Construct sentences showing position of the object of the Prepositional verb English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5


Subject :English Grammar

Class :Primary 5

Term :Third Term

Week: 5

Class: Basic 5

Subject: English



Construct sentences showing position of the object of the Prepositional verb

Previous Lesson :

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs in sentences.
  2. Understand the meaning and usage of prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs.
  3. Determine the correct position of the object in sentences with prepositional verbs.


Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Vocabulary development
  3. Sentence construction
  4. Critical thinking

Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard or chalkboard
  2. Markers or chalk
  3. Chart paper or flipchart
  4. Worksheets with sentences containing prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs
  5. Examples of sentences showing the position of the object of the prepositional verb


Construct sentences showing position of the object of the Prepositional verb

Prepositional Verbs:

Prepositional verbs are verb phrases that consist of a main verb followed by a preposition. The combination of the verb and preposition creates a new meaning that is often different from the individual meanings of the words. The preposition in a prepositional verb is an essential part of the construction and affects the overall meaning of the verb phrase.

Examples of prepositional verbs:

  1. Look after: to take care of someone or something. Example: Can you look after my dog while I’m on vacation?
  2. Give up: to stop doing or pursuing something. Example: She decided to give up smoking for her health.
  3. Get along: to have a harmonious relationship or be compatible with someone. Example: They used to argue a lot, but now they get along well.
  4. Put off: to postpone or delay something. Example: We had to put off the meeting until next week.

Phrasal Verbs:

Phrasal verbs are also verb phrases, but they consist of a main verb followed by one or more particles, which can be prepositions or adverbs. Similar to prepositional verbs, the combination of the verb and particle(s) creates a new meaning that may differ from the individual meanings of the words involved. [mediator_tech]

Examples of phrasal verbs:

  1. Turn up: to arrive or appear unexpectedly. Example: He turned up at the party without an invitation.
  2. Break down: to stop working or functioning properly. Example: My car broke down on the way to work.
  3. Look up: to search for information in a reference source. Example: If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in the dictionary.
  4. Take off: to remove clothing or depart rapidly. Example: She took off her coat as soon as she entered the warm house.

It’s worth noting that both prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs are idiomatic expressions in English, and their meanings often cannot be deduced from the meanings of their individual words. Therefore, it’s important to learn and understand them as distinct verb forms




  1. My mom always ___________ me when I’m sick. A) looks after B) gives up C) puts off
  2. Can you please ___________ the lights? It’s getting dark. A) turn up B) break down C) turn off
  3. I need to ___________ my room before the guests arrive. A) get along B) put off C) tidy up
  4. We have to ___________ the meeting until next week. A) put off B) give up C) look up
  5. Sarah often ___________ stories to her little brother at bedtime. A) turns up B) looks after C) reads out
  6. It’s important to ___________ before crossing the road. A) break down B) look up C) look both ways
  7. I always ___________ my homework before going to bed. A) tidy up B) give up C) finish off
  8. Can you ___________ the TV? I want to watch my favorite show. A) turn off B) look after C) take off
  9. The teacher asked us to ___________ the answers in our textbooks. A) put off B) look up C) get along
  10. Tim needs to ___________ his jacket. It’s cold outside. A) take off B) turn up C) break down

Remember, the correct answers for the questions are:

  1. A) looks after
  2. C) turn off
  3. C) tidy up
  4. A) put off
  5. C) reads out
  6. C) look both ways
  7. A) tidy up
  8. A) turn off
  9. B) look up
  10. A) take off


Construction of sentences showing position of the object of the Prepositional verb

  1. The cat is sitting on the mat.
  2. She placed the book on the table.
  3. They hung the picture on the wall.
  4. Please put your shoes under the bed.
  5. The bird flew over the tree.
  6. He tied the ribbon around the gift.
  7. The children played hide-and-seek behind the bushes.
  8. The teacher wrote on the whiteboard.
  9. The keys are inside the drawer.
  10. We sat in the front row of the theater. [mediator_tech]

In each of these sentences, the prepositional verb is followed by a preposition (on, under, over, around, behind, etc.), and the object (the mat, the table, the wall, etc.) is positioned accordingly to indicate its location or relationship to the action of the verb

  1. The cat is sitting on the mat. Position of the prepositional verb: “is sitting.” The preposition “on” introduces the prepositional phrase “on the mat,” which describes where the cat is sitting.
  2. She placed the book on the table. Position of the prepositional verb: “placed.” The preposition “on” introduces the prepositional phrase “on the table,” which describes where the book was placed.
  3. They hung the picture on the wall. Position of the prepositional verb: “hung.” The preposition “on” introduces the prepositional phrase “on the wall,” which describes where the picture was hung.
  4. Please put your shoes under the bed. Position of the prepositional verb: “put.” The preposition “under” introduces the prepositional phrase “under the bed,” which describes where the shoes should be placed.
  5. The bird flew over the tree. Position of the prepositional verb: “flew.” The preposition “over” introduces the prepositional phrase “over the tree,” which describes the path of the bird’s flight.
  6. He tied the ribbon around the gift. Position of the prepositional verb: “tied.” The preposition “around” introduces the prepositional phrase “around the gift,” which describes how the ribbon was tied.
  7. The children played hide-and-seek behind the bushes. Position of the prepositional verb: “played.” The preposition “behind” introduces the prepositional phrase “behind the bushes,” which describes where the children played the game.
  8. The teacher wrote on the whiteboard. Position of the prepositional verb: “wrote.” The preposition “on” introduces the prepositional phrase “on the whiteboard,” which describes where the teacher wrote.
  9. The keys are inside the drawer. Position of the prepositional verb: “are.” The preposition “inside” introduces the prepositional phrase “inside the drawer,” which describes the location of the keys.
  10. We sat in the front row of the theater. Position of the prepositional verb: “sat.” The preposition “in” introduces the prepositional phrase “in the front row,” which describes where “we” sat in the theater. [mediator_tech]

In each of these sentences, the prepositional verb is the main action of the sentence, and the preposition and its associated prepositional phrase provide additional information about the location or relationship of the action




  1. The cat is ___________ the roof. A) above B) beside C) under D) inside
  2. She placed the vase ___________ the shelf. A) on B) behind C) below D) across
  3. They hung the painting ___________ the wall. A) against B) through C) above D) below
  4. Please put the box ___________ the table. A) beside B) over C) into D) under
  5. The bird flew ___________ the clouds. A) above B) between C) inside D) around
  6. He tied the rope ___________ the tree branch. A) above B) onto C) under D) through
  7. The children hid ___________ the bushes. A) behind B) across C) inside D) below
  8. The teacher wrote ___________ the chalkboard. A) under B) onto C) outside D) behind
  9. The keys are ___________ the pocket. A) above B) below C) inside D) across
  10. We sat ___________ the front row of the theater. A) on B) behind C) above D) under

Please select the appropriate option (A, B, C, or D) for each sentence to indicate the correct preposition and its associated position in relation to the object




Lesson Plan Presentation: Prepositional Verbs and Phrasal Verbs and the Position of the Object of the Prepositional Verb

Topic: Prepositional Verbs and Phrasal Verbs and the Position of the Object of the Prepositional Verb Duration: 60 minutes


Teacher Activities:

  1. Begin the lesson by engaging students in a discussion about verbs and their importance in sentences.
  2. Introduce the concept of prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs, explaining that they are verb phrases that consist of a main verb followed by a preposition or particle.
  3. Provide clear definitions and examples of prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs, emphasizing how the combination of the verb and preposition/particle changes the meaning of the verb.
  4. Explain the importance of understanding the position of the object in sentences with prepositional verbs to convey accurate meaning.
  5. Present sentences on the board that include prepositional verbs, and ask students to identify the verb, preposition, and object in each sentence.
  6. Use visual aids, such as chart paper or a flipchart, to display sentences with prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs, highlighting the position of the object.
  7. Facilitate a class discussion on the different positions of the object in sentences with prepositional verbs.
  8. Engage students in guided practice activities where they construct sentences using prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs, ensuring they position the object correctly.
  9. Provide individual and group work opportunities for students to complete worksheets with sentences containing prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs, where they identify the position of the object.
  10. Monitor and assess students’ understanding throughout the activities, offering guidance and clarification as needed


Pupils Activities:

  1. Actively participate in class discussions on verbs and their importance in sentences.
  2. Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations of prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs.
  3. Identify and analyze prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs in sentences provided by the teacher.
  4. Engage in discussions and group activities to practice constructing sentences using prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs.
  5. Complete worksheets individually or in groups to identify the position of the object in sentences with prepositional verbs.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is a prepositional verb?
  2. How are prepositional verbs different from regular verbs?
  3. Provide an example of a prepositional verb and explain its meaning.
  4. What is a phrasal verb?
  5. Give an example of a phrasal verb and explain its meaning.
  6. How does the preposition or particle in a prepositional or phrasal verb affect the meaning of the main verb?
  7. What is the object in a sentence with a prepositional verb?
  8. How do you determine the correct position of the object in a sentence with a prepositional verb?



  1. Observe students’ active participation during class discussions and activities.
  2. Review students’ responses to questions asked during the lesson.
  3. Assess students’ ability to identify prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs in sentences.
  4. Evaluate students’ understanding of the correct position of the object in sentences with prepositional verbs through their completion of worksheets and sentence construction activities.

Conclusion: To conclude the lesson, summarize the main points covered about prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs, emphasizing the importance of understanding their meanings and the correct positioning of the object in sentences. Encourage students to practice using prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs in their own writing to enhance their language skills. Provide feedback on students’ performance and address any remaining questions or concerns they may have. Reinforce the concept that mastering prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs will enhance their overall English language proficiency


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