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Third Term Primary 1 Security Education Examination
Primary 1 Third Term Lesson Notes
Security Education
Week 11
Third Term Primary 1 Security Education Examination
Part A
- Wearing a seatbelt and using a car seat if you’re a child can also reduce the risk of ___________. a) Fun b) Accidents c) Parties
- Never drink and ___________ or use drugs before driving. a) Read b) Sleep c) Drive
- It is important to keep a safe ___________ from other vehicles to avoid collisions. a) Distance b) Speed c) Shape
- ___________ and cyclists should always use crosswalks or bike lanes to stay safe. a) Drivers b) Pedestrians c) Animals
- Staying alert and focused while driving, avoiding distractions like phones or ___________ can prevent accidents. a) TV b) Food c) Books
- ___________ vehicle maintenance can help prevent accidents. a) Irregular b) Regular c) Rare
- Avoiding ___________ while driving can also prevent accidents. a) Singing b) Distractions c) Dancing
- What should you do when you hear a siren from an emergency vehicle? Pull over to the ___________ and stop. a) Left side of the road b) Right side of the road c) Middle of the road
- Why is it important to follow safe driving practices? To reduce the risk of accidents and ___________. a) Win a prize b) Stay safe c) Break traffic rules
- What should pedestrians and cyclists use to stay safe? Crosswalks or ___________. a) Bus lanes b) Train tracks c) Bike lanes
- A road accident is when two or more vehicles ___________ on the road. a) Fly b) Collide c) Sing
- ___________ driving is one of the main causes of road accidents. a) Careful b) Reckless c) Fast
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can also cause road ___________. a) Joy b) Accidents c) Games
- ___________ road conditions can cause accidents, such as potholes, debris, or oil spills. a) Clean b) Poor c) Average
- Pedestrians or animals crossing the road unexpectedly can also cause ___________. a) Accidents b) Celebrations c) Laughter
- Regular vehicle maintenance can help prevent accidents, such as checking brakes, tires, and ___________. a) Mirrors b) Horns c) Headlights
- Staying alert and focused while driving, avoiding distractions like phones or ___________ can prevent accidents. a) Food b) Toys c) Balloons
- Being aware of weather and road conditions, such as slippery or wet roads, can help prevent ___________. a) Accidents b) Sports c) Movies
- Educating and encouraging others to follow safe driving practices is important in reducing ___________ accidents. a) Air b) Road c) Water
- Following traffic rules and signs is one way to reduce ___________ accidents. a) Airplane b) Road c) Water [mediator_tech]
- Drug abuse is when someone uses a drug in the ______ way. a) right b) wrong c) funny
- Taking too ______ of a drug is an example of drug abuse. a) little b) much c) late
- Using a drug when you ______ need it is also drug abuse. a) do b) don’t c) might
- Drugs can be _______, alcohol, or illegal substances. a) food b) water c) medicine
- Drug abuse can ______ people and make them sick. a) help b) hurt c) entertain
- To stay safe, always follow your doctor’s _______. a) jokes b) advice c) hobbies
- Taking more than the ______ dose of a drug is a way to abuse it. a) prescribed b) tasty c) colorful
- Using drugs without a ______ can be considered drug abuse. a) prescription b) snack c) toy
- Consuming drugs for ______ rather than medical reasons is a form of drug abuse. a) fun b) decoration c) writing
- Mixing drugs with ______ can be dangerous and a form of drug abuse. a) water b) paint c) alcohol [mediator_tech]
- Taking ______ substances is a way that drugs can be abused. a) illegal b) sweet c) soft
- Snorting, injecting, or inhaling prescription medications is an example of ______ drug administration. a) appropriate b) delicious c) inappropriate
- Sharing or ______ prescription drugs with others is a form of drug abuse. a) selling b) drawing c) singing
- Using drugs that are past their ______ date can be considered drug abuse. a) expiration b) birthday c) holiday
- Consuming drugs to experience a “high” is using them for ______ reasons. a) medical b) non-medical c) study
- It is essential to follow your doctor’s advice to avoid drug ______. a) abuse b) snacks c) games
- Fake drugs may not contain the right amount of __________ needed to treat a particular condition. a) harmful substances b) active ingredients c) sugar
- Fake drugs can cause new __________ problems or side effects. a) financial b) health c) social
- Taking fake drugs can contribute to the development of __________ resistance. a) food b) drug c) water
- Fake drugs can __________ the condition being treated. a) improve b) worsen c) have no effect on [mediator_tech]
Part B
- What is road accident?
- Who is a pedestrian?
- Mention two things that road accident can cause
- Mention two causes of Road Accident
- Mention two ways of reducing road accidents
- What are fake drugs
- Mention two signs to look for when we want to identify fake drug
- Explain what happens topic our body when we eat Contaminated foods
- Mention two examples of carbohydrates
- Mention two examples of proteins
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