a. identify with the sinners He came to save. b. prove that He was sinless. c. take part in church sacraments. d. ensure that He was accepted by Jesus. (Correct answer: a. identify with the sinners He came to save.)
  27. Herod the tetrarch arrested and imprisoned John the Baptist because _____. a. of his evil behavior. b. John rebuked him for his evil deeds. c. John was converting many souls. d. John harassed Herod’s wife in public. (Correct answer: c. John was converting many souls.)
  28. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan at the age of _____. a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40. (Correct answer: c. 30)
  29. Jesus was led into the wilderness by _____. a. a rival King had been born. b. he was not a Jew. c. he was a wicked man. d. he was the ruler of Jews. (Correct answer: b. he was not a Jew)
  30. Jesus fasted for _____. a. 40 days and 40 nights. b. 40 days only. c. 40 nights only. d. a lifetime. (Correct answer: a. 40 days and 40 nights)
  31. “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” This statement was addressed by Jesus to _____. a. Peter and James. b. James and John. c. Peter and Andrew. d. Peter and John. (Correct answer: c. Peter and Andrew)
  32. “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.” This statement was made to _____. a. Elizabeth. b. Mary. c. Hannah. d. Esther. (Correct answer: b. Mary)
  33. Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger because _____. a. Joseph was too poor to pay the hospital bill. b. the labor started suddenly. c. the available rooms were too expensive for them. d. there was no more place for them in the inn. (Correct answer: d. there was no more place for them in the inn)
  34. Joseph changed his mind and decided to marry Mary because _____. a. of the message the angel gave to him in a dream. b. of the warning from his parents not to disgrace them. c. he was a just man. d. he did not want to put Mary to shame. (Correct answer: a. of the message the angel gave to him in a dream)
  35. The birth of Jesus was first announced to the _____. a. Pharisees. b. Scribes. c. Sadducees. d. shepherds. (Correct answer: d. shepherds)
  36. Jesus was taken to the temple in Jerusalem in fulfillment of the law of Moses _____ days after _____. a. eight; circumcision. b. forty; baptism. c. thirty; circumcision. d. twenty-one; birth. (Correct answer: c. thirty; circumcision)
  37. Which of Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus a question on the number of times to forgive? a. James. b. Judas. c. Matthew. d. Simon. (Correct answer: c. Matthew)
  38. John the Baptist hesitated to baptize Jesus because: a. Jesus wanted to baptize him b. to fulfill all righteousness c. Jesus to bless him first d. Jesus wanted John to approve of the work of John the Baptist
  39. Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem because: a. it was Joseph’s hometown b. Jesus had to be born there c. shepherds had to be there d. Mary’s time to deliver was near
  40. “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” This statement was addressed by Jesus to: a. Peter and James b. James and John c. Peter and Andrew d. Peter and John
  41. In the wilderness, Jesus fasted for ____ days before he was tempted by the devil: a. 50 b. 40 c. 30 d. 60
  42. Before Jesus was baptized, he worked as a: a. carpenter b. fisherman c. tentmaker d. farmer
  43. Who was the Roman governor at the time Jesus was born? a. Julius Caesar b. Herod Caesar c. Clement Caesar d. Quirinius
  44. Jesus was taken to the temple in Jerusalem in fulfillment of the law of Moses: a. after 8 days b. after 40 days c. after 30 days d. after 21 days
  45. What were used for the purification of Jesus in the temple? a. A pair of pigeon b. Two ducks c. Two fishes d. A pair of hens
  46. Before Jesus Christ was presented at the temple, He was first: a. baptized b. bathed c. purified d. circumcised
  47. “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Jesus made this statement to: a. Simon Peter b. the twelve apostles c. the seventy disciples d. Nathaniel
  48. ‘Beatitude’ means blessedness, happiness, success, and: a. peace b. prosperity c. greatness d. pleasantness
  49. Who said “Lord now let thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen thy salvation”? a. Simeon b. Anna c. Joseph d. Peter
  50. The birth of Jesus was first announced to the: a. Pharisees b. Sadducees c. Scribes d. Shepherds
  51. Jesus visited the temple at Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost at the age of: a. ten b. eight c. twelve d. thirty
  52. Who was the Baptist mentioned in the text? a. John b. James c. Matthew d. Philip
  53. In the beatitudes, those that shall see God are: a. those who mourn b. the pure in heart c. the persecuted d. the peacemaker
  54. Which of Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus a question on the number of times to forgive? a. James b. Thomas c. Peter d. John
  55. “For I came not to call the righteous but sinners.” This statement was made by Jesus at the call of: a. James b. Judas Iscariot c. Matthew d. Simon

Section B: Theory Questions

  1. Describe the visit of the wise men to Jesus.
  2. List the three presents given to Jesus by the wise men and their significance.
  3. Give Matthew’s account of the call of the first four disciples of Jesus and state three reasons why Jesus needed disciples.
  4. Narrate Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus and state three moral lessons from the story.
  5. Narrate the temptations of Jesus.
  6. State three temptations common among the youths in Nigeria.
  7. What is Beatitudes? List the nine Beatitudes.
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