Section A: Objective Test
- On the first day, God created __________ and ___________. (a) morning and afternoon (b) morning and evening (c) day and evening (d) day and night
- On the fourth day, God created ____________, _____________ and __________ (a) water, sun and sand (b) water, sun and soil (c) moon, sun and star (d) cloud, sun and moon
- On the fifth day, God created the __________ and the __________ that live in the sea. (a) birds and creatures (b) bee and creation (c) beak and croach (d) bead and chair
- __________ saves us from dangers. (a) God (b) god (c) devil (d) son
- God saved ___________ from the lion’s den. (a) David (b) Daniel (c) Deborah (d) Derick
- God saved __________ from death. (a) Isaac (b) John (c) Peter (d) Paul
- _________ means the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. (a) Pentecold (b) Pentehost (c) Pentecost (d) Pentelove
- When the Holy spirit came upon the Apostles they became ________ to preach the gospel. (a) afraid (b) bold (c) fearful (d) fair
- __________ is the power given to someone to encourage or to make him confident to a great thing. (a) Inspection (b) Inspiration (c) Insolvent (d) Insulting
- __________ means the willingness to forgive rather than punish or take revenge. (a) Merry (b) Marry (c) Mercy (d) Marcy
- __________ was one of the judges in the land of Israel. (a) Samuel (b) Deborah (c) Sammy (d) Sanwo
- __________ was a prophetess and a judge in Israel. (a) Deborah (b) David (c) Darius (d) Dada
- One of the role of the Holy Spirit is to ____________ (a) guide our utterances while spreading the good news (b) mislead us (c) make us to insult people (d) make us embarrass people, while spreading the gospel
- The third person of the Trinity is ___________. (a) Holy Spirit (b) Holy son (c) Holy God (d) Holy Micheal
- David’s father was _____________. (a) Joshua (b) John (c) Jonathan (d) Jesse
- _________ is the feeling of goodness and kindness towards another person (a) Live (b) Love (c) Kindness (d) Long life
- _________ is a statement that is right. (a) Trust (b) Tree (c) Truth (d) True
- __________ is what we get for whatever we do. (a) Rent (b) Rest (c) Reading (d) Reward
- Paul was brought up in Jerusalem by a Greek teacher called __________. (a) Gameliel (b) Ananias (c) Lucias (d) Manaen
- Paul was born in ___________. (a) Tarus and Cilicia (b) Tasus and Cilicia (c) Tarsus and Cilicia (d) Temple and Cilicia
- Paul journey from Troas to ____________. (a) Macedonia (b) Medisopotamia (c) Asia (d) Europe
- The capital of Macedonia is __________. (a) Kiaro (b) Philippi (c) London (d) America
- Paul’s preaching converted __________. (a) Lydia (b) Lilian (c) Lyde (d) Lemon
- The following are names of Paul’s Epistles except _________. (a) Roman (b) Philipians (c) Hebrew (d) Genesis
- _________ is what a person hopes to achieve. (a) goal (b) gold (c) good (d) group
- ___________ is a guide for achieving one’s plans. (a) setting goals ( b) goal setting (c) gold setting (d) good setting
- The following are importance of goal setting except __________________ (a) It helps us to accomplish what we want (b) It makes us happy when we achieve the set goals (c) It help us to live a fulfilled and unproductive life (d) It helps us to live productive life
- ___________ is the choice that one makes after thinking about what is the best thing to do. (a) Decide (b) Decision (c) Deride (d) Derive
- All of the following are advantages of good decision making except ___________ (a) Good decision saves time (b) It helps us to get good results (c) It helps us to achieve our goals (d) It makes us loose good things.
- __________ is not an importance of decision making. (a) It helps us to identify various options (b) It allows for ranking of choices (c) It allows you to set your goal (d) It allows you to sleep well.
Section B: Theory
- List 10 things man can do
2a. Define the term “work”
b. List five types of work
3a. Define mercy
b. Explain the story of the prodigal son.
4a. Define the term “Pentecost”
b. Explain the event of the day of the Pentecost
5. Write a brief note on Paul’s early life.
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