Subject : Christian Religious Studies
Class : JSS 1
Term : First Term
First Term Examination Christian Religious Knowledge Basic 7
Answer all the questions
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. shade with pencil on your answer sheet the answer space chosen. Give only one answer to each question. Do all rou
(1) Which of the following is not one of the
causes of sin?
A. justice
B. desire
C.. Pleasure
D.. Greed
(2).The confidence we have in someone or something is called
B.over confidence
C. trust
D. over statement
(3). One of the following is not an importance
of marriage?
A. For companionship
B. For security
C. To separate a man from woman
D. For child-bearing
(3) The Ijaw refer to God as
A. Ubangiji
C. Chineke
(5). What was the very first sin in the Bible?
A. the killing of Abel by Cain
B.the selling of birth right by Esau to
C. the killing of an Egyptian by
D. the eating of the forbidden fruit
(6) God created woman as a ——— for man.
A. boldness
B. laughter
C. servant
D. helper
To have a good relationship with God needs to have good relationship of Hi
A. the study of music
B. the study of the Bible
C. the study of the computer
D. the study of the patriarchs
(8) Before creation, the world was without
(9) I will put enmity between your seed an her seed. He shall bruise you on the head and you shall bruise him on the heel. The statement was directed to
D. Serpent
(10).Obedience to God attracts blessings while disobedience to Him attracts
A. glory
B. goodness
C. opportunity
D. punishment or death
11. The penalty for eating the forbidden
B. smiling
C. death
12. Who deceived the first woman?
A.. her mind
B.her husband
C. Devil
D. Jesus
13. The term conflict means
A. disagreement
C. association
D. cooperation
15. God has these major attributes except
B. partiality
C. love
Showing Love and Selflessness – Edu Delight Tutors Moral …
15. The Holy Bible consist of ___ books
A. 59
B. 68
C. 66
D. 70
16. Any form of behavior that does not conform with the custom and expectation
of a society is —–
A. arson
B. delinquency
C. irrational
D. mismanagement
17. Among the Igbo, God is known
A. Tamuno
B. Oritse
G. Chineke
D. Osa
18. Man is more important in the sight of God
than all other creatures because he alone
A. can walk on two legs
B. can eat
C. is created in the image and likeness
of God
D. can see with two eyes
19. Which of the following leadership qualities was manifested by Joseph when
he told his brothers not to be angry with
themselves for selling him to slavery
A. forgiveness .
B. maturity
C. wisdom
D. knowledge
20. One way in which man is still sharing in
God’s work of creation is ——
A. population
B. reproduction
C. conversion
D. coordination
21. Which of the following is not a quality expected of a Christian?
A. Impatience
B. love
C. Kindness
D. Obedience
22. It is good to obey the law of the land in
order to….
A. cause chaos
B.have peace
C. have shock
D. be an enemy the land
23. Adam called his wife Eve because she —
A. was taken out of man
B. allowed herself to be deceived by
C. was the mother of all living
S. was the helper of Adam
23. The Biblical story of first human
disobedience was
A. cheating
B.eating of the forbidden fruit
C. telling lies
D. bribery and corruption
25. The instrument God used for creation is —
A. Angel
B. Man
C. Word
D. Pentateuch
26. God’s relationship with man was broken
as a result of……..
A. disobedience
B. arrogance
C. lying
D. jealousy
27. Which is correct?
A.God overlooks disobedience
B. God punishes
people for disobedience
C. God tolerates disobedience
D.God is prepared to put up with disobedience
28. Isaac was born when Abraham was——- year old
A. 75
B. 99
C. 100
D. 90
29. From the Biblical account of creation,
what did God create on the fourth day?
A. Vegetation
B.Living creatures
C. Heavenly bodies
D. Light
30. The understanding of religion is
relationship with
A. man
B. God
C. friends
D. King
31. One of the following is the attribute of God
A. scientific
B. Omnipresence
C. Transparent
D. Angelic
32. One of the following is disobedience
against national law
A. gossiping with others
B.telling lies to our parents
C. backbiting with our friends.
D.vandalisation of public properties
33. All of these are evils of bad friends except
A. cultism
B. drug addiction
C. smoking
D. praying
34. One of these can make a Christian deny
A. love
B. appreciation
C. greed
D. care
35. All of these are ways of reconciling with
offenders except
A. avoiding one another
B. shaking hands
C. giving gift
D. church relationship
Edu Delight Tutors Helping people that are in trouble
36. Man’s act of bringing life
D. production
37. Which of the following is not a
consequence of sin today?
A. Over speeding and accident
B. Long life and prosperity
C. Death and sick
38. The best way to sustain our relationship with God is through
A. Personal communication with the Divine
B. Religious observation
C. Paying tithes
D. Singing songs
40. Whatever did God create on the second day.
A. Firmament
B. Man and woman
C. Heaven and earth
D. Beast.
41. Developing material resources of the earth is one of man’s way of ___
A. Helping himself
B. Sharing the creative work of God
C. Studying the earth
D. Reproducing his kind
42. According to the creation story, man became a living thing because
A. God gave him a helper
B. God gave him the opportunity to taste the fruit of knowledge
C. God gave him authority over animals and birds
D. God gave him the breathe of life
43. The following are types of human relationship except ___
A. Family relationship
B. Giving relationship
C. The creation of heaven and star
D. Cordial relationship
44. All other creatures of God are under the control of ___
A. Man
B. Woman.
C. Air
D. Beer
45. Which one of the following is not one of the causes of sins
A. Justice
B. Desire
C. Pleasure
D. Over statement
46. Which of the following is not one of the causes of sins?
A. Justice
B. Desire
C. Pleasure
D. Greed
47. One of the following is not an important of marriage?
A. For companionship
B. For security
C. To separate man from woman
D. For child bearing
48. On the seventh day, God
A. danced
B. Slept
C. Rested
D. Ate
49. The Ijaw referred to the God as ___
A. Ubangiji
B. Tamara
C. Chineké
D. Abasi
50. God created woman as a ___for man
Give a biblical account of God’s creation from day 1-7
Mention three things invented by man
Discuss Adam and Eve’s disobedience
Point out three consequences of their act of disobedience
Who is God?
Mention three attributes of God.
Mention the names of God in the following languages.
Define marriage.
Identify types of marriage
Mention five functions of marriage