Menu Bar : Meaning, items on the computer menu bar and their functions Computer Studies ICT Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Class: Primary 4

Subject: Computer Studies/ICT

Topic: Menu Bar: Meaning, Items, and Functions

Duration: 45 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 8

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of using a computer.

Set Induction: Begin the class by discussing with the students about the different things they do on a computer or tablet.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define what a menu bar is.
  2. Identify common items found on a computer menu bar.
  3. Understand the functions of these menu bar items.

Embedded Core Skills: Computer literacy, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Learning Materials:

  1. Pictures of computer screens showing menu bars.
  2. A whiteboard and markers.

Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive discussion.
  • Visual aids.


Meaning of a computer Menu Bar 

A menu bar is a graphical element found at the top of a computer program or application, which contains a list of menu items or options. These menu items can be clicked on or selected to access various functions and features within the software. The menu bar typically provides a structured way to interact with the program, enabling users to perform tasks like opening, saving, formatting, and editing documents, among other actions, depending on the application. It serves as a navigation tool, organizing the software’s functionalities into categories for ease of use.

Common items found on a computer menu bar often include:

  1. File: This menu typically provides options related to opening, saving, printing, and managing files.
  2. Edit: It contains functions for editing text and content, such as cut, copy, paste, and undo.
  3. View: Options for changing the display, zooming in or out, and toggling various views, like toolbars or side panels.
  4. Format: Functions for text formatting, paragraph styles, and other formatting options.
  5. Tools: Typically includes options for spell-checking, grammar checking, or other document-related tools.
  6. Help: Provides access to user manuals, support, and information about the software.
  7. Window: Allows users to manage open documents or arrange them on the screen.
  8. Navigation: Often includes options to navigate within a document or application.
  9. Insert: Functions related to adding objects or content into documents, such as images, shapes, or links.
  10. Preferences or Options: Allows users to customize the software’s settings or preferences.

These menu items may vary depending on the software or application being used, and not all of them are always present.





  1. A computer ____________ is a horizontal bar at the top of the screen. a) screen b) menu c) keyboard d) mouse
  2. The menu bar contains various ____________ for using a computer program. a) tools b) functions c) options d) colors
  3. The “File” menu often includes options for opening, saving, and ____________ files. a) creating b) printing c) deleting d) organizing
  4. The “Edit” menu allows you to perform actions like cut, copy, and ____________. a) paste b) print c) browse d) share
  5. The “View” menu may help you change the ____________ of what you see on the screen. a) color b) size c) location d) sound
  6. “Format” options are usually used for ____________ text in documents. a) removing b) formatting c) coloring d) deleting
  7. The “Tools” menu may include functions for checking ____________ in documents. a) spelling b) math c) graphics d) hardware
  8. In the “Help” menu, you can often find ____________ and support information. a) games b) settings c) manuals d) pictures
  9. The “Window” menu helps you manage and ____________ open documents. a) close b) enlarge c) organize d) hide
  10. “Navigation” items in the menu bar help you move ____________ a document. a) around b) into c) onto d) under
  11. The “Insert” menu allows you to add ____________ into your documents. a) text b) graphics c) sounds d) fonts
  12. The “Preferences” or “Options” menu lets you customize the software’s ____________. a) features b) design c) settings d) location
  13. The menu bar is typically located at the ____________ of the screen. a) side b) bottom c) top d) middle
  14. The “File” menu often has options for ____________ files. a) printing b) erasing c) coloring d) emailing
  15. The “Edit” menu is used for actions like cut, ____________, and paste. a) play b) save c) copy d) print




Step 1 – Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin by asking students what they see at the top of computer programs or apps.
  • Explain that the top section with various options is called the “menu bar.”

Step 2 – Items on the Menu Bar (15 minutes):

  • Discuss common items found on a computer menu bar, such as “File,” “Edit,” “View,” “Insert,” “Format,” “Tools,” and “Help.”
  • Show pictures of a menu bar to illustrate where these items are located.

Step 3 – Functions of Menu Bar Items (15 minutes):

  • Go through the main functions of these items:
    • “File” – For opening, saving, and printing files.
    • “Edit” – Used for cutting, copying, and pasting.
    • “View” – To change the way you see the document.
    • “Insert” – For adding pictures, shapes, or text.
    • “Format” – For changing font, text size, and style.
    • “Tools” – To access spell check and other utilities.
    • “Help” – For getting assistance or information.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Lead the discussion.
  • Use visual aids effectively.
  • Explain the functions clearly.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Identify and understand the functions of menu bar items.


  • Ask students to point out the menu bar items on a picture.
  • Quiz the students on the functions of different menu bar items.
  • Encourage students to perform simple actions using menu bar items, e.g., opening a file.

This simplified lesson plan aims to introduce students to the concept of a menu bar, its common items, and their functions, making it suitable for Primary 4 students to understand the basics of using computer applications.

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