Effective Football Communication for Primary

Primary 5 Football Communication on the Field
First Term Lesson Notes – Week 1

Subject: Physical and Health Education (Football Communication)
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 1
Age: 9-10 years
Topic: Introduction to Communication in Football
Sub-topic: Importance of Communication, Basic Signals, and When to Talk on the Field
Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of communication during a football game.
  2. Identify basic signals and hand gestures used for effective teamwork.
  3. Demonstrate how and when to talk on the field for better team play.


  • Communication
  • Signals
  • Teamwork
  • Talk
  • Field

Set Induction

Start by asking the pupils how they talk to their friends during playtime or group activities. Guide them to see how talking helps them understand what their friends want them to do. Link this to how football players communicate on the field to work better together.

Entry Behaviour

The pupils are familiar with how they talk to friends during play and group work.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Whistle
  2. Football
  3. Cones for drills
  4. Small boards for drawing signals
  5. Football jerseys or bibs

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Pupils have played football in the school field and know how they shout to their friends during play. Now, they will learn the right ways to communicate during a game.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Teamwork
  • Communication skills
  • Active listening

Learning Materials

  • Football training bibs
  • Cones
  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard for signals demonstration

Reference Book

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Physical and Health Education, Primary 5

Instructional Materials

  1. Football video clips showing players communicating on the field.
  2. Visual aids with images of hand signals and gestures.


  1. Understanding the Importance of Communication during a Game:
    • Communication helps players know where their teammates are.
    • It prevents confusion and allows for better teamwork.
    • Good communication leads to faster decision-making and smoother play.
  2. Basic Signals and Hand Gestures for Effective Teamwork:
    • Pointing in the direction where you want the ball passed.
    • Raising a hand to call for the ball.
    • Open arms to signal you’re ready to receive a pass.
  3. Knowing When and How to Talk on the Field:
    • Talk clearly when you want the ball.
    • Give quick and simple instructions like “Pass,” “Shoot,” or “Go!”
    • Be loud enough to be heard but calm to avoid panic.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Communication helps players to __________.
    a) Fight
    b) Understand each other
    c) Confuse
    d) Ignore
  2. A player should raise their __________ to ask for the ball.
    a) Leg
    b) Arm
    c) Head
    d) Foot
  3. Pointing in football is a form of __________.
    a) Handshake
    b) Verbal signal
    c) Gesture
    d) Shout
  4. Saying “Pass” on the field helps your teammates __________.
    a) Leave the game
    b) Know you want the ball
    c) Walk off
    d) Shoot
  5. Clear communication makes __________ easier.
    a) Decision-making
    b) Confusion
    c) Ignoring
    d) Fighting

15 FAQs with Answers

  1. Q: Why is communication important in football?
    A: It helps players work together and avoid confusion.
  2. Q: What can you say to ask for the ball?
    A: You can say “Pass” or raise your hand.
  3. Q: When should you talk during a game?
    A: When you need the ball or to give instructions.
  4. Q: What happens if players don’t communicate?
    A: There will be confusion, and mistakes may happen.
  5. Q: What are some signals used on the field?
    A: Pointing, raising hands, and open arms.
  6. Q: Should you talk loudly or quietly on the field?
    A: Loud enough to be heard but not too loud to cause panic.
  7. Q: Can communication be non-verbal?
    A: Yes, gestures like pointing or hand signals are examples.
  8. Q: What is the benefit of raising your hand?
    A: It shows your teammate that you’re ready for a pass.
  9. Q: How do defenders communicate?
    A: They use signals like “Man on” to warn teammates.
  10. Q: Can communication help in scoring goals?
    A: Yes, it helps players know when and where to pass or shoot.
  11. Q: How can you signal that you are ready to receive a pass?
    A: By opening your arms and calling for the ball.
  12. Q: Should you communicate during practice too?
    A: Yes, it helps build better teamwork for games.
  13. Q: What should you do if you see a teammate open?
    A: Call their name and tell them to pass or move.
  14. Q: Why do coaches encourage communication?
    A: It leads to better teamwork and faster decision-making.
  15. Q: What does it mean to “point” in football?
    A: It’s a gesture to show where you want the ball passed.

Presentation (Steps 1-3)

Step 1:
The teacher revises the last topic on teamwork in football.

Step 2:
The teacher introduces the new topic on communication, explaining its importance during a game and giving examples of basic signals like pointing and raising hands.

Step 3:
The teacher demonstrates hand signals and gestures with the pupils. Pupils practice calling for the ball and using signals in a short practice drill.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the importance of communication using simple examples.
  • Demonstrate different signals and when to use them.
  • Organize practice drills where pupils must use communication to succeed.

Learners’ Activities

  • Pupils explain why communication is important.
  • Pupils practice using hand signals like pointing and raising hands.
  • Pupils participate in practice games using communication to guide their teammates.


  1. What is the importance of communication in football?
  2. Name two hand signals used on the field.
  3. When should you talk to your teammates on the field?
  4. How do you ask for the ball without speaking?
  5. What happens when players don’t communicate during a game?

Evaluation Questions

  1. Explain the meaning of communication in football.
  2. What signal can you use to ask for the ball?
  3. Why is it important to communicate with your teammates?
  4. How can you signal for a pass without shouting?
  5. What happens if players don’t talk on the field?
  6. What word can you shout to ask for the ball?
  7. How can you help your teammate who doesn’t see an opponent coming?
  8. What does pointing in football mean?
  9. When should you use hand gestures in football?
  10. How does communication improve teamwork?


The teacher walks around to observe pupils during the practice session, corrects any mistakes, and provides feedback on how they used communication during the game. The lesson is summarized by highlighting the key points of communication on the field.