Qualities of a good leader Primary 5 Social Studies

Qualities of a Good Leader:

  1. Responsibility: Does important things and helps make decisions like a class monitor 📚.
  2. Listening Skills: Listens carefully to friends and teachers to understand them better 👂.
  3. Encouragement: Makes friends feel happy and confident to do their best 🌟.
  4. Fairness: Treats everyone the same and shares things equally like sharing toys 🎲.
  5. Communication: Talks nicely and shares ideas with friends during group projects 🗣️.
  6. Problem-Solving: Helps friends find answers when they have problems or puzzles 🧩.
  7. Confidence: Believes in themselves and encourages others to believe in themselves too 💪.
  8. Respect: Uses good manners and is kind to everyone, like saying please and thank you 🙏.
  9. Adaptability: Can change plans when needed, like playing a different game when it rains 🌧️.
  10. Empathy: Understands how friends feel when they are sad or happy and tries to help them feel better 🤗.


Additional Qualities of a Good Leader:

  1. Respect: Uses good manners and listens to others without interrupting, like waiting for their turn to speak 🤝.
  2. Honesty: Tells the truth and doesn’t lie or cheat during games or tests 🤥.
  3. Integrity: Keeps promises and does what they say they will do, like returning borrowed items 🤞.
  4. Kindness: Shows care and helps friends when they are sad or need help, like comforting a crying friend 🤗.
  5. Patience: Waits calmly and doesn’t get upset easily, like waiting in line without pushing or cutting ahead ⏳.
  6. Teamwork: Works well with others and shares tasks during group activities or projects 🤝.
  7. Courage: Faces challenges without giving up easily and tries new things, like speaking in front of the class 🦸‍♂️.
  8. Generosity: Shares toys, snacks, and other things with friends and doesn’t keep everything for themselves 🎁.
  9. Empathy: Understands how others feel and tries to help them feel better, like comforting a friend who fell down 🤗.
  10. Positive Attitude: Stays cheerful and encourages others even when things are difficult, like saying “We can do it!” during a tough game or task 😊.


Qualities of a Good Leader:

  1. What is responsibility?
    • Responsibility means doing important tasks and making good choices.
  2. Why is listening important for a leader?
    • Listening is important so a leader can understand others better and help them.
  3. What does honesty mean for a leader?
    • Honesty means telling the truth and not cheating or lying.
  4. How does a leader show respect?
    • A leader shows respect by using good manners and listening to others.
  5. Why is kindness important for leaders?
    • Kindness is important because it shows care and helps friends feel better.
  6. What is integrity for a leader?
    • Integrity means keeping promises and doing what you say you will do.
  7. How does a leader demonstrate teamwork?
    • A leader demonstrates teamwork by working well with others and sharing tasks.
  8. Why is patience a good quality for leaders?
    • Patience helps leaders stay calm and wait without getting upset easily.
  9. What does courage mean for leaders?
    • Courage means facing challenges without giving up easily and trying new things.
  10. Why is a positive attitude important for leaders?
    • A positive attitude helps leaders stay cheerful and encourage others, even during tough times.

Fill in the Blanks:

  1. Responsibility means doing important tasks and making ________ choices.
    • a) good
    • b) bad
    • c) easy
    • d) funny
  2. Listening is important for a leader to understand others ________.
    • a) better
    • b) worse
    • c) slowly
    • d) loudly
  3. Honesty means telling the ________ and not cheating.
    • a) truth
    • b) lie
    • c) joke
    • d) story
  4. A leader shows respect by using good manners and ________ to others.
    • a) listening
    • b) talking loudly
    • c) ignoring
    • d) shouting
  5. Kindness helps leaders show care and make friends ________.
    • a) happy
    • b) angry
    • c) sad
    • d) jealous
  6. Integrity means keeping promises and doing what you say you will ________.
    • a) do
    • b) not do
    • c) forget
    • d) change
  7. Teamwork means working well with others and ________ tasks.
    • a) sharing
    • b) hiding
    • c) ignoring
    • d) finishing
  8. Patience helps leaders stay calm and wait without getting ________ easily.
    • a) upset
    • b) happy
    • c) loud
    • d) tired
  9. Courage means facing challenges without giving up easily and trying ________ things.
    • a) new
    • b) old
    • c) boring
    • d) easy
  10. A positive attitude helps leaders stay cheerful and ________ others.
    • a) encourage
    • b) discourage
    • c) ignore
    • d) tease
  11. Respect means using good manners and listening to others without ________.
    • a) interrupting
    • b) listening
    • c) talking
    • d) shouting
  12. Honesty means telling the truth and not ________.
    • a) lying
    • b) joking
    • c) listening
    • d) shouting
  13. Integrity means keeping promises and doing what you say you will ________.
    • a) do
    • b) not do
    • c) forget
    • d) change
  14. Teamwork means working well with others and ________ tasks.
    • a) sharing
    • b) hiding
    • c) ignoring
    • d) finishing
  15. A positive attitude helps leaders stay cheerful and ________ others.
    • a) encourage
    • b) discourage
    • c) ignore
    • d) tease
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