Edu Delight Tutors . SECTION B Mt Everest is in which continent? (a) Europe (b) Australia (c) Asia (d) Africa Alps mountain is in which continent? (a) Europe (b) North America (c) South America (d) Asia Andes mountain is in which continent? (a) South America (b) North America (c) Asia (d) Europe The Rockies mountain
Ss 3 Financial Accounting Exams 3rd term SECTION A Goodwill is a ——- (a) current asset ( b) intangible asset( c) current liability( d)fictitious asset Vendor means the seller of the (a) business (b) asset (c) liabilities (d) capital Capital reserve is( a) current assets( b) fixed assets (c) liabilities (d) equity The double entry
WEEK 3 DATE……………… TOPIC: CHEMICAL SYMBOLS, FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS CONTENT <![if !supportLists]>1. <![endif]>Meaning of chemical symbols;Groups of chemical symbols <![if !supportLists]>2. <![endif]>Chemical Formulae and Equations Sub-Topic 1: MEANING OF CHEMICAL SYMBOLS A chemical symbol is an abbreviated form of the name of an element. It represents one atom of