Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.
1.The standards that are considered ethical by an individual or the society are known as(A)dignity(B)rights(C)values(D)materialism
2.Road signs primarily serves as(A)Symbols to correct road users(B)signs to aid Federal Road Safety officials to apprehend defaulters(C)devices to guide traffic division of police command(D)precautionary devices to guide road users
3.One of these does not promote interpersonal relationship (A)honesty(B)tolerance(C)caring(D)discord
4.One significance of value in society is that it(A)bring peaceful co-existence of people(B)makes one to acquire more properties(C)enhance an individual’s access to education(D)promotes influx of aliens to the community
5.The status of being a legal member of a country is referred to as(A)alien(B)citizenship(C)asylum(D)migrant
6.Human rights can be best promoted if(A)jungle justice is discouraged(B)relevant knowledge and information are acquired(C)political elite exercise discretionary powers(D)there is existing constitution
7.Which of the following should not be encouraged by responsible parents(A)religious fundamentalism(B)spiritual development(C)respect for elders(D)moral development
8.In obeying traffic rules, pedestrians are to walk on the left side of the road so as to(A)buy things at the road side(B)see oncoming vehicles(C)cross at anytime(D)walk across junctions
9.Responsible parenthood is important because it(A)Promotes procreation(B)fosters orderliness(C)grooms disciplined children(D)provides solution to all societal problems
10.Use of hard drugs could best be curtailed through(A)compensation(B)rehabilitation(C)enlightment(D)comprise
11.The following can be classified as forms of political apathy except(A)refusal to register and vote(B)lack of interest in politics(C)refusal to rig in an election(D)nonchalant attitude towards politicians
12 Drug abuse can best be prevented in the society by(A)arresting and prosecuting drug vendors(B)engaging in public enlightment(C)canvassing capital punishment for drug peddlers(D)prohibiting the sales of drugs at the motor parks
13.One of the skills that can be used in resolving inter-communal conflicts is(A)coercion(B)mediation(C)suppression(D)harassment
14.National unity is unique because(A)it promotes political stability(B)it retards economic growth(C)it fosters tribalism and nepotism(D)it generates discord among citizens
15.The inalienable rights of citizens of a state can best be protected through(A)an unwritten constitution(B)parliamentary system of government(C)unitary system of government (D)an independent judiciary
16.The exhibition of queuing culture in a society is a good example of(A)participation(B)empowerment(C)nationalism(D)orderliness
17.The following can lead to the declaration of the state of emergency except(A)civil unrest(B)earthquake(C)election crisis(D)terrorism
18.Responsible parents guide their children in solving academic problems through(A)guidance and counselling(B)reward and punishment(C)rules and regulations(D)enforcement and harassment
19.The process of acquiring good values,beliefs, norms and attitudes in relation to politics is called political(A)culture(B)agenda(C)propaganda(D)socialization
20.Which of these is not an agency responsible for the maintenance of law and order in Nigeria?(A)Red cross(B)Nigerian police(C)Nigerian customs(D)Federal Road Safety Corps
21.Where the three arms of government perform different functions in a democratic setting, this means there is(A)political liberty(B)separation of power(C)direct democracy(D)political separation
22.Which of these state is known for Kick Against Indiscipline(KAI) ?(A)Osun(B)Ogun(C)Lagos(D)Edo
23.The ability to conform with the standard laid down rules and regulations of the society is(A)probity(B)integrity(C)contentment(D)Orderliness
24.Democratic governance is usually characterized by(A)free,and fair election(B)buoyant and competitive economy(C)accessible employment opportunities(D)gerrymandering
25.Which of the following is not a function of INEC?(A)registration of voters(B)conducting periodic elections(C)recruitment of electoral officers(D)Administering oath of office to elected officers
26.A political party’s programme is known as(A)Constitution(B)Information(C)manifesto(D)document
27.Interpersonal relationship can take any of these forms except(A)Coercion(B)Care(C)Cooperation(D)Commitment
28.Internal communal relationship can occur at all these levels except(A)family(B)society(C)Rural area(D)Urban area
29.Which of the following protects the rights of the individual in a state?(A)the executive and legislature(B)law makers and lawyer(C)police court(D)presidency and the senate
30.Which of the following is regarded as the symbol of the legislature?(A)national flag(B)the wig(C)the oath taking(D)the mace
31.Inter-communal relationship is the interaction which exists among groups that……………… social interest in a given area or place(A)Discuss(B)Divide(C)Keep(D)Share
32.The inculcation of the awareness of the individual’s rights and duties is derived from(A)Political socialization(B)History(C)Civic education(D)Sociology
33.Which month was Nigeria declared Ebola free by World Health Organization?(A)October 2014(B)July 2014(C)September 2014(D)August 2014
34.Democracy can promote national development if there is(A)Good governance(B)Promotion of culture(C)Immunity of leaders(D)Registrationof political parties
35.Which of the following is necessary for the effective application of the rule of law(A)Political will to ensure that laws are obeyed(B)Employment opportunities for all citizens(C)The fusion of the three arms of government(D)Extension of the retire age of judges
36.Democracy is yet to take firm root in Africa because(A)It retards African development(B)African leaders are not experienced enough(C)Most African leaders detests the will of the people(D)It is an expensive system of government
37.A major way of promoting responsible parent hood is through(A)Sex education(B)Population control(C)Tax reduction method(D)Decline spiritual life
38.Which of the following is not the function of NDLEA(A)Applying and implementation of all drugs(B)Arresting,investigating and prosecuting drug traffickers(C)Undertaking the registration of campaigns on drug trafficking(D)Carrying out enlightenment campaigns on drug trafficking
39.The NDLEA personnel are not usually found in(A)International airports(B)Seaports(C)Border crossing(D)Foreign embassies
40.A responsible parent is someone who(A)Cares and provides for the children(B)Indulges the children because of love(C)Work in order to receive salary(D)Employ house help to take care of the children
41.Communal conflicts can best be resolved through(A)Amnesty(B)Dialogue(C)Going to court(D)War
42.National unity can be promoted through(A)Regular singing of national anthem(B)Ensuring national flag is recited everyday(C)Forcing all adults to read national pledge before and after work(D)Through tolerance and inter marriage
43.Responsible fathers should do all these except(A)Discipline the erring children(B)Engaging their children in child labour(C)Provide basic needs for the family(D)Defend the family
44.All these will promote national unity except(A)Religious tolerance(B)Discrimination(C)Inter marriage(D)Hospitality
45.How many colours are in the traffic light?(A)2(B)3(C)4(D)5
46.How many many senatores are elected from each state in Nigeria?(A)2(B)3(C)4(D)5
47.When the national flag is flown half mast, it is a sign of national(A)Centenary celebration(B)Independence celebration(C)Mourning(D)Protest day
48.When was Lagos state created(A)1965(B)1966(C)1967(D)1968
49.The recitation of the Nigeria National Anthem will promote(A)National unity(B)Patriotism(C)National solidarity(D)Obedience to law and order
50.The current security challenge in Nigeria is(A)Lassa fever epidemic(B)Boko Haram insurgence(C)Fulani herdsmen killings(D)Pipeline vandalism
INSTRUCTION:Attempt only three questions
1.Define responsible parenthood
B.Explain five roles of responsible parents
C.State three importance of responsible parenthood in national development
2.What is traffic regulation?
B.Highlight five traffic regulations
C.State five roles of individuals and government in maintaining traffic regulations
3.What is interpersonal relationship?
B.Explain five skills that promote interpersonal relationship
C.State three importance of interpersonal relationship
4.Define inter-communal relationship
B.State five importance of inter-communal relationship C.Explain three skills for resolving communal conflicts
5.State five functions of FRSC in Nigeria
B.Highlight five roles of drivers in reducing road accident
C.Explain three causes of road accident in Nigeria
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