Briefly explain the following Educational Guidance and Counseling: this g is the assistance given to Pupils individually and through group techniques to help them function more effectively in their school programme. It helps the pupil to develop to their maximum potentials. It assists students with learning problems and of education generally. Personal and Psychological Counseling:
Explain any five (5) responsibilities of students to the school guidance programme The responsibilities of students to the school guidance programme are; A. To cooperate with teachers and school administration when they are sent to the counselor for guidance. B. To recognize and accept the counselor as a professional. C. To
The basic guidance A. Orientation services in educational institutions are; E. Follow-up, research and evaluation B. Appraisal C. Information services F. Referral Orientation: This service is designed to assist students to adjust better when in new G. Counseling. environments. At the commencement of each school year, many new students often need orientation in our primary,
1. (a) What is educational statistics? (b) Explain any five (5) purposes for its use in Nigeria’s educational system. (a) Educational Statistics: Educational statistics refers to the application of statistical methods and techniques to gather, analyze, interpret, and present data related to various aspects of education. It involves the systematic collection and analysis of
Distinguish clearly between type I and type II errors. Tabular comparison of Type I and Type II errors: Error Type Type I Error Type II Error Definition Incorrectly rejecting a true Failing to reject a false null hypothesis (False Positive) null hypothesis (False Negative) Symbol α β Occurrence Occurs when there is no effect,
Explain the concept of significance level. Scientific conclusions are statements with high probability of being correct and not statements of absolute truth. Before we carry out the experiment, we must determine how high the probability will be in order to accept or reject a null hypothesis. We need to carry out a test of significance
Using a scatter diagram differentiate between negative, positive and zero correlation. A negative correlation refers to a relationship where the variables move in opposite direction i.c. an increase in one variable is accompanied by a decrease in another variable. For example, an increase in visits to the pub is accompanied by a decrease in exam
A one-tailed test: This type of statistical test involves making a directional prediction about the outcome. For instance, it could be predicted that students who engaged in micro-teaching will achieve higher scores in practical teaching compared to those who did not participate. Systematic sampling: In this method of sampling, a sample is chosen by
(a) Educational statistics is the application of statistical methods to address issues related to various aspects of education. It involves organizing, summarizing, presenting, and interpreting data obtained from educational assessments. By employing educational statistics, we can measure the relationships between different educational variables, draw conclusions, and make predictions that aid in achieving specific educational objectives.
(a) Define A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Standard deviation. (b) Find the mean and mode of the following set of data A. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 14, 18 B. 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16 . 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5,7,7,7,9