Category: Primary 6

Drug Law Enforcement In Nigeria And Their Enforcement

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Drug laws and their enforcement (A). Meaning of drugs trafficking (B). Consequences of drug trafficking Class : Primary  6/ Basic 6   Term :   Third Term Week : Week 6   Instructional Materials : Sample of Nigerian Drug laws Sample of Nigerian law Interactive posters Wall charts with

Moral Aspect of Drug Education

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Moral Aspect or Drug Education How to protect our health and the health of others Concept of right and wrong, good and bad health habit Religious and Traditional beliefs on Drug abuse   Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week

10 Functions Of Civil Organizations in Nigeria

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Functions of Civil organizations in Nigeria Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 3   Instructional Materials : Pictures of members of Civil organisation’s members during rally or protests     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught various

Alo Apamọ́

Akole:alo apamo 1. Alo o aalo, ikoko rugudu feyin tigbo Kinni: IGBIN 2. Alo o aalo, ile gbajumo kik imi eran Kinni: IBEPE 3. Alo o aalo, iyara kotopo kiki egun Kinni:ENU 4.Alo o aalo, opo baba alo kan lailai opo baba alo lailai ojo to ba de fila pupa ni iku de ba Kinni:

Sewing Measuring Tools

  Class :Primary 6 Subject : Home Economics Topic : Sewing Measuring Tools How to measure male or female customer by a tailor Content INTRODUCTION Measuring Tools are tools used for patterns and body measurements to ensure accuracy and good outfits. It is important and professional take accurate measurements in order to ensure good outfits.

Simple Clothing Construction Processes Seam

  Class : Basic 4 Subject: Home Economics Topic: Simple Clothing Construction Processes: Seam A seam is a method used in joining two or more piece of materials together firmly. Types of Seams There are different kinds of Seams. Some of them are: (1) Open/plain seam (2)Run and fell seam (3) French seam (4) Machine

Communicating through e-mails

  Subject : English Comprehension Instruction : Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow Communicating through e-mails E-mail is the acronym for electronic mail. It is a way of sending messages in digital form from one person to one or more recipients. E-mails operate through the Internet. Today’s e-mail systems are based