Tag: JSS 3

Depletion of Ozone Layer and its Effects.

FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE    CLASS: JSS 3     WEEK FIVE     DEPLETION OF THE OZONE LAYER CONTENT Description of Ozone Layer. Importance of the Ozone Layer. The hazards of Ozone Layer Depletion to Life. Control Measures against the Depletion of Ozone Layer. Global Warming. Consequences of Global Warming.

Bush Burning

FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE    CLASS: JSS 3   WEEK FOUR BUSH BURNING CONTENT Meaning of Bush. Practices that Influence Bush Burning. Effects of Bush Burning. Control of Bush Burning.   MEANING OF BUSH BURNING Bush burning is the agricultural practice that involve the that involving the clearing and burning of

Deforestation and Desertification

FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE    CLASS: JSS 3     WEEK THREE   DESERTIFICATION AND DEFORESTATION   CONTENT Definition of Deforestation Causes of Deforestation Effects of Deforestation Control of Deforestation   DEFINITION Deforestation is the continuous removal of trees without replacing or replanting them. Deforestation is also the permanent destruction of


  FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE    CLASS: JSS 3   WEEK TWO   FLOODING   CONTENT   Causes of Flooding. Factors that Affects Flooding. Consequences of Flooding. How to Control Flooding.   INTRODUCTION Flood is a disastrous overflow of water from a lake or other body of water due to excessive

Agriculture and Health

  SECOND TERM: E-LEARNING NOTES   JS3 (BASIC 9)   SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE   Subject : Agricultural Science Class : Basic 9 JSS 3 Term : Second Term     WEEK 10 TOPIC: AGRICULTURE AND HEALTH CONTENT: Effects of HIV/AIDS and Malaria in Agricultural production. HIV/AIDS and Malaria These are two major diseases that are

Current Issues in African Agriculture

  SECOND TERM: E-LEARNING NOTES   JS3 (BASIC 9)   SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE   Subject : Agricultural Science Class : Basic 9 JSS 3 Term : Second Term WEEK 9 Date:…………………………………….. TOPIC: CURRENT ISSUES IN AFRICAN AGRICULTURE CONTENTS: 1. Food crisis in Africa; Hunger and poverty in Africa; Meeting the challenges of African food crisis:


  Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. You’re expected to answer all the objective questions         SUBJECT: BUSINESS STUDIES                CLASS: JSS THREE       TIME: 2HRS     OBJECTIVES Which of the following is not an importance of transportation? Transportation___


FRENCH JSS 3 LE SCHEME DU TRAVAIL 1eme                    Recapitulation/les parties du corps human 2eme                    Les liens familiauxe Les members de la famille 3eme                    Un paysage 4eme                    Exprimer la journee/la duree 5eme                    La Grammaire/l’accordd’adjectif 6eme                    Exprimer la duree/que tufaistoute la journee 7eme                    Pour dire son gout et compares les tailles 8eme                    La composition sur le sujet


  SCHEME OF WORK FOR FRENCH THIRD TERM – JSS TWO LE SCHEME DE TRAVAIL   1e                     La revision : le travail du dernier trimester et l’examen. 2e                     Expliquerl’impression du sport 3e                     Nommer les sports principaux 4e                      Savoir nommer : les ustensiles les elements d’une cuisine. 5e                     Savoir dire  -cequ’on  mange 6e                     Savoir dire


5E SEMAINE TITRE : Téléphoner LES SOUS–TITRES 1. Un coup de téléphone 2. La Structure Grammaticale 1. Lecture : Dis-leur que tout se passe bien. On y va ! 3. Unité 10 page 29. 2. La Structure Grammaticale a. AVOIR + SOIF J’ai soif Tu as soif Il a soif Nous avons soif Vous avez soif Ils ont