Reasons for Bathing and The Materials Needed for Bathing Home Economics Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 2
Topic: Meaning of Bathing, Reasons for Bathing, and The Materials Needed for Bathing
Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to understand basic hygiene practices and be able to identify personal care items like soap and towel.

Key Words: Bathing, hygiene, cleanliness, materials, soap, towel, shampoo, toothbrush.

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define bathing and explain its importance.
  2. List at least five reasons for bathing.
  3. Identify and name at least five materials needed for bathing.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Communication skills (listening, speaking, and reading).
  2. Critical thinking skills (identifying reasons for actions).
  3. Personal hygiene skills (understanding the importance of cleanliness).

Learning Materials:

  1. Pictures of personal care items (soap, towel, shampoo, toothbrush, etc.).
  2. Whiteboard and markers.
  3. Flashcards with key vocabulary words.
  4. Examples of bathing materials (soap, towel, shampoo, etc.).


  1. Definition of Bathing: Explain to the students that bathing is the act of cleaning the body using water and soap or other cleansing agents.
  2. Reasons for Bathing: Discuss the importance of bathing for personal hygiene and health.
  3. Materials Needed for Bathing: Introduce various materials required for bathing such as soap, towel, shampoo, toothbrush, and toothpaste

What is bathing? 

Bathing is the act of cleaning the body using water and soap or other cleansing agents. It helps to remove dirt, sweat, and bacteria from the skin, keeping it clean and healthy.


Materials needed for bathing:

  1. Water
  2. Soap or body wash
  3. Shampoo
  4. Towel
  5. Washcloth or sponge
  6. Toothbrush
  7. Toothpaste
  8. Comb or hairbrush
  9. Bath mat
  10. Shower or bathtub


Importance of bathing:

  1. Personal Hygiene: Bathing helps to keep the body clean by removing dirt, sweat, and bacteria, reducing the risk of infections and skin diseases.
  2. Refreshing: Bathing helps to refresh the body and mind, leaving one feeling rejuvenated and energized.
  3. Improves Circulation: Bathing with warm water can improve blood circulation, helping to relax muscles and reduce tension.
  4. Promotes Relaxation: Bathing can be a relaxing experience, helping to relieve stress and promote mental well-being.
  5. Social and Cultural Norms: Bathing is an important part of social and cultural norms in many societies, symbolizing cleanliness and good grooming.


  1. Bathing helps to keep the body __________. a) Dirty b) Clean c) Tired d) Hungry
  2. Bathing removes __________ from the skin. a) Dirt b) Food c) Clothes d) Toys
  3. Bathing helps to reduce the risk of __________ and skin diseases. a) Happiness b) Sickness c) Sadness d) Hunger
  4. Bathing with warm water can improve __________ circulation. a) Blood b) Water c) Food d) Air
  5. Bathing helps to __________ the body and mind. a) Tense b) Relax c) Excite d) Anger
  6. Soap or body wash is needed for __________. a) Eating b) Drinking c) Bathing d) Sleeping
  7. Shampoo is used to wash __________. a) Clothes b) Hair c) Shoes d) Books
  8. Towel is used to __________ the body after bathing. a) Dry b) Wet c) Clean d) Break
  9. Toothbrush is used to clean __________. a) Hair b) Nails c) Teeth d) Ears
  10. Bath mat is placed __________ the bathtub or shower. a) Inside b) Outside c) On top d) Underneath
  11. Bathing helps to __________ stress. a) Increase b) Reduce c) Ignore d) Create
  12. Bathing promotes __________ and good grooming. a) Dirtiness b) Cleanliness c) Laziness d) Rudeness
  13. __________ is an important material needed for bathing. a) Dirt b) Mud c) Water d) Stones
  14. Toothpaste is used with a __________ to clean teeth. a) Fork b) Knife c) Spoon d) Toothbrush
  15. Bathing helps to keep the body __________. a) Smelly b) Clean c) Dirty d) Wet


  • Step 1: (Revision) Briefly review the previous topic of personal hygiene and ask students to recall some personal care items they use daily.
  • Step 2: (Introduction) Introduce the new topic of bathing, explaining its meaning and importance in maintaining cleanliness and health.
  • Step 3: (Teacher’s Activities) Present examples of bathing materials and explain their uses.
  • Step 4: (Learners Activities) Engage students in a discussion about why bathing is important and what materials they use for bathing.
  • Step 5: (Assessment) Ask students to identify and name different bathing materials shown in pictures or flashcards.
  • Step 6: (Evaluation Questions) Pose questions related to the topic and assess students’ understanding.
  • Step 7: (Conclusion) Summarize the lesson and emphasize the importance of personal hygiene and bathing.


  • Observing students’ participation in class discussions.
  • Reviewing students’ responses to questions about bathing and its materials.
  • Checking students’ ability to identify bathing materials in pictures or flashcards.


  1. What is bathing?
  2. Why is bathing important?
  3. Name three materials needed for bathing.
  4. What do we use to clean our body in the bath?
  5. What do we use to dry our body after bathing?
  6. What do we use to clean our hair in the bath?
  7. What do we use to clean our teeth in the bath?
  8. Why do we need to brush our teeth every day?
  9. What can happen if we don’t bathe regularly?
  10. Name two reasons why we need to stay clean.

In conclusion, today we learned about the meaning and importance of bathing, as well as the materials needed for bathing. Remember, keeping ourselves clean is essential for our health and well-being. Let’s make sure to practice good hygiene habits every day.

Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Home Economics Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

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