PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION SECOND TERM E NOTE FOR BASIC 5 PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION SECOND TERM E NOTE FOR BASIC 5 WEEKS TOPICS 1 Readiness Test and Revision of First term’s work 2. The Game Of Hockey Physical and Health Education 3. The brief history of Table Tennis in Nigeria. 4. Maintenance of sport facilities and equipment 5. PHYSICAL FITNESS 6. PHYSICAL FITNESS ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES 7. PHE mid term test 8. BASIC GYMNASTIC ACTIVITIES 9. Gymnastics activities with apparatus 10. Recreation 11. Introduction to Direction (Four Cardinal Points) 12. PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION FIRST TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 5 Spread the Word, Share This!FacebookWhatsAppTelegramMoreLinkedInTwitterTumblr Related posts: THIRD TERM PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY FIVE (5) Understanding Alcohol and Tobacco: Dangers and Effects Explained Physical and Health Education Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 11 Physical Fitness Components for Basic 5 Students Creativity Rhythmic Physical and Health Education Primary 5 First Term Week 3 Athletics – Field Events (High Jump)Physical and Health Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5 Tags:Physical and Health Education (PHE)