English Grammar Primary 3 First Term Examination





Section A: Comprehension


One day, thieves came to a big house near our village. They came in the middle of the night and hid their car in a bush. They went into the house and told everybody to lie down. They stole many things: a radio, a television set, and all the money in the house.

A boy lived in a little house near the big house. He had heard a sound that woke him up. He looked out and saw the thieves, but they did not see him. He ran out to call for help. He ran quietly along a bush path to call the villagers. They all came back with him quietly and hid in the bush. When the villagers saw the thieves’ car, four of them pushed it gently through the bush to the Chief’s house.

Later, the thieves came out with all the things they had stolen. They wanted to get away but could not find their car. The villagers then pounced on them and began to beat them. They took the thieves to the chief’s house. They got back all the things the thieves had stolen and the villagers were very happy that they had caught the thieves. They carried the boy high on their shoulders and said, ‘you are our heroes’. In the morning, they took the thieves to the police station.


1.) Who came to the village in the middle of the night? __________________________________


2.) What did they do in the big house? _______________________________________________


3.) What did the thieves steal? _____________________________________________________


4.) Who called for help from the villagers? ___________________________________________


5.) Were the thieves caught? ______________________________________________________


Section B: English Grammar

Change the following sentences into positive sentences

6.) They cannot read very well. ____________________________________________________


7.) The boys were not late to school yesterday. _______________________________________


8.) She has not swept the floor. ____________________________________________________


Use the correct form of the verb to complete the following sentences

9.) Olu ______________________ to my house yesterday (a) come (b) came (c) comes

10.) I _______________________ to school everyday (a) go (b) goes (c) went

11.) Mother __________________ the food always (a) cook (b) cooks (c) cooked

Give the plural form of the following words

12.) Donkey – ____________________________ (donkeys, donkies)

13.) Deer – ______________________________ (deers, deer)

14.) Family – ____________________________ (families, familys)

15.) Branch – ____________________________ (branchs, branches)

Underline the adjectives in the following sentences

16.) The fat woman is my mother

17.) I live in a big house

18.) She wears brown sandals to school

19.) He ate two apples

20.) Tola is a tall boy

Section C: Literature

21.) The title of your literature book for this term is ____________

(a) Apron Child (b) the canoe man (c) too playful to learn

22.) Oma lives in which of the following villages __________(a) Ogiso (b) Ogiri (c) Oguche

23.) At what time of the day did Oma’s grandmother speak to her?

(a) at midnight (b) at noon (c) in the evening

24.) Why did Oma lead the way when they were heading towards the river?

(a) she was excited (b) her grandmother is blind (c) she wanted to play a trick

25.) Ogiri is a small village of mostly _____________________ and ______________________


Write composition on the topic “Myself”

Write five sentences on My Mother


Adjectives: Definition, Identification, Types of Adjectives


Oral Composition About My School


Active voice and Passive Voice. Third Term Basic 7/ JSS 1 Third Term English Grammar




















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