SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Fill in the Gaps 1. Paw paw is a kind of _____________ (a) Fruit (b)Soup 2.Sweet like ____________________ (a) Sobo (b)Sugar 3. Yellow like ________________ (a)7Up (b)Fanta 4. Everybody _______________pawpaw (a)Like (b)Hates 5. P ___ W____A____ (a)VAW (b)APW (c)FAW Circle out Three letter words from each
SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 2 SECURITY EDUCATION 1. Security precautions helps to prevent danger (a) true (b) false 2. Everybody needs to be security conscious (a) true (b) false 3. Which of these is a source of danger (a) Bomb blast (b) hawking (c) sleeping 4. It is good to left and right before crossing
SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 2 PHE 1. Is it very good to observe safety rules (a) True (b) False 2. Safety rules are not necessary in ball games (a) True (b) False 3. Safety rules encourage fair play (a) True (b) false 4. It is good to hit the opponent hard on the
SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 2 COMPUTER 1. both computer and television are ___________ machines (a) Magnetic (b) Electronics 2. Computer can be used to watch educational film (a) True (b) False 3. Computer can be use for spelling Bee (a) True (b) false 4. Computer can be used for bathing (a) True (b) false 5.
SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 2 C R S 1. the fear of God is the _________ of wisdom (a) end (b) Show (c) beginning 2. Is it morally good to curse with the name of God (a)Yes (b) No 3. We an honour God with our song of praise (a) Yes (b) No 4. Jesus
SECOND TERM EXAM NURSERY 1 BASIC SCIENCE 1. Living things can move from one place to another (a) True (b) false 2. ________ is a living thing (a)Stone (b)Hen (c) stick 3. non living things ________ (a) can walk (b) cannot walk 4. _______ makes work eay (a) simple machine (b) Long machine 5. Simple
TERM: SECOND TERM EXAMINATION Edu Delight Tutors CLASS: NURSERY 2 SUBJECT: C.R.S. 1. Obedience to God brings ______(a) sorrow (b) failure (c) blessings 2. Was Jesus obedient to God? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe 3. Jesus was rude to his earthly parents (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe 4. Obedient to our parent is
TERM: SECOND TERM EXAMINATION . CLASS: NURSERY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS [mediator_tech] The nose enables us to _____(a) breathe (b) dance (c) walk The nose is used for _____(a) eating (b) smelling (c) biting What are the two hole of the nose called? (a) eyes (b) ears (c) nose What should be used to clear