Expressing Possession

Subject:  English Studies 


Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1


Term: Third Term / 3rd Term


Week: Week 5



Week 5

Speech Work –Pronunciation practice e.g. Th’ i i.e.    /θ/and /t/as ‘thank’/ ‘tank/

Expressing Possession: Using the possessives my, yours his hers. simple correct sentences- This Is my pen; This is his/her pen

Vocabulary – New words 

Reading – Days of the week

Writing – Word formation 







Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of


Continuous Tense


that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  • Express possession using my, your, his, her
  • Pronounce words with sounds like  /θ/ and /t/
  • Say the days that are there in a week


Instructional Materials 

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Laptop
  • Jolly Phonics Materials
  • Sound system
  • Bluetooth speaker


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization




Speech Work – Pronunciation practice of words with sounds /θ/

Pronunciation practice of words with sound /θ/












Speech Work – Pronunciation practice of words with sounds /t/








Expressing Possession: Using the possessives my, yours his hers. simple correct sentences- This Is my pen; This is his/her pen

Possessive adjectives are used with nouns to show possession of ownership of things. These adjectives are used to say that we or someone else own some items or posses some belongings

Examples in sentences. 

1. This is my bag (my is the possessive adjective)

2. This is your bag (your is the possessive adjective)

3. These are our bags (our is the possessive adjective)

4. These are their bags (their is the possessive adjective in the sentence)

5. This is his bag (his is the possessive adjective)

6. This is her bag (her is the possessive adjective in the sentence)









Days of the week











Presentation  : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher And Pupils Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught

  • The class teacher makes pupils to sing the song of the days of the week
  • The class teacher makes the pupils write out the names of the days of the week




Answer the following questions on days of the week

  1. The first day of the week is _______
  2. The second day of the week is _______
  3. Moslems have special prayers on _______
  4. Most Christians worship on _______
  5. We do not go to school on _______ and _______


Fill the gaps with either my, your, his, her, our or their 

  1. This pencil is mine. It is _______ pencil
  2. That car is yours. The car is _______ car
  3. That book belongs to Adewale. The book is _______ book
  4. That is my mother’s pot. The pot is _______pot

Word Formation 

Form words with ank.

The first one is already done for you

  1. Tank
  2. _ank
  3. _ank
  4. _ank
  5. _ank
  6. _ank

Previous Lesson 

Continuous Tense


Next Lesson 


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