Category: Social Norms

Personal Good Health Habits

Subject :  Social Norms Term : First Term Week: Week 2 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of electrical objects around us Topic : Good Personal Health Habits Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to Mention various good healthy habits

Mention two objects at home.

    Class: K-G2.   Subject: Science.   Questions.   1) What colour is the cap?(a) blue (b) yellow.   2) What colour is the circle? (a) red (b) blue.   Mention two objects at home.   3) ______________.   4) ______________.   5) Is it good for the school environment to be dirty? (a)

Objects found in the kitchen

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Science Topic: Objects found in the kitchen Homework Write (6) six objects found in the kitchen 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ 6_______

Stop Playing with sharp Objects

  Class: k g 2 Subject: Science Topic: Playing with sharp Objects. Sharp objects: Is an egde that can cut, and that is harmful to our body. Examples of sharp objects are: pin Blade Scissors Knife Bottle Nails How can you avoid playing with sharp objects. 1) by not playing with blade. 2) by not

Taking care of the body

Subject : Health Habits Topic : Taking care of the body Class : KG 2   Term : Term Third Term Week : Week 7   Instructional Materials : Pictures of soap Toothpaste Sponge Washing hand basin Powder Mirror     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught personal Cleanliness.   Behavioural Objectives : 

Good manners Wash your hand before eating.

    Subject : Social Norms.   Topic: Good manner.   1) Table manner don’t talk when you are eating.   2) Wash your hand before eating.   3) Is good to say sorry.   4) Always say thank you.   5) Always say excuse me.

Fruits apple.

  Class:KG 2.   Subject: Health habit.   Topic: Fruits.   There are different types of fruits.   Fruits are good for our body.   1) apple.   2) watermelon.   3) banana.   4) orange.   5) pineapple.   6) pawpaw.

Good Habits At Home.

  Class: K-G2.   Subject: Social-Norms.   Topic: Habit at home.   A good child must form good habits at home.   1) Listening to your parent.   2) Help your parent at home.   3) By greeting.   4) Listening to the elderly one’s.   5) Sleep on time.
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