Meaning, Uses, Importance, and Music Used in Class Teaching Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Class: Primary 2

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Term: First Term

Week: 9

Topic: Meaning, Uses, Importance, and Music Used in Class Teaching

Duration: 30 minutes

Reference Books:

  • “Our Creative World” by Lagos State Ministry of Education

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures of musical instruments
  • Printed pictures of classroom activities
  • Visual aids for different music styles

Entry Behaviour: Students have some knowledge of songs and enjoy singing and dancing.

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. To help students understand the meaning of music.
  2. To introduce students to the uses and importance of music.
  3. To make students aware of music used in class teaching.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening skills
  • Creative expression
  • Appreciation of music
  • Communication skills

Learning Materials:

  • Visual aids with pictures of different musical instruments
  • Images of classroom activities involving music
  • Colorful markers and crayons


  • Introduction to the concept and meaning of music.
  • Explanation of various uses and importance of music in daily life.
  • Discussion of music used in the classroom for learning.

1. Music is like a ____________. 🎵

  • Music is a special kind of sound that makes you feel happy, sad, excited, or calm.

2. Music comes from ____________. 🎶

  • People make music by singing, playing instruments like the guitar or piano, or even by clapping their hands.

3. Music tells ____________. 📖

  • Music is like a story. It can tell you about love, adventures, or how someone is feeling.

4. Music makes you want to ____________. 💃

  • When you hear music, it might make you want to dance, sing along, or tap your feet.

5. Music is like a ____________. 🌈

  • Different kinds of music can be like different colors. Some are slow and calm (like blue), while others are fast and exciting (like red).

6. Music is everywhere! 🌍

  • You can hear music on the radio, in movies, at parties, and even in nature when birds sing.

7. Music makes us feel ____________. 😃😢

  • Music can make us feel happy, sad, or even relaxed. It’s like magic for our emotions.

8. Music is a language of ____________. 🗣️

  • Music helps people express themselves, just like talking does. It’s a way to share feelings and stories.

So, music is like a magical language that uses sounds to tell stories, make you feel different emotions, and have fun! 🎤🎸🎹🎶😄

1. Nursery Rhymes 🎵👶

  • Songs like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb” teach us simple words and stories.

2. ABC Song 🎶🔤

  • This song helps us learn the alphabet. It goes, “A, B, C, D, E, F, G…”

3. Counting Songs 1-10 🎤🔢

  • Songs like “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” and “Ten in the Bed” teach us numbers and counting.

4. Shapes and Colors Songs 🎨🌈

  • Songs like “The Color Song” and “Shapes Song” help us learn about colors and shapes.

5. Good Manners Song 🎤🤝

  • This song teaches us how to say “please” and “thank you.” It’s like a polite song!

6. Weather Song 🌦️🎶

  • We sing this song to learn about the weather, like sunny, rainy, and cloudy days.

7. Days of the Week Song 🗓️🎤

  • This song helps us remember the days of the week. It goes, “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…”

8. Months of the Year Song 📅🎵

  • We sing this song to learn the months of the year, like January, February, and so on.

9. Animal Songs 🦁🎶

  • Songs like “Old MacDonald” teach us about different animals and their sounds.

10. Fun Action Songs 🎵🕺 – These songs make us dance, jump, or clap our hands while learning. It’s like a musical game!

These are some of the songs we sing in class to make learning fun and memorable! 🎼📚🎉


1. Express Feelings and Emotions 🎵😊

  • Music helps us show how we feel. When we’re happy, we might sing a cheerful song, and when we’re sad, we can listen to a comforting tune.

2. Tell Stories and Share Messages 📖🎶

  • Music is like a storyteller. It can share stories about love, friendship, and adventures through songs and melodies.

3. Bring People Together 🤝🎤

  • Music makes people sing, dance, and clap together. It’s like a big, happy group hug of sound!

4. Celebrate Special Occasions 🎉🥳

  • We use music to celebrate birthdays, holidays, and other special days. Think of birthday songs and festive tunes.

5. Help Us Learn and Remember 📚🎼

  • Songs can help us remember things. For example, the ABC song helps us learn our letters, and counting songs help us remember numbers.

6. Make Everyday Activities Fun 🏃‍♂️🎵

  • Music can turn everyday things into fun activities. We can sing while cleaning, dancing while cooking, or even making up a walking song!

7. Express Creativity and Imagination 🌟🎤

  • We can create our songs and stories through music, letting our imaginations run wild.

8. Relax and Feel Calm 🧘‍♂️🎶

  • Soft and slow music can help us relax and feel calm, just like a lullaby at bedtime.

9. Connect with Different Cultures 🌍🎼

  • Music from around the world helps us learn about different cultures and traditions. It’s like a musical journey!

10. Have Fun and Enjoy Life 🥁🎉 – Most importantly, music is about having fun and enjoying life. It’s like a big, joyful party with music as the guest of honor!

Music is like a magical language that can express feelings, bring joy, and connect people. It’s an important part of our lives! 🌈🎤🥁😄

Instructional Procedure:

  1. Step 1 – Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Begin by discussing what music is and how it makes us feel.
    • Show pictures of different musical instruments and ask students if they know any of them.
  2. Step 2 – Meaning and Uses (10 minutes):
    • Explain that music is like a magical language that expresses feelings, tells stories, and helps us remember things.
    • Discuss various uses of music, such as celebrating, learning, and expressing creativity.
  3. Step 3 – Importance and Classroom Music (15 minutes):
    • Highlight the importance of music in our daily lives, including connecting with different cultures and having fun.
    • Show images of classroom activities involving music, like singing the alphabet or dancing to a beat.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain concepts in simple language.
  • Use visual aids to make learning engaging and interactive.
  • Facilitate class discussions and interactions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and understand the meaning and uses of music.
  • Participate in discussions and express their thoughts.
  • Use markers and crayons to color pictures related to the topic.

Summary: Summarize the key points about the meaning, uses, importance, and music in class teaching.

Evaluation: Ask questions to assess students’ understanding of the topic and their ability to recognize different musical instruments.

  1. Music is like a magical language that uses __________ to express feelings and stories. a) pictures b) sounds c) books d) games
  2. Music helps us share __________ and messages through songs and melodies. a) stories b) jokes c) food d) dances
  3. One of the uses of music is to bring people together, making everyone sing, dance, and __________. a) cry b) argue c) clap d) hide
  4. We use music to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and __________. a) holidays b) stories c) secrets d) dreams
  5. Songs can help us __________ things like the ABCs and numbers. a) forget b) remember c) eat d) build
  6. Music makes everyday activities fun, like singing while __________. a) sleeping b) cleaning c) shouting d) running
  7. Music allows us to express our __________ and imagination by creating our songs and stories. a) laughter b) creativity c) sadness d) anger
  8. Soft and slow music can help us relax and feel __________, like a lullaby at bedtime. a) worried b) happy c) calm d) excited
  9. Music helps us connect with different __________ and learn about their traditions. a) friends b) animals c) cultures d) toys
  10. Music is about having fun and enjoying life, like a big joyful __________ with music as the guest of honor. a) party b) class c) book d) mountain
  11. A different word for “importance” is __________. a) magic b) meaning c) significance d) stories
  12. One use of music is to express feelings and __________. a) games b) colors c) emotions d) dances
  13. Music is like a language that helps us __________ and remember things. a) forget b) learn c) read d) eat
  14. We use music to make everyday activities more __________. a) boring b) sad c) fun d) dark
  15. Different cultures have their music, and it’s like a musical __________ to learn about them. a) language b) journey c) story d) game

Assignment: Assign students to draw and color a picture of their favorite musical instrument or a classroom music activity.

Class Activity: Conduct a group discussion on their favorite songs and why they like them.

This lesson plan aims to introduce Primary 2 students to the world of music, helping them understand its meaning, uses, and importance while also recognizing its role in the classroom.

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