English Studies Primary 1 Second Term

Basic One Second Term 


English Studies Year One Second Term


Primary 1 

Primary 1 Second Term English Week 1


Speech Work – Revision of Difficult area in primary topics

Fluency – recognize common words

Vocabulary – New words

Comprehension – Identifying the main character and setting of a play

Writing – Revision on the writing of two letter words





Primary 1 Second Term English Week 2


Speech Work – Pronunciation of words i -l

Structure – Identification of major colours like white, black

Vocabulary – New words

Comprehension – Describe information gained from text in own word

Writing – Introducing three letter words





Primary 1 Second Term English Week 3


Speech Work – Representation of objects with numbers eg There are one, two, three cups

Structure – Indicating plurals of objects 

Vocabulary – New words 

Comprehension – Explain simple written instructions  

Writing – Introducing three letter words {continued}





Primary 1 Second Term English Week 4


Speech Work – Pronunciation Practice :  eg This is a pencil , These are pencils   

Vocabulary – Name some word categories correctly 

Reading – Recitation of Peom 

Writing – Writing of three letter words  





Primary 1 Second Term English Week 5


Speech Work – Pronunciation practice. Is this a cat? Is this a book?

Structure – Using his or her correctly 

Vocabulary – Explain synonyms 

Comprehension – Reading and answer questions on a given test  

Writing – Making strokes to form letters 




Primary 1 Second Term English Week 6


Speech Work – Pronunciation M – P words 

Structure – Further practice on asking questions 

Vocabulary – Antonyms 

Comprehension – Identification of the front cover, back cover, title, author of a book etc.  

Writing – Writing of letters a – e 



Primary 1 Second Term English Week 7


Speech Work – Pronunciation of Q – T words 

Structure – Indicating sizes in pictures eg This is a small ruler, This is a big ruler  

Vocabulary – Homonyms 

Reading : Expressing wants 

Comprehension – Identify Lettes of the alphabets in printed words or sentences  

Writing – Writing of f – j 




Primary 1 Second Term English Week 8


Speech Work – Pronunciation of Q  – T words  

Concepts of print: Identification of lower and upper case of letters 

Vocabulary – New words 

Reading – Answering oral and written questions 

Writing – Writing of alphabets : K – O 

Structure : Placing persons or objects in relationship to other – The use of in, to, of 




Primary 1 Second Term English Week 9

Speech Work – Talking about length. The use of short / long 

Concepts of print – Punctuation mark – full stop 

Vocabulary – New words 

Reading – Pictures reading of introduction of person

Writing – Writing of alphabets P – S




Primary 1 Second Term English Week 10


Speech Work – Talking about length – The use of fat /thin 

Structure – The use of preposition eg 

(a) The bag is on the table

(b) The ball is under the bench

(c) The pencil is inside the bag

Vocabulary – New words

Reading – Fluency reading ; answering oral and written questions correctly 

Writing – writing of alphabets T – W




Primary 1 Second Term English Week 11


Speech Work – Review of difficult words during the term 

Structure – Revision of Adjectives 

Vocabulary – New words 

Reading – Fluency reading; answering oral and written questions correctly 

Writing – Writing of alphabets X – Z





Primary 1 Second Term English Week 12

Revision and Examination 




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English Studies Primary 1 First Term



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English Studies Primary 1Third Term Scheme of Work

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