Primary 2 First term English Grammar Scheme of Work





Week 1

i.) Vocabulary Building reading. Teaching of the new words and

II) Oral and written comprehension

iii.) Phonetic awareness Using songs and rhymes to identify


iv) Picture reading-wall chart containing words.

V. Writing-write the sounds /a//ai/ in isolation.


Week 2

i. Teaching of the new words and meaning.

ii. Oral and written comprehension on passage read.

iii. Speech work-learn sounds through songs.

IV. Simple commands at home and school.

V. Picture reading chart. – wall chart sounds and words on the

Week 3

i. Teaching of the new words and meaning.

ii. Oral and written comprehension on passage read.

iii) Using songs and rhymes to identify sounds.

iv) Learning simple commands at home and school.

v) Writing of alphabets.


Week 4.

i. Vocabulary building. Teaching of the new words and meaning

II) Oral and written comprehension

iii) Phonic – Pronounce consonants sounds in isolation.

iv) Picture reading of the classroom environment

V. Writing of alphabets-two letter words.


Week 5.

i. Teaching of the new words and reading.

ii. Oral and written comprehension.

iii. Differentiates between words in each pair.

iv. Production of consonant sound and words.

V. Picture reading-charts, wall reading in the classroom.


Week 6


i. Vocabulary building Teaching of the new words and meaning

ii. Oral and written comprehension.

iii. Structure Identification with emphasis on the articles a and an.


iv. Speech – Fluency Reading of different kinds of book fluently.

V. Reading of different kinds of texts fiction and non-fiction.


Week 7




ii. Oral and written Composition – My best Friend

iii. Grammar-Possessive Pronouns 

iv. Provide simple passage on HIV/AIDS. Identification of key words.

v. Writing Charts and picture reading, selected words to be written from the charts.



Week 8


i. Vocabulary Building Teaching of the new words and reading


ii. Oral and written comprehension


iii. Grammar Provide simple passage on drug abuse. identification of key words in the topic.


iv. Reading-selected word on the topic drug abuse


V. Writing of words from the charts key words on HIV/AIDS and drug abuse.


Week 9

i. Vocabulary building Teaching of the new words and meaning.


ii. Oral and written comprehension.


iii. Speech fluency Reading of different kinds of book. Read with confidence. reading of different kinds of texts fiction non fiction.


iv. Grammar Provide simple words on HIV/AIDS.


V. Identification and writing of key words, charts and picture reading on key words on HIV/AIDS.


Week 10

i. Vocabulary building – Teaching of the new words and meaning

II. Oral and written comprehension

iii. Speech fluency: Reading of different


Week 11

i. Vocabulary building – Teaching of the new words and reading

ii. Oral and written Comprehension passage, rhyme, stories and answer question

iii. Structure – Demonstrate, stories Rhymes to pupils on the need to wash hands before eating

IV. Speech – pronunciation of the key words

V. Grammar – supplementary readers wall chart flash cards showing the key words


Week 12

Revision and Examination




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English Studies Primary 1Third Term Scheme of Work



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