Structure Construction with the Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4


Subject :English Grammar

Class :Primary 5

Term :Third Term

Week: 4

Class: Basic 5

Subject: English Studies


Structure Construction with the Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Previous Lesson : 



I. Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the structure and usage of the past tense and past perfect tense.
  2. Differentiate between the past tense and past perfect tense in sentences.
  3. Construct sentences using the past tense and past perfect tense correctly.
  4. Apply the past tense and past perfect tense appropriately in speaking and writing.

II. Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Language skills: Speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  2. Grammar skills: Understanding and using the past tense and past perfect tense.
  3. Critical thinking skills: Analyzing and applying grammatical rules.

III. Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard, markers, and chalk.
  2. Handouts with examples of past tense and past perfect tense sentences.
  3. Student notebooks and pencils



Structure Construction with the Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4


Topic: What is Past Tense? What is Past Perfect Tense?


Past Tense:

1. The past tense is a verb form used to indicate actions, events, or states that have already happened in the past.

2. It is used to describe completed actions or situations that occurred before the present moment.

3. The past tense is formed by adding “-ed” to the base form of regular verbs.

Example: play (base form) -> played (past tense)

4. However, some verbs have irregular past tense forms that do not follow a specific pattern.

Example: go (base form) -> went (past tense)

5. The past tense is commonly used in storytelling, recounting past events, and discussing historical facts.


Past Perfect Tense:

1. The past perfect tense is a verb form used to indicate an action or event that happened before another action or event in the past.

2. It describes an action that was completed before a specific point or action in the past.

3. The past perfect tense is formed by using “had” followed by the past participle of the verb.

Example: I had eaten breakfast before I went to school.

4. It helps to establish a clear sequence of events in the past and shows the relationship between two past actions.

5. The past perfect tense is often used in storytelling, describing past experiences, and discussing cause-and-effect relationships.


Key Differences:

1. Past tense describes an action that happened and ended in the past, while past perfect tense describes an action that happened before another action in the past.

2. Past tense uses the past form of regular verbs (-ed) or irregular verb forms, while past perfect tense uses “had” + past participle.

3. Past tense is used to narrate or describe past events, while past perfect tense is used to show the sequence of events or cause-and-effect relationships in the past.


Note: Provide additional examples and encourage students to ask questions to ensure their understanding of the concepts.


Lesson Notes – Week 4

  1. Introduction: a. Review of the simple past tense: We use the simple past tense to talk about actions or events that happened in the past. b. Introduction to the past perfect tense: The past perfect tense is used to talk about actions that happened before another action or event in the past.
  2. Structure of the Past Tense: a. Regular verbs: Add “-ed” to the base form of the verb to form the past tense. b. Example: play (base form) -> played (past tense) c. Irregular verbs: Some verbs have irregular past tense forms that do not follow a specific pattern. d. Example: go (base form) -> went (past tense)
  3. Structure of the Past Perfect Tense: a. Formed by using “had” + past participle of the verb. b. Example: I had eaten breakfast before I went to school.
  4. Examples of Past Tense Sentences: a. She danced at the party last night. b. They played football in the park yesterday. c. We visited our grandparents during the summer holidays.
  5. Examples of Past Perfect Tense Sentences: a. I had finished my homework before I went to bed. b. They had already left when I arrived at the cinema. c. She had cooked dinner before her parents came home.
  6. Differences between Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense: a. Past tense: Used to describe a completed action or event in the past. b. Past perfect tense: Used to describe an action that happened before another action or event in the past.
  7. Practice Exercises: a. Rewrite the following sentences in the past tense: i. He walks to school every day. -> He walked to school yesterday. ii. I eat breakfast at 7 am. -> I ate breakfast this morning. b. Rewrite the following sentences in the past perfect tense: i. She finished her work. Then she went home. -> She had finished her work before she went home. ii. They played tennis. Then it started raining. -> They had played tennis before it started raining.
  8. Conclusion: a. Recap of the past tense and past perfect tense. b. Emphasize the importance of using the correct tense to convey the timeline of events in writing and speaking.

Note: Make sure to provide additional explanations and examples during the lesson, encourage students to ask questions, and provide ample practice opportunities to reinforce their understanding of the topic




  1. I __________ (eat) dinner before I __________ (watch) the movie. a) had already eaten, watched b) ate, watched c) had already eaten, watch d) ate, had already watched
  2. They __________ (play) soccer when it __________ (start) raining. a) had already played, started b) played, started c) had already played, starts d) played, had already started
  3. She __________ (write) the letter before she __________ (go) to bed. a) had already written, go b) wrote, went c) had already written, went d) wrote, go
  4. We __________ (visit) the museum last week. a) visit b) visited c) had already visited d) visiting
  5. He __________ (finish) his homework before he __________ (play) video games. a) had already finished, played b) finished, played c) had already finished, plays d) finished, had already played
  6. The train __________ (leave) before we __________ (arrive) at the station. a) had already left, arrive b) left, arrived c) had already left, arrived d) left, had already arrived
  7. She __________ (clean) her room yesterday. a) cleans b) cleaned c) had already cleaned d) cleaning
  8. They __________ (buy) a new car last month. a) buy b) bought c) had already bought d) buying
  9. I __________ (see) the movie before, so I __________ (know) how it ends. a) had already seen, know b) saw, knew c) had already seen, knew d) seen, know
  10. The teacher __________ (explain) the lesson before the students __________ (start) the assignment. a) explained, starts b) had already explained, starts c) explained, had already started d) had already explained, started

Note: The correct answers are now indicated by the use of “had already” to show the past perfect tense



Lesson Plan Presentation

Topic: Structure Construction with the Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense

Level: Lagos State Primary 5 Term:

Third Term Week: 4


IV. Presentation: a. Greet the students and briefly introduce the topic of the lesson. b. Present the learning objectives to the students and explain the importance of understanding the past tense and past perfect tense in English grammar. c. Use visual aids, such as charts or diagrams, to illustrate the structure and formation of the past tense and past perfect tense. d. Provide clear examples of sentences in both past tense and past perfect tense to help students grasp the concept.

V. Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Explain the structure of the past tense, including regular and irregular verbs.
  2. Introduce the past perfect tense and its formation using “had” + past participle.
  3. Discuss the differences between the past tense and past perfect tense.
  4. Present additional examples to demonstrate the correct usage of each tense.
  5. Encourage student participation by asking questions and checking for understanding.

VI. Learners’ Activities:

  1. Take notes of the presented information in their notebooks.
  2. Participate in discussions and ask questions for clarification.
  3. Practice constructing sentences using the past tense and past perfect tense.
  4. Engage in pair or group activities to reinforce the understanding of the tenses.
  5. Complete practice exercises individually or in groups to apply the learned concepts.

VII. Assessment:

  1. Monitor students’ participation and engagement during discussions and activities.
  2. Observe students’ ability to construct sentences using the past tense and past perfect tense correctly.
  3. Review and provide feedback on completed practice exercises.
  4. Conduct informal questioning to assess students’ comprehension of the topic.

VIII. Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of using the past tense in a sentence?
  2. How is the past tense formed for regular verbs?
  3. Provide an example of an irregular verb in the past tense.
  4. When do we use the past perfect tense?
  5. What is the structure of the past perfect tense?
  6. Differentiate between the past tense and past perfect tense.
  7. Rewrite the sentence “I see the movie yesterday” using the past tense.
  8. Rewrite the sentence “She had already eaten breakfast before she goes to school” using the correct tenses.
  9. Construct a sentence using the past perfect tense to show an action that happened before another past action.
  10. Explain the importance of using the correct tense in writing and speaking


IX. Conclusion:

a. Summarize the key points covered in the lesson, including the structure and usage of the past tense and past perfect tense. b. Emphasize the importance of using the correct tense to convey the timeline of events accurately. c. Encourage students to continue practicing and applying the past tense and past perfect tense in their writing and speaking. d. Address any remaining questions or concerns from the students.

X. Homework: a. Assign exercises or writing prompts that require the use of the past tense and past perfect tense. b. Encourage students to review their notes and practice constructing sentences with the tenses. c. Remind students to pay attention to verb forms and the correct placement of “had” in past perfect tense sentences.

XI. Follow-up Activities (optional): a. Conduct a mini quiz or game to reinforce the understanding of the past tense and past perfect tense. b. Provide additional resources, such as online grammar exercises or worksheets, for further practice. c. Assign a short writing task where students have to incorporate past tense and past perfect tense in a narrative or description.

Note: It is important to adapt the lesson plan according to the specific needs and abilities of the students. Use engaging teaching techniques, provide ample opportunities for practice, and provide individual support where necessary.


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