Week: week 1 Class: Basic two

Topic: Shapes and sizes1

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1.) identify different shapes of object.

Instructional material/Reference material: Teachers chart showing different example of shapes. .

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with different shapes of objects


Shapes are the form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external surface. While size shows the dimension of an object or how big the object is

Types of shapes:

  1. Circle
  2. Square
  3. Rectangle
  4. Pentagon
  5. Triangle. E.t.c


  1. Draw an object with different shapes.



1. Shapes refer to the _________ or external surface of an object.
a) size
b) color
c) form

2. The _________ of an object indicates how big it is.
a) color
b) size
c) shape

3. The outline of a shape is part of its _________.
a) color
b) size
c) form

4. A _________ has the same distance from its center to all points on its boundary.
a) rectangle
b) circle
c) triangle

5. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles is a _________.
a) triangle
b) square
c) circle

6. A _________ has three sides and three angles.
a) square
b) triangle
c) pentagon

7. A _________ has five sides and five angles.
a) rectangle
b) square
c) pentagon

8. A _________ has four sides with opposite sides being equal in length.
a) circle
b) square
c) rectangle

9. A shape with three sides and three angles is a _________.
a) rectangle
b) pentagon
c) triangle

10. A _________ is a shape with all sides and angles equal.
a) rectangle
b) square
c) pentagon

11. A _________ has four sides but not all sides are equal.
a) square
b) rectangle
c) pentagon

12. A shape with three sides and three angles is a _________.
a) rectangle
b) pentagon
c) triangle

13. A _________ has five sides and five angles.
a) rectangle
b) square
c) pentagon

14. A _________ is a shape with all sides and angles equal.
a) rectangle
b) square
c) pentagon

15. A _________ has four sides with opposite sides being equal in length.
a) circle
b) square
c) rectangle


Week: week 2 Class: Basic two

Topic: shapes and size

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1.) Identify different size of object.

Instructional material/Reference material: teacher’s chart showing different object and their sizes.


Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: student have learnt about the types of shapes.

Content: size can be define as the dimension of an object showing how big and small the object is. E.g big, small and large object.

Examples. Big pot and small pot, Big kettle and small kettle.

The diagram below shows different object and there sizes.

Evaluation: Teacher ask student what have been taught.

  1. Draw an object of different sizes.


Absolutely, here are 10 fill-in-the-blank questions related to the concept of size and examples:

**Definition of Size:**

1. Size refers to the _________ of an object, indicating how big or small it is.
a) color
b) shape
c) dimension

2. The _________ of an object gives an idea of its physical magnitude.
a) color
b) size
c) shape

**Examples of Size:**

3. A _________ pot and a small pot illustrate the concept of size.
a) square
b) big
c) round

4. Comparing a big kettle and a small kettle demonstrates differences in _________.
a) color
b) size
c) shape

5. When we talk about size, we discuss whether an object is _________ or small.
a) colorful
b) round
c) big

**Describing Size:**

6. A _________ object takes up a lot of space.
a) colorful
b) big
c) round

7. An object that doesn’t take up much space is considered _________.
a) round
b) small
c) colorful

8. Comparing a big and a small object helps us understand the concept of _________.
a) shape
b) size
c) color

**Size Examples:**

9. A _________ object is large in dimension compared to a small object.
a) colorful
b) big
c) round

10. We can use the terms “big” and “small” to describe _________ of objects.
a) color
b) size
c) shape

11. A small object takes up _________ space than a big object.
a) less
b) more
c) equal

12. Size helps us distinguish between _________ objects.
a) colorful
b) big
c) round

13. When we compare the dimensions of objects, we are discussing their _________.
a) color
b) size
c) shape

14. A big kettle and a small kettle are examples of objects with different _________.
a) colors
b) shapes
c) sizes

15. Objects can be categorized as big or small based on their _________.
a) color
b) shape
c) size


Types of Angles and Shapes

Week: week 3 Class: Basic two

Topic: shapes and sizes

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Draw different types of shapes of that are big and small.

Instructional material/Reference material: Teacher’s chart showing different types of shapes.


Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils have learnt the meaning and types of shapes and sizes.


Content: Big objects: Big cylinder

Evaluation: Teacher ask student to draw different type of shapes and sizes of objects, small and big.

Draw a shape of big size and small size.


Week: 4th week Class: Basic two

Topic: shapes and sizes

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Draw different sizes of an object

Instructional material/Reference material: Teacher’s chart showing different sizes of object.


Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupil have learnt how to draw different type of shapes of sizes.


Content: big and small sizes of different object

Evaluation: Teacher ask pupil to:

Draw different object of big and small sizes.


Week: 5th week Class: Basic two

Topic: colouring functional art work.


Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, Pupils should be able to:

  1. Draw two different functional art.

Instructional material/Reference material: Charts and pictures


Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupil have learnt how to:

  1. Draw different shape and size of object.
  2. Draw shapes and size of object that are big and small.

Content: Functional artwork, such as clocks, boxes and books provide a wonderful platform for showing style of carving. They are often wood artwork.

Two examples of functional art.

Evaluation: draw two different function art




1. Functional artwork includes items like _________, boxes, and books.
a) paintings
b) clocks
c) sculptures

2. Clocks, boxes, and books are examples of _________ art.
a) non-artistic
b) functional
c) virtual

3. Wood is commonly used for creating functional artwork due to its _________.
a) flexibility
b) durability
c) transparency

4. Clocks, boxes, and books are examples of functional artwork made from _________.
a) plastic
b) metal
c) wood

5. Functional artwork provides a way to showcase a specific _________ of carving.
a) size
b) style
c) color


Week: 6th week Class: Basic two

Topic: colouring functional art

Behavioural objectives: At the end end if the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Apply colour different colour to each of the drawing

Instructional material/Reference material: paper, pencils, coloring pencils. Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupil have learnt how:

  1. Draw functional art.

Content: Applying colours to different art works attract more views and add beauty to the functional art work.

Colouring functional artworks.


Evaluation: Teacher ask the student to:

  1. Draw and apply colour to functional art work


Week: 7th week Class: Basic two

Topic: Introduction to craft making


Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson; pupil should be able to:

  1. To identify more types of craft making.

Instructional material/Reference material: papers, glue, scissors, piece of wood.


Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: student have been taught:

  1. colouring functional artwork.
  2. How to apply colour to functional art


Content: craft are design or art works that made by bare hands which include various types of art forms.

Types of craft:

Textiles, Crocheting, Embroidery, Felt-making, Knitting, Lace-making, Tapestry art, Weaving.

Woodcraft: it involve using creating various design on wood.

Paper craft: it involve using paper to make different forms of designs of your choice.

Pottery: it involve using of mud to create diverse of design of your choice. Evaluation: At the end of the lesson, Teachers ask the Pupils to:

  1. Identify 3 types of craft.




1. Crafts are art forms that are created using _________.
a) computers
b) bare hands
c) machines

2. Craft includes various types of art forms that are made by _________.
a) robots
b) design experts
c) bare hands

3. Textiles, crocheting, and embroidery are examples of _________.
a) music
b) craft
c) literature

4. Felt-making, knitting, and lace-making are types of _________.
a) sports
b) craft
c) cooking

5. _________ involves creating various designs on wood.
a) Painting
b) Woodcraft
c) Sculpting

6. Crafts are created using artistic skills and _________.
a) technology
b) bare hands
c) machines

7. Tapestry art and weaving are examples of _________.
a) dance forms
b) craft
c) musical instruments

8. Woodcraft involves working with _________ to create designs on wood.
a) computers
b) metal
c) wood

9. Crafts are different from mass-produced items because they are made with _________.
a) machines
b) technology
c) artistic skill

10. Craft forms like crocheting and embroidery require skillful use of _________.
a) machines
b) technology
c) needles

11. Lace-making, felt-making, and knitting are examples of craft forms related to _________.
a) metal
b) textiles
c) ceramics

12. Woodcraft involves creating designs on a _________ surface.
a) glass
b) wood
c) paper

13. Weaving and tapestry art are types of craft related to _________.
a) painting
b) textiles
c) music

14. Craft forms like crocheting and knitting are associated with _________.
a) wood
b) textiles
c) metal

15. Crafts are characterized by being made using _________ skills.
a) artistic
b) technological
c) mathematical


Week: 8th week Class: Basic 2 Topic: craft making

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify materials for craft making.

Instructional material/Reference material: paper, glue, brush, pieces of wood, scrap metal.

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupil have been taught:

  1. Types of craft. Content:

Materials for craft making. There are many important materials for making good craft work. Which are:

Hot Glue Gun. …

Scissors Markers

Pencils Coloured pencils Papers

Scrap mentals

Craft Cord, Thread and Wire Glitter


Paint Brushes Chenille Stems

Evaluation: teacher ask the Pupils on what have been taught

  1. Materials for craft making


Week: 9th week Class: Basic two

Topic: designing pattern of basic shape.

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

  1. Design pattern using basic shapes

Instructional material/Reference material: Diagram of basic shapes, pencils, paper, eraser.

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils have been taught:

  1. Three types of craft making
  2. Materials for craft making.

Content: designing pattern using basic shapes involve using diverse shape to create a design pattern of your choice. For examples:


Evaluation: teacher asked pupil to:

  1. Identify patterns of basic shape
  2. Design patterns with basic shapes.


Week: 10th week Class: Basic two

Topic: Designing pattern of basic shapes

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

  1. Draw basics shapes

Instructional material/Reference material: Diagram of basic shapes, pencils, paper, eraser.

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupil have been taught how to:

  1. Design pattern using basics shapes Content: drawing basic shapes.



Evaluation: teacher ask pupils to:

  1. Draw basic shapes.




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