Adverbs of Manner

Lesson Plan: Adverbs of Manner

Subject: English Language

Class: Primary School (Grades 3-5)

Term: 1

Week: 8

Age: 8-11 years

Topic: Adverbs of Manner

Sub-topic: Understanding and Using Adverbs of Manner

Duration: 1 hour

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define adverbs of manner and explain their purpose in sentences.
  2. Identify adverbs of manner in sentences.
  3. Use adverbs of manner correctly in their writing.


  • Adverb
  • Manner
  • Description
  • Quickly
  • Slowly

Set Induction

  • Begin with a brief discussion: Ask students how they feel when they run fast versus when they run slowly.
  • Explain that the way we perform actions can be described using adverbs of manner.

Entry Behaviour

  • Review previous lessons on verbs and nouns to ensure students understand basic sentence structure.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards with adverbs of manner
  • Handouts with example sentences and exercises

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Discuss how adjectives describe nouns and relate this to how adverbs describe verbs, specifically focusing on manner.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking through sentence analysis.
  • Creative writing by using adverbs in context.

Learning Materials

  • Examples of Adverbs of Manner:
    • Quickly
    • Slowly
    • Quietly
    • Gently
    • Happily

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • English Grammar Textbooks for Primary Students

Instructional Materials

  • Projector (if available) to display examples
  • Worksheets for practice exercises
  • Flashcards for interactive activities


Definition of Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner describe how something happens. They add detail to verbs by telling us how an action is performed. For example:

  • The boys ran. (We can only imagine how fast.)
  • The boys ran quickly. (They are in a hurry.)

Rules for Using Adverbs of Manner

  1. Position: Place adverbs of manner after the main verb or object, or at the beginning of a sentence for emphasis.
    • Example: He quickly agreed to go to the store. (Quickly describes how he agreed.)
  2. Avoiding Misplacement: Do not place adverbs between the verb and the object.
    • Example: Incorrect: He agreed quickly to go.
  3. Emphasis: For added emphasis, place the adverb before the verb and object.
    • Example: Quickly, he agreed to go to the store.

Examples of Adverbs of Manner in Context

  1. He quickly agreed to go to the store for milk. (His agreement was quick.)
  2. He agreed to go to the store for milk quickly. (He would go to the store quickly.)
  3. She quietly asked me to leave the room. (Her request was quiet.)
  4. She asked me to leave the room quietly. (I am not making noise.)
  5. The doctor gently woke the sleeping patient. (The doctor was gentle.)

In-depth Explanation for Students

Adverbs of manner are like adjectives, but instead of describing nouns, they describe how actions are done. They help the reader understand the scene better by showing the speed, quality, or style of the action. Using adverbs makes your writing more vivid and engaging.

Evaluation Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Exercises

  1. The excited baby pounded the table _______________.
    • a. Badly
    • b. Hungrily
    • c. Normally
    • d. Variously
  2. Walk ______________ or you may miss the bus.
    • a. Quickly
    • b. Slowly
    • c. Personally
    • d. Happily
  3. Reading ______________ helps you to understand concepts better.
    • a. Rapidly
    • b. Briefly
    • c. Carefully
    • d. Always
  4. Playing music too _______________ can damage your hearing.
    • a. Slowly
    • b. Cheerfully
    • c. Carelessly
    • d. Loudly
  5. A tortoise walks _______________.
    • a. Mostly
    • b. Slowly
    • c. Happily
    • d. Eagerly

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. What is an adverb of manner?
    • An adverb of manner describes how an action is performed.
  2. Can you give an example?
    • Yes! “She sings beautifully” shows how she sings.
  3. Where should I place the adverb in a sentence?
    • Usually after the verb or object, or at the beginning for emphasis.
  4. Can adverbs describe adjectives?
    • No, adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
  5. How do I identify an adverb of manner?
    • Look for words that tell you how something is done.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Introduce the topic with examples on the whiteboard.
  2. Guide students through the rules of using adverbs of manner.
  3. Facilitate group discussions and provide examples.
  4. Distribute worksheets for practice and review answers together.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in discussions.
  2. Complete the fill-in-the-blank exercises individually.
  3. Share their own sentences using adverbs of manner.
  4. Work in pairs to identify adverbs in sentences from their reading materials.


Evaluation Questions

  1. Define an adverb of manner.
  2. Provide three examples of adverbs of manner.
  3. Create a sentence using an adverb of manner.
  4. Explain why adverbs of manner are important in writing.


  • Conclude by reviewing what students learned about adverbs of manner.
  • Walk around to provide feedback and assistance as needed.
  • Encourage students to incorporate adverbs of manner in their future writing assignments.

This lesson plan is structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of adverbs of manner, engaging students through discussion, practice, and collaborative activities.