Supplementary Reading Play English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 6


Subject :English Grammar

Class :Primary 5

Term :Third Term

Week: 6

Class: Basic 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic : Supplementary Reading A play

Previous Lesson :



  1. To introduce students to the book “The Drummer Boy” by Cyprian Ekwensi.
  2. To help students understand the main idea and themes of the book.
  3. To develop students’ reading comprehension skills through a summary discussion.
  4. To encourage students to reflect on the importance of following one’s passion and perseverance.


  1. Copy of the book “The Drummer Boy” by Cyprian Ekwensi
  2. Whiteboard or flipchart
  3. Markers
  4. Chart paper and sticky notes (optional)
  5. Projector (optional)

List of Lagos State Recommended Books For Supplementary Reading on Play 

Here is a list of suggested literature texts for Primary 5 in Lagos State:

  1. “The Drummer Boy” by Cyprian Ekwensi
  2. “The Pot of Wisdom” by Chinua Achebe
  3. “The Masquerade” by Uche Uwadinachi
  4. “The Brave African Boy” by Amos Tutuola
  5. “The Talking Palm Tree” by Ken Saro-Wiwa
  6. “The Adventures of Akara and Okoro” by Chukwuemeka Ike
  7. “The Secret of the Talking Bird” by Buchi Emecheta
  8. “The Magic Calabash” by Wale Okediran
  9. “The Palmwine Tapper” by Adaora Lily Ulasi
  10. “The Little Hunter” by Chinyere Obi-Obasi

Please note that the availability of these specific texts may vary, and it is advisable to check with the school or local bookstores for the recommended literature texts for Primary 5 in Lagos State.



The main idea and a summary of the book “The Drummer Boy” by Cyprian Ekwensi in list format. Here are the key points:

Main Idea:

  • The book “The Drummer Boy” explores the life and challenges faced by a young boy named Uche, who dreams of becoming a skilled drummer.
  • It highlights themes of determination, perseverance, and the pursuit of one’s passion despite obstacles.


  1. Setting:
    • The story is set in a Nigerian village during the colonial era, depicting the cultural and social context of the time.
  2. Introduction of Uche:
    • Uche is introduced as a young boy with a passion for drumming.
    • He lives with his grandmother, who encourages and supports his dreams.
  3. Uche’s Dream:
    • Uche aspires to become a skilled drummer and dreams of performing at festivals and celebrations.
    • He practices tirelessly and seeks guidance from a skilled drummer in the village.
  4. Challenges and Obstacles:
    • Uche faces numerous challenges in pursuing his dream.
    • His grandmother falls ill, and he must find a way to support her and himself.
    • He encounters discouragement from some villagers who believe drumming is a waste of time.
  5. Determination and Perseverance:
    • Despite the obstacles, Uche remains determined to follow his passion.
    • He takes on odd jobs, such as farming and fetching water, to earn money for his grandmother’s treatment and to buy a drum.
  6. Festivals and Performances:
    • Uche’s perseverance pays off when he is given the opportunity to showcase his drumming skills at village festivals and celebrations.
    • His talent and passion impress the villagers, and he gains recognition and respect.
  7. Fulfillment of Uche’s Dream:
    • Uche’s dream of becoming a skilled drummer is fulfilled as he continues to improve his craft.
    • He becomes a renowned drummer, bringing joy and entertainment to the village.
  8. Lessons Learned:
    • Through Uche’s story, the book emphasizes the importance of perseverance, determination, and following one’s passion.
    • It teaches the value of hard work and overcoming challenges to achieve one’s goals.
  9. Conclusion:
    • The story ends on a positive note, with Uche’s success as a drummer and his ability to support his grandmother.
    • It highlights the power of dreams and the rewards of perseverance.

Note: The above summary provides a general overview of the book “The Drummer Boy.” Reading the actual book will provide a more detailed understanding of the plot, characters, and cultural elements portrayed in the story.




  1. “The Drummer Boy” is a book written by _______. a) Uche b) Cyprian Ekwensi c) Chinua Achebe
  2. The story of “The Drummer Boy” is set in a _______ village. a) Nigerian b) European c) South African
  3. Uche, the main character, dreams of becoming a _______. a) farmer b) doctor c) skilled drummer
  4. Uche’s passion for drumming faces obstacles such as _______. a) lack of talent b) disapproval from his grandmother c) discouragement from villagers
  5. Uche takes on odd jobs to earn money for _______. a) buying a car b) his grandmother’s treatment c) going on a vacation
  6. Uche’s dream is to perform at _______ and celebrations. a) football matches b) weddings c) festivals
  7. Uche gains recognition and respect for his drumming skills from _______. a) his grandmother b) the village chief c) his friends at school
  8. The book “The Drummer Boy” highlights the importance of _______. a) giving up on dreams b) following one’s passion c) avoiding hard work
  9. Uche’s story teaches the value of _______. a) perseverance and determination b) laziness and procrastination c) relying on luck and chance
  10. “The Drummer Boy” by Cyprian Ekwensi emphasizes the power of _______. a) dreams and hard work b) talent and natural ability c) luck and good fortune

Remember to choose the appropriate option (a, b, or c) for each fill-in-the-blank question


Lesson Plan Presentation: The Main Idea and Summary of the Book “The Drummer Boy” by Cyprian Ekwensi


  1. Introduction (5 minutes): a. Greet the students and briefly review the previous lesson. b. Introduce the book “The Drummer Boy” by Cyprian Ekwensi, mentioning the author’s name and background. c. Share the objectives of the lesson and its relevance to their lives.
  2. Pre-Reading Activity (10 minutes): a. Display the cover of the book or project an image related to drumming. b. Ask students to share their initial thoughts and predictions about the story based on the cover or image. c. Write their ideas on the board or chart paper.
  3. Reading and Comprehension (15 minutes): a. Distribute copies of the book “The Drummer Boy” or relevant excerpts. b. Instruct students to read the assigned portion independently or in pairs. c. Facilitate a guided discussion by asking comprehension questions, such as:
    • What is the main character’s name?
    • What is his dream?
    • What challenges does he face? d. Discuss the students’ responses and encourage them to support their answers with evidence from the text.
  4. Main Idea and Summary (15 minutes): a. Define the terms “main idea” and “summary” for better understanding. b. Guide students in identifying the main idea of the book by discussing its central theme or message. c. Provide a summary of the book, highlighting the key events and character development. d. Write the main idea and summary on the board or chart paper
  5. Group Discussion and Reflection (10 minutes): a. Divide the class into smaller groups. b. Assign each group a sticky note and ask them to write down their understanding of the main idea and summary. c. Collect the sticky notes and read them aloud, allowing students to contribute and compare their interpretations. d. Encourage students to reflect on the importance of following one’s passion and perseverance, drawing connections to their own lives.
  6. Conclusion (5 minutes): a. Summarize the main points covered during the lesson. b. Discuss any remaining questions or concerns from the students. c. Encourage students to explore the book further and discover the full story of “The Drummer Boy.”


Note: Throughout the lesson, encourage active participation, active listening, and respectful communication. Monitor the discussions to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment. Adjust the duration of activities based on the pace of the class. If time permits, consider incorporating additional activities, such as a short dramatic reading or creative writing based on the book.

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