Primary 6 First Term Lesson Note Physical and Health Education (PHE)

Primary 6

First Term Lesson Notes

Physical and Health Education (PHE)

Weekly Topics and Scheme of work

Weekly Brief for Physical and Health Education (Primary 6) – First Term

Week 1: Revision of Previous Year’s Work and Readiness Test

  • Topics Covered:
    • Review of Last Year’s Topics: Recapped essential topics from the previous year.
    • Readiness Test: Conducted a test to assess students’ retention of previous knowledge and prepare them for the new term.

Week 2: Rhythmic Activities

  • Topics Covered:
    • Understanding Rhythmic Activities: Explained what rhythmic activities are.
    • Types of Rhythmic Activities: Discussed examples like marching, galloping, hopping, singing, and dancing.
    • Practical Demonstration: Students demonstrated rhythmic activities, enhancing their understanding.

Week 3: Rhythmic Activities : Types and Demonstration

  • Topics Covered:
    • Understanding Rhythmic Activities: Explained what rhythmic activities are.
    • Types of Rhythmic Activities: Discussed examples like marching, galloping, hopping, singing, and dancing.
    • Practical Demonstration: Students demonstrated rhythmic activities, enhancing their understanding.

Week 4: Athletics – Field Events (Long Jump)

  • Topics Covered:
    • Introduction to Long Jump: Discussed the concept and rules of long jump.
    • Phases of Long Jump: Covered the approach run, take-off, flight, landing, and recovery.
    • Practical Demonstration: Students practiced the long jump, applying the discussed techniques.

Week 5: Athletics – Field Events (High Jump)

  • Topics Covered:
    • Introduction to High Jump: Discussed the concept and rules of high jump.
    • Phases of High Jump: Covered the approach run, take-off, flight, landing, and recovery.
    • Practical Demonstration: Students practiced the high jump on the field, focusing on technique and form.

Week 6: Volleyball Game

  • Topics Covered:
    • Introduction to Volleyball: Mentioned various ball games, focusing on volleyball.
    • Facilities and Equipment: Differentiated between facilities and equipment used in volleyball.
    • Basic Skills: Demonstrated basic volleyball skills such as serving, setting, and spiking.
    • Safety Measures: Discussed the importance of safety while playing volleyball.

Week 7: Mid-Term Assessment

  • Topics Covered:
    • Assessment Overview: Conducted an assessment covering all topics learned from Weeks 1 to 6.
    • Objective Questions: 20 fill-in-the-blank questions with options (a, b, c, d).
    • Theory Questions: 20 short-answer questions.
    • True or False: 20 True/False questions.
    • Fill-in-the-Gap: 20 fill-in-the-blank questions without options.

Week 8: Personal Healthcare

  • Topics Covered:
    • Introduction to Personal Healthcare: Defined personal health care and its importance.
    • Materials for Personal Healthcare: Identified materials needed for personal hygiene.
    • Dental Care: Compared clean teeth with dirty teeth and discussed dental problems and prevention.

Week 9: Basketball Game

  • Topics Covered:
    • Introduction to Basketball: Differentiated between facilities and equipment in basketball.
    • Basic Skills: Demonstrated basic basketball skills such as dribbling, shooting, and passing.
    • Safety Measures: Recommended safety measures while playing basketball.

Week 10: Football Game

  • Topics Covered:
    • Comparison of Ball Games: Compared facilities and equipment used in football with other ball games.
    • Basic Football Skills: Demonstrated skills such as dribbling, shooting, and passing.
    • Safety in Football: Discussed safety measures in playing football.

Week 11: Revision of All Topics Covered

  • Topics Covered:
    • Review and Revision: A thorough review of all topics taught during the term.
    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 20 FAQs with answers to enhance understanding.
    • Objective Questions: 20 fill-in-the-blank questions with options (a, b, c, d).
    • Theory Questions: 20 short-answer questions.
    • True or False: 20 True/False questions.
    • Fill-in-the-Gap: 20 fill-in-the-blank questions without options.

Week 12: Examination

  • Topics Covered:
    • Examination Instructions: Emphasized the importance of academic integrity and avoiding exam malpractice.
    • Objective Questions: 30 fill-in-the-blank questions with options (a, b, c, d).
    • Theory Questions: 30 short-answer questions.
    • True or False: 30 True/False questions.
    • Fill-in-the-Gap: 30 fill-in-the-blank questions without options.

This brief provides a summary of the topics covered each week, ensuring students are prepared and understand the key concepts taught throughout the term.


  1. Revision of previous year’s work and Readiness Test
  2. Creative Rhythmic (meaning)
  3. Creative Rhythmic (Types, demonstration)
  4. Athletics. Field event (long jump)
  5. Athletics Field event (High jump)
  6. Hurdles
  7. Mid Term Break
  8. Volley Ball
  9. Basketball game
  10. Football game
  11. Revision
  12. Examination
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