CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: FINE ART Third Term Examinations 



Third Term Examinations


1.) The degree of lighten or darkness in an art work is called _____

(a) Shape (b) colour (c) value (d) form


2.) The response of vision to wave lengths of light is ____ (a) colour (b) line (c) shape (d) space


3.) The mixture of yellow and blue in equal quantity will give us colour _____

(a) Green (b) lemon (c) orange (d) purple


4.) An artist who specialized in painting is called _____

(a) Painter (b) sculpture (c) artisan (d) artiste


5.) The branch of art that deals with acting is called _______ art

(a) performing (b) liberal (c) visual (d) applied


6.) The drawing of non-living things is known as ______ drawing

(a) Life (b) nature (c) still life (d) aroma


7.) The drawing of cattle grazing on a valley is known as _______ drawing

(a) life (b) nature (c) still life (d) aroma


8.) Which of these colours create coolness _____ (a) blue (b) red (c) orange (d) black


9.) Which of these colours represents holiness or cleanliness (a) yellow (b) red (c) white (d) black


10.) Another name for colour is ____ (a) water colour (b) eraser (c) pencil (d) hue


Part B:

1.) The power to bring into form is known as _______________________________________


2.) Mention four fine art materials

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


3.) Mention two performing art

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


4.) Art is anything made or done by _______________________ or ______________________


5.) Draw and paint the Nigerian flag


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