• National Honors Awards
  • (A). Reasons for giving national honors (B). Examples of selfless service

(C). Outstanding National Award Recipient

  • Valuing Nigerian Goods
  • Values that promote peace
  • Co – Operation
  • National Unity
  • National consciousness and identity
  • Patriotism
  • (A). Meaning of Ethnicity
  • National Symbols
  • National Identity
  • Revision and test
  • Examination


WEEK 1&2



1 .State the meaning of national honor

  • List the types of national honor and awards
  • Mention the reasons for giving awards

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: A chart showing people giving different honors and awards


Scheme of work

All relevant materials

9-Years Basic Education Curriculum Online information


Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes. CONTENT OF THE LESSON


National honors are given to people to show that the nation greatly respects them for their achievement. Therefore, such awards are officially given to people to reward them for their achievement. Usually, the president gives such people medals and official titles

Some types of national honors and awards

  • MON–Member of the Order of the Niger
  • CON–Commander of the Order of the Niger
  • CFR–Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Very few people in Nigeria is usually given this award. It is meant for deserving Nigerians, who have meritoriously served the country at the highest level.

  • GCFR–Grand Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • OFR–Order of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Some reasons for giving national honors and awards

  • To recognize and reward the hard-work the individuals have done for the development and growth of the society.
  • To recognize their obedience to the laws of the country.
  • To appreciate their loyalty and patriotism to the country.
  • To reward the selfless service the individuals have rendered.
  • To further encourage the people recognized, to do more excellent work and meritorious services for the nation.

  • To encourage other citizens to serve the nation selflessly. We as citizens of our country must try and make our contributions to the growth and development of our local communities first, and then to the nation. We must learn from those who have been given awards by studying their behavior and how they live with others in society.


1 .State the meaning of national honor

  • List the types of national honor and awards
  • Mention the reasons for giving awards WRAP-UP (CONCLUSION)

Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. ASSIGNMENT

  • What are national honors and awards?
  • Mention three different types of national honors and awards.
  • A) Do you know anyone who has been given a national honor?
  • Mention his or her name.
  • Interview any person in your locality who has been given a National award for his/her contribution to the nation.





State the reasons we must prefer Nigerian goods


Scheme of work

All relevant materials

9-Years Basic Education Curriculum

Online information


Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes. CONTENT OF THE LESSON



It is right for us to value those things we make in Nigeria. We must admire and use them because they are made by us. When we value Nigerian made goods, we are proud of ourselves for what we have made. We feel satisfied and happy because we have put in a lot of hard work to finish what we have produced. In producing Nigerian made goods, we give employment to our youth. For example, there was a time in this country, when we had many textile factories where different types of fabrics were made. People were employed there and they were happy to work in the factories. We don’t have many of the factories today because of our poor economic conditions. We hope that before long, the situation will change for the better.

We must prefer Nigerian goods for the following reasons:

  • They give us pride that we make them.
  • We know how to keep them since we make them.
  • Our locally made clothes can last longer and can be used for many occasions

  • They make us look beautiful and handsome.
  • The home goods are made from pure raw materials and so they last for very long time.
  • Home-grown food items are not over processed, so they are good for the body. Examples are locally grown rice, fruits and vegetables.

Assessment & Evaluation:

State the reasons we must prefer Nigerian goods


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. ASSIGNMENT

Mention 6 reasons why we should prefer Nigerian goods.


Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to: State the value that promote peace


The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of: charts showing a peaceful protest Resources and Materials:

Scheme of work

All relevant materials

9-Years Basic Education Curriculum Online information

.Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.


Values that promote peace

Our values are our ideas about what is wrong and what is right, and what is important in life. Apart from valuing Nigerian made goods, there are other values that help to promote peace as we live together as human beings.

We shall examine some of them.

  • Tolerance: We should be willing to allow other people to express their own views and beliefs without criticizing them or behaving as If we know everything.

Social interaction promotes tolerance and respect for others

  • Respect for others: We should be careful not to harm other people, or hurt their feelings. We must realize that we a real different, and whichever way we behave, we must respect other people’s feelings. We must learn to accommodate them and we must learn to be slow in getting angry with one another. We must value each other’s opinions because by so doing, we will learn more and keep our society attractive, safe and progressive. If we are tolerant and respect the views of others, we would not have religious and ethnic crises. Our nation will be more peaceful.

  • Cooperation: Cooperation is working together to achieve something. A community cannot develop and progress if the members cannot work together to develop the place. People should learn to assist those in need of help. This will promote happiness among everyone.

  • Unity: Coming together to do things for the good of all in any society is very important. In a country like Nigeria where there are so many ethnic groups, there is a great need for people to stick together. By coming together, we can

develop the nation. This is why the government has established national symbols, national ceremonies and national awards.

We even have National Youth Service for graduates of higher institutions to promote unity. The National Flag, Coat of Arms and National Anthem represent our country––Nigeria. They demand respect from all of us since they represent our unity, and faith in our country. By singing our National anthem and reciting our National Pledge with respect, we are showing loyalty to the nation. They strengthen our national bonds. Peace is an important word that human beings use most of the time, but they are unable to find true peace. When we have unity, we will work together for peace.

  • Fairness: People should be treated fairly without being cheated. We should all operate according to rules and regulations. No one should be treated unjustly because of their religion, financial status, family background or ethnic group. We should be fair. People queuing to pay their bills

  • Honesty: We must emphasize the truth at all times. The truth sets people free because it helps to solve our problems and it makes our fellow men trust and love us all the more. If we were all honest, then we would not hurt others. We should tell the truth all the time. Honesty will reduce stealing, lying and other vices like fraud and prostitution.

  • Self discipline: This is the ability to do what you know you should do. For instance, you should attend school, study and do your work. You should assist your parents and the older members of the society. Adults should do their work and look after their family members. We should all be faithful to one another and to our nation. When we are self-disciplined, we would do all these things and even more without being forced to do them by anybody. Then our country will be a much better place.

  • Forgiveness: We should learn to forgive those who have hurt us in the past. Forgiveness will help us to progress as a nation.

  • Moderation: in Nigeria, we should learn to do things in moderation. For example, those who are wealthy should not show off their wealth. Those who are not wealthy should not attempt to get rich quickly by pursuing money excessively.

The reasons why human beings have not found true peace is the absence of the values we just discussed. Peace is a special requirement for living together in any society.


National Youth Corps on parade ground at a swearing-in ceremony

Assessment & Evaluation:

  • List five examples of made-in-Nigeria goods and state their uses.
  • Give two reasons why we should value made-in-Nigeria goods.

  • Identify four values that promote peace.
  • Mention two attributes of cooperation.
  • Why is peace difficult to achieve?


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. ASSIGNMENT

  • List five examples of made-in-Nigeria goods and state their uses.
  • Give two reasons why we should value made-in-Nigeria goods.

  • Identify four values that promote peace.
  • Mention two attributes of cooperation.
  • Why is peace difficult to achieve?



Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Define cooperation.
  • State the benefits of co operation.
  • Mention the attributes of co operation


Pupils textbook Resources and Materials:

Scheme of work

All relevant materials

9-Years Basic Education Curriculum Online information

.Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.


Meaning of Cooperation


Cooperation simply means working together to the same end.


Cooperation is the process of group of individuals working together for the purpose of achieving a common goal.


Cooperation is the means whereby people combine resources together for the purpose of achieving a common interest.


Cooperation is the process of working or acting together with willingness to help out to achieve a common goal.


Attributes of cooperation


The following are the various attributes of cooperation

  • Common goal: in cooperation, there must be a common goal to achieve, if there is no common goal then there won’t be any reason for cooperation. Common goal in the sense of having a common interest.
  • Sharing: sharing is the ability to share or give. In cooperation, individuals must be willing to share ideas or opportunities together for the same purpose of achieving a common interest.
  • Determination: this means that all members of the group must be focus and be determined to achieve the set goal.
  • Dedication: Every member of the group has to dedicate their time and energy to ensure that the set goals are achieved.

Benefits of cooperation

  • Cooperation makes set goals achievable.
  • Cooperation creates room for development
  • Cooperation encourages team work i.e. ability to work with others.
  • Cooperation encourages self development.
  • Cooperation creates stability
  • Cooperation creates room for peace and harmony in the society.

Assessment & Evaluation:

  • Define cooperation.
  • State the benefits of co operation.
  • Mention the attributes of co operation


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. ASSIGNMENT

Define cooperation.

State 4 benefits of co operation. Mention 3 attributes of co operation



Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

Define national unity

Identify four values that promote peace. Mention two attributes of cooperation. Why is peace difficult to achieve?



Pupils textbook Resources and Materials:

Scheme of work

All relevant materials

9-Years Basic Education Curriculum Online information

.Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.




National unity is the desire of the citizens of a country to promote peace and stability (common interest) in the country. Factors that Promote National Unity. There must be peace in the country. There must be security in the country. There must be good government in power.


Values that promote peace

Our values are our ideas about what is wrong and what is right, and what is important in life. Apart from valuing Nigerian made goods, there are other values that help to promote peace as we live together as human beings.

We shall examine some of them.

  • Tolerance:We should be willing to allow other people to express their own views and beliefs without criticizing them or behaving as If we know everything.

Social interaction promotes tolerance and respect for others

  • Respect for others: We should be careful not to harm other people, or hurt their feelings. We must realize that we a real different, and whichever way we behave, we must respect other people’s feelings. We must learn to accommodate them and we must learn to be slow in getting angry with one another. We must value each other’s opinions because by so doing, we will learn more and keep our society attractive, safe and progressive. If we are tolerant and respect the views of others, we would not have religious and ethnic crises. Our nation will be more peaceful.


  • Cooperation: Cooperation is working together to achieve something. A community cannot develop and progress if the members cannot work together to develop the place. People should learn to assist those in need of help. This will promote happiness among everyone.

  • Unity: Coming together to do things for the good of all in any society is very important. In a country like Nigeria where there are so many ethnic groups, there is a great need for people to stick together. By coming together, we can

develop the nation. This is why the government has established national symbols, national ceremonies and national awards.

We even have National Youth Service for graduates of higher institutions to promote unity. The National Flag, Coat of Arms and National Anthem represent our country––Nigeria. They demand respect from all of us since they represent our unity, and faith in our country. By singing our National anthem and reciting our National Pledge with respect, we are showing loyalty to the nation. They strengthen our national bonds. Peace is an important word that human beings use most of the time, but they are unable to find true peace. When we have unity, we will work together for peace.

  • Fairness: People should be treated fairly without being cheated. We should all operate according to rules and regulations. No one should be treated unjustly because of their religion, financial status, family background or ethnic group. We should be fair. People queuing to pay their bills

  • Honesty: We must emphasize the truth at all times. The truth sets people free because it helps to solve our problems and it makes our fellow men trust and love us all the more. If we were all honest, then we would not hurt others. We should tell the truth all the time. Honesty will reduce stealing, lying and other vices like fraud and prostitution.

  • Self discipline: This is the ability to do what you know you should do. For instance, you should attend school, study and do your work. You should assist your parents and the older members of the society. Adults should do their work and look after their family members. We should all be faithful to one another and to our nation. When we are self-disciplined, we would do all these things and even more without being forced to do them by anybody. Then our country will be a much better place.

  • Forgiveness: We should learn to forgive those who have hurt us in the past. Forgiveness will help us to progress as a nation.

  • Moderation: in Nigeria, we should learn to do things in moderation. For example, those who are wealthy should not show off their wealth. Those who are not wealthy should not attempt to get rich quickly by pursuing money excessively.

The reasons why human beings have not found true peace is the absence of the values we just discussed. Peace is a special requirement for living together in any society.


National Youth Corps on parade ground at a swearing-in ceremony


Assessment & Evaluation:

  • List five examples of made-in-Nigeria goods and state their uses.
  • Give two reasons why we should value made-in-Nigeria goods.

  • Identify four values that promote peace.
  • Mention two attributes of cooperation.
  • Why is peace difficult to achieve?


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. ASSIGNMENT

Assessment & Evaluation:

  • Define national unity
  • Identify four values that promote peace.
  • Mention two attributes of cooperation.
  • Why is peace difficult to achieve?


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding. ASSIGNMENT

  • What is national unity?
  • Identify four values that promote peace.
  • Mention two attributes of cooperation.
  • Why is peace difficult to achieve?




Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • What is nationalism?
  1. Mention some heroes and their contributions
  2. State the method for securing national interest. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS:

The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of: charts and pictures showing the different types of house.

Resources and Materials:

Scheme of work

All relevant materials

9-Years Basic Education Curriculum Online information

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.



Nationalism is a way of thinking that says that some groups of humans, such as ethnic groups, should be free to rule themselves. Nationalists think that the best way to make this happen and avoid control or oppression by others is for each group to have their own nation.


Methods for the Securing of National Interest:

Diplomacy as a Means of National Interests: Diplomacy is a universally accepted means for securing national interests. …

Propaganda: The second important method for securing national interest is propaganda. …

Economic Means: …

Alliances and Treaties: …

Coercive Means:


Nigerian heroes and their contributions General Yakubu Dan-Yumma Gowon 


His date of birth is October, 19 (1934). Yakubu was born in a small village of the Ngas tribe (Plateau State). He spent his childhood in Zaria. He got higher education in the Warwick University of the UK.


In 1954, he joined the Nigerian army and after training Yakubu received a Second Lieutenant position. During unstable period General Yakubu headed the Nigerian Federal Military Government (1966 – 1975.) His activity as Nigerian foreign minister (1966 – 1967) received high praise from all sectors of Nigerian community.


After an attempt of a military coup organized by Murtala Mohammed in 1975, Yakubu had to immigrate to the UK. The general came back to Nigeria only under president Shehu Shagari.


Sir Ahmadu Bello

His date of birth is June, 12 (1910). The place of birth is Rabbah Sokoto. Ahmadu Bello is esteemed as one of the most outstanding Nigerian fathers of the nation. He was engaged in political activities back in 1934. In twenty years, Sir Ahmadu Bello got the post of premier in the Northern Nigeria region. Together with Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, the premier played significant roles in the fight for Nigerian independence.


Sir Ahmadu Bello was killed during the coup d’état on January, 15 (1966). In honor of the famous Nigerian leader, the Ahmadu Bello University was named. His portrait is placed on the 200 Naira banknote.


Funmilayo Ransome Kuti

Her date of birth is October, 25 (1900). The place of birth is Abeokuta. Funmilayo Ransome Kuti was one of the premier female leaders and feminists in Nigeria. She defended the rights of women. At the same time, Funmilayo struggled against the military government and human rights violations.

Funmilayo Ransome Kuti was known as ‘the mother of Africa’ for her human rights work.


People elected her to the native House of Chiefs. She acted as an Oloye of the Yoruba nation. Funmilayo had membership in the National Council of Nigeria and Cameroon. Besides, she was the first Nigerian female to ever drive a car. In 1978, Funmilayo Ransome Kuti was thrown out of the window in the commune belonging to her son and died from her injuries.


Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe

His date of birth is November, 16 (1904). The place of birth is Niger state. Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe is one of the famous Nigerian fathers of the nation and the first Nigerian president after gaining independence from Great

Britain. He was affectionately called ‘Zik.’


When Azikiwe worked as the editor of a Ghanaian newspaper, he spread African nationalist ideas. After he came back to Nigeria in 1937, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe organized the West African Pilot for the promotion of nationalism in Nigeria. He created the Nigerian and Cameroons National Council in 1944 together with Herbert Macaulay. In 1946, he was appointed to the post of

secretary-general in the National Council and then elected to Nigerian Legislative Council.


Zik was the first Nigerian to be called to the Privy Council of the UK. He was the second and last Governor General (1960 – 1963). After Nigeria was proclaimed a republic in 1963, he became the first Nigerian president. Zik died in 1996. All his life Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe struggled for the independence and unity of Nigeria.


Kudirat Abiola

Her year of birth is 1951. The place of birth is Zaria city, Nigeria. Kudirat Abiola actively participated in the movement for democracy (1994). She took part in supporting the oil employees during their 12 week’s strike against the military. The strike was successful. The military government became weaker.


In 1995, Kudirat Abiola took part in the procession for freedom organized by democratic institutions together with supporters of Chief Anthony Enahoro. She was a true fighter for the democracy and inspired many people. Kudirat Abiola was named woman of the year two years in a row (1994, 1995). She was killed in 1996.


Chief Anthony Enahoro

His date of birth is July, 22 (1923). Chief Anthony Enahoro is one of the Nigeria’s prominent active supporters of democracy and anti-colonialism. He was the youngest editor of the newspaper ‘Southern Nigerian Defender’ in 1944. Enahoro was 21 years old at that time. He was involved in the fight for Nigerian independence. Chief Anthony Enahoro became a student leader and organized objections.


The colonial authorities imprisoned him twice for insurrection and satirical papers creating. Enahoro was the first Nigerian who tried to organize the movement for independence in Nigeria (1953). So, he is considered as the father of the state. That attempt did not work out. Chief Anthony Enahoro died in 2010.


Margaret Ekpo

Her date of birth is June, 27 (1914). The place of birth is Creek Town, Calabar. Margaret Ekpo fought for women’s rights in Nigeria. She was among the first female political figures in the first republic of the country. Margaret Ekpo took an important place as a local and nationalistic political figure in Aba city. She had a membership in the Nigerian and Cameroon National Council.


In 1950, Ekpo together with Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti opposed the murders at the Enugu coal mine. There the leaders of anti-colonial protest were killed. In 1954, she organized the Aba Township Women’s Association. Until 1955, Aba’s women had exceeded the number of men’s votes in a broad city election. She died in 2006.


Chief Obafemi Awolowo

His date of birth is March, 6 (1909). The place of birth is Ogun state. Chief Obafemi Awolowo was one of the leaders who fought for Nigeria’s independence. In 1950 he organized the Action Group (political party) which requested for the end of British domination in Nigeria. Obafemi Awolowo was the first premier of the Western Region. He refused the position of Finance Commissioner and vice chairperson of the Federal Executive Council in 1971 to object the extension of military rule. He died in 1987.


Herbert Macaulay

His year of birth is 1864. Herbert Macaulay founded Nigerian nationalism. Herbert Macaulay began the nationalist motion as he believed that the people with various origins inhabiting Nigeria had to get together as one. He organized the Lagos Daily News to provide the nationalist motion.


Macaulay created a political party in 1922. It was the National Democratic Party of Nigeria. He was the premier national president of the Nigerian and Cameroon National Council. That party was created by Herbert Macaulay together with Nnamdi Azikiwe in 1944. He died in 1946.


Hajiya Gambo Sawaba

Her year of birth is 1933. Hajiya Sawaba was an influential political and public figure in Nigeria. She was an adherent of the Northern Elements Progressive Union. Gambo Sawaba was an element of the political struggle fight that at last led to independent Nigeria. Although she was a low educated lady and early married by force, she was able to influence the fight for the

African woman’s emancipation. Hajiya Gambo Sawaba advocated freeing female from African customs that were not good for women. She died in 2001.


Gen. Murtala Ramat Mohammed

We should complete the list with General Murtala Mohammed. His date of birth is November, 8 (1938). The place of birth is Kano. He was one of the Nigerian military leaders. General received his first political position as Communications’ Commissioner in 1974. He combined the post with his military obligations.


Although General Murtala Mohammed’s powers did not last long, his administration specified a new path for the country, strengthened the sense of duty and patriotism. He created nineteen states to increase the number of states in Nigeria from the of twelve that were created in 1967. He also established a Commission of Public Complaints which provided honesty for the society. Gen. Murtala Mohammed was killed in 1976. His portrait is placed on the 20 Naira banknote. The airport in Lagos was named after the famous General Murtala Ramat Mohammed.


Our people should remember Nigerian heroes and their achievements. Past leaders have made huge contributions to the establishment of Nigerian independence and Nigeria’s development. Many of these great individuals have paid with their lives for the bright future of Nigeria. We must treat them with due respect.


Assessment & Evaluation:

  • What is nationalism?
  1. Mention some heroes and their contributions

  1. State the method for securing national interest. (WRAP-UP CONCLUSION)

Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.




Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • What is patriotism?
    1. Who is a patriot?
  • 2. Mention the early patriots in Nigeria



The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of: charts and pictures showing the early patriot in Nigeria.

Resources and Materials:

Scheme of work

All relevant materials

9-Years Basic Education Curriculum Online information

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.




A patriot is that person who is very concerned about the welfare of his people. He will do everything to see that his people are comfortable and happy.

One of the early patriots in Nigerian history is Herbert Macaulay who founded the Nigerian Democratic Party in 1922 when Nigeria was still under British rule. He was a very hard-working and courageous leader. He loved Nigeria and Nigerians.

After Herbert Macaulay, we have had other patriots like Nnamdi Azikiwe,

Reading : Awolowo’s Life and Legacy

Obafemi Awolowo, Tafawa Balewa and others. Some of them tried hard to see that Nigeria became an independent nation after so many years under British rule.

Everyone was born in a country, whether he is living in that country now or he is living in another. That is, everybody is a citizen of a country.

Once you are a member of a nation, you must love it and do all things that will promote the good name of the country. You must be ready to work for the good of the country.


At whatever level we are, we must always promote the national interest. We must be loyal and faithful to our country. If we are elected to occupy an office or a post of authority like being a member of the house of representatives, the senate or the post of a governor, we must first of all plan how to serve the people that have elected us to the post because we represent them. We must

work for their welfare and ensure that their lives are better, by improving their living standards.

We must pay our taxes or whatever money we are asked to pay for the development of our nation.

Real nationalists and patriots must naturally love their country. They should place the nation’s interests above their own personal interests. They should be loyal to their nation. True patriots use their knowledge, skill and talents to serve their nation.

Assessment & Evaluation:

  • What is patriotism?
    1. Who is a patriot?
  • 2. Mention the early patriots in Nigeria



Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding.




. Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

    1. Define ethnicity
  • List the problems of ethnic, state and group loyalty and discuss them


The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of: charts and pictures showing the early patriot in Nigeria.

Resources and Materials:

Scheme of work

All relevant materials

  1. Years Basic Education Curriculum Online information

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.




An ethnic group; a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like:

Problems of ethnic, state and group loyalty


The greatest problems of ethnic, state and group loyalty in a country like Nigeria are ethnic crises, political instability, election malpractice, and unreliable census figures. For so many years now, Nigeria has not been able to say the exact number of the people living in the country. The lack of accurate census figures makes planning for the people difficult. The reason for lack of accurate census figures is loyalty to a particular ethnic group and state. Every ethnic group wants to be sure the figures returned from enumeration of the people are high enough for political gain. This is a big problem.

Assessment & Evaluation:

    1. Define ethnicity
  • List the problems of ethnic, state and group loyalty and discuss them


Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding



TOPIC: National symbols

Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Name national symbols and describe them and state their importance.
  • Suggest ways one can do to arrange a good census in the country.


Nigeria flag National coat of arm

Resources and Materials: Scheme of work

All relevant materials

9-Years Basic Education Curriculum Online information

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.



Nigeria’s national symbols are the National Flag, the Coat of Arms, the Pledge and the National Anthem

National Anthem Arise, o compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey

To serve our fatherland

With love and strength and faith The labor of our heroes past Shall never be in vain;

To serve with heart and might One nation bound in freedom Peace and unity.

O God of creation, Direct our noble cause

Guide thou our leaders right Help our youth the truth to know In love and honesty to grow

And living just and true; Great lofty heights attain

To build a nation where peace

And justice shall reign. The National Pledge

I pledge to Nigeria my country To be faithful, loyal and honest

To serve Nigeria with all my strength To defend her unity

And uphold her honor and glory So help me God.

The Nigerian National Flag and The Coat of Arms

Description of the Nigerian National Flag

The national flag is made of green which symbolizes agriculture, and white which stands for unity and peace. The white is immaculate white, while the emerald green is popularly known as the Nigerian Green.


Description of the Nigerian Coat of Arms

The black shield represents the good earth of Nigeria.

The silver wavy bands represent the rivers Niger and Benue. The white horses (the two supporters) represent dignity.

The eagle represents strength. The wreath is in the colors of the Nigerian flag. The ground on which the bearings stand is CoctusSpectablis, which is a common wild flower found throughout Nigeria.


Values of nationalism and patriotism

We mentioned earlier in this book, the importance of respect, selflessness, caring for others, tolerance and cooperation. We need to look at a key value which a nationalist must have. This value is courage.

Courage is the ability to be brave, even when one is in danger or in a difficult situation. A true nationalist should be brave. He should be honest even when some people are not honest. He should encourage all those around him to be cooperative and work in unity to serve the nation.

Courage and the other values which we have already discussed are important for national progress and development.

When a country develops them in her citizens, they will be able to live together in unity and harmony.

In class, we must develop these values for the good of our class and later for the good of our community and the nation as a whole.


Differences between national symbols and other symbols

The major difference between national symbols and other symbols is that national symbols like––the flag, the coat of arms, the pledge, etc, are for the entire nation while others are for specific groups like schools, clubs and companies.

Look at your school badge and compare it with the coat of arms. Identify the differences you find.

Assessment & Evaluation:

  • Name national symbols and describe them and state their importance.
  • Suggest ways one can do to arrange a good census in the country.



Teacher goes over the topic once again to enhance better understanding



  • What is nationalism?
  • Mention three early patriots in Nigeria.
  • List three problems of ethnic, state and group loyalty and discuss them.
  • Name at least three national symbols and describe them and state their importance.
  • as you grow up as a responsible citizen of Nigeria, suggest what you can do to arrange a good census in the country.


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