TERM TWO Week 1 Topic: Review of two and three lettered words .read and write capital letters Objectives :At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to pronounce , write two and three lettered words , and write the letters of the alphabet in capital. Lesson: 4 Lessons Materials: Materials used in
Nursery Two Term one PAGE 1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Week 1 & 2 Topic: Review of sound and letters Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to match letters , fill in the missing letters and copy down correctly during dictation. Lesson: 2 Lessons Materials: Charts on the alphabet, movable letters and
Mathematics Primary 1 – Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 11 Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered Class: Primary 1 Term: Second Term Week: 11 Duration: 40 minutes Part A: Review and Revision 20 FAQs with Answers on Topics Previously Taught What are two-dimensional shapes? Two-dimensional shapes are flat shapes that only have length and
TERM TWO Week 1 & 2 Topic: Number and numeration 81 – 100 Step up odd and even numbers Writing in words and in figures 11 – 15 Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupil should be able to count the numbers from 1 – 100, identify all the odd and even numbers between
TERM THREE Week 1 & 2 Topic: Numeration and notation of numbers- 100 – 150 Odd numbers and even numbers Writing in words and figures Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to write 1 – 150; identify odd and even numbers;write some numbers in figures Week 3 Topic: Introduce the
CREATIVITY ACTIVITY TERM ONE Week 1& 2 Topic : Make prints on handkerchiefs Lesson: 2 Lessons Week 3 & 4 Topic: Marble designs with prints Lesson: 2 Lessons Week 5 & 6 Topic: Marble design with wax and crayon paintings Lesson: 2 Lessons Week 7 & 8 Topic: cutting out of picture round an outline
Subject : PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Topic : ROLES OF COMMUNITY HELPERS Class : KG 2 Term : THIRD TERM COURSE WORK Week : Week 12 Instructional Materials : Wall Chart Pictures Textbooks Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught Community and community helpers in their
Subject : PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Topic : Community and community helpers Class : KG 2 Term : THIRD TERM COURSE WORK Week : Week 11 Instructional Materials : Wall Chart Pictures Textbooks Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught Types of Medicine in their previous
Subject : PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Topic : Types of medicine Class : KG 2 Term : THIRD TERM COURSE WORK Week : Week 11 Instructional Materials : Wall Chart Pictures Textbooks Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught Medicine is not Candy (Safe Medicine Uses)
Subject : PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Topic : Medicine is not Candy (Safe Medicine Uses) Class : KG 2 Term : THIRD TERM COURSE WORK Week : Week 10 Instructional Materials : Wall Chart Pictures Textbooks Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught Medicine is not Candy