Writing Composition on Girls are more useful in the family English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 6


Subject :English Grammar

Class :Primary 5

Term :Third Term

Week: 6

Class: Basic 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic : Girls are more useful in the family

Previous Lesson :




  1. To engage students in a meaningful discussion about the topic “Girls are more useful in the family.”
  2. To promote critical thinking and encourage students to express their opinions.
  3. To foster gender equality and challenge stereotypes within the family unit.
  4. To enhance students’ communication skills through class participation.



  1. Whiteboard or flipchart
  2. Markers
  3. Handouts with fill-in-the-blank questions
  4. Chart paper and sticky notes (optional)
  5. Projector (optional)


Topic: Girls are more useful in the family

As an English Grammar teacher, I will explain the topic “Girls are more useful in the family” to the primary 5 pupils in list format. Here are the key points:

  1. Introduction: a. Start by introducing the topic: “Today, we will discuss the statement ‘Girls are more useful in the family.'” b. Explain that this statement implies that girls play an important role within the family unit.
  2. Discuss the term “useful”: a. Define the word “useful” for better understanding. b. Explain that being useful in the family means contributing positively to the household and family responsibilities.
  3. Gender equality: a. Emphasize the importance of gender equality. b. Explain that both boys and girls are equally capable of contributing to the family’s well-being.
  4. Chores and household responsibilities: a. Discuss various household chores and responsibilities. b. Explain that everyone in the family, regardless of gender, should share these tasks to create a balanced environment.
  5. Role models: a. Highlight successful women who have made significant contributions to society. b. Provide examples of women who excel in different fields, such as science, sports, arts, and leadership.
  6. Emotional support: a. Explain that girls often possess qualities such as empathy and compassion, which can provide emotional support to family members. b. Discuss the importance of emotional well-being within the family.
  7. Communication and problem-solving: a. Highlight the significance of effective communication and problem-solving skills within the family. b. Explain that girls, like boys, can contribute their ideas and perspectives to help find solutions to family issues.
  8. Conclusion: a. Summarize the main points discussed. b. Emphasize that both girls and boys are equally valuable and have unique contributions to make within the family.

Note: While discussing this topic, it’s important to promote gender equality and avoid generalizations that may perpetuate stereotypes. Encourage open dialogue and respect for all viewpoints.




  1. Girls are _____ useful in the family. a) not b) less c) more
  2. The term “useful” means contributing ______ to the family. a) negatively b) positively c) equally
  3. Gender ______ is important in the family. a) equality b) inequality c) preference
  4. Boys and girls are ______ capable of contributing to the family. a) equally b) unequally c) exclusively
  5. Both boys and girls should share ______ and responsibilities. a) chores b) privileges c) games
  6. Successful women serve as ______ for girls and boys. a) leaders b) role models c) followers
  7. Girls can provide ______ support to family members. a) emotional b) physical c) financial
  8. Effective ______ and problem-solving skills are important in the family. a) communication b) isolation c) conflict
  9. Girls, like boys, can contribute their ______ to finding solutions. a) chores b) ideas c) games
  10. Girls and boys are ______ valuable in the family. a) equally b) differently c) exclusively

Please choose the appropriate option (a, b, or c) for each blank space.



Lesson Plan Presentation: Girls are more useful in the family


  1. Introduction (5 minutes): a. Greet the students and briefly review the previous lesson. b. Introduce the topic: “Today, we will discuss the statement ‘Girls are more useful in the family.'” c. Share the objectives of the lesson and its relevance to their lives.
  2. Warm-up Activity (10 minutes): a. Ask students to form small groups and brainstorm the roles and responsibilities within their families. b. Write their ideas on the board or chart paper. c. Facilitate a class discussion, allowing each group to share their findings. d. Encourage students to identify any gender-based assumptions or stereotypes present in their responses.
  3. Fill-in-the-Blank Activity (10 minutes): a. Distribute the handouts with the fill-in-the-blank questions related to the topic. b. Instruct students to complete the questions individually. c. Collect the handouts and review the answers together as a class. d. Encourage students to explain their choices and engage in discussions about the topic
  4. Group Discussion (15 minutes): a. Divide the class into smaller groups. b. Provide each group with a sticky note and ask them to write down their group’s opinion on the statement “Girls are more useful in the family.” c. Collect the sticky notes and read them aloud, allowing students to express their opinions and support their viewpoints. d. Facilitate a respectful and inclusive discussion, emphasizing the importance of gender equality and challenging stereotypes.
  5. Presentation and Reflection (5 minutes): a. Summarize the main points discussed during the group discussion. b. Share examples of successful women who have made significant contributions to society. c. Encourage students to reflect on the importance of equal opportunities and contributions within the family. d. Conclude the lesson by emphasizing that both girls and boys are equally valuable in the family unit.
  6. Conclusion (5 minutes): a. Recap the key points covered during the lesson. b. Address any remaining questions or concerns from the students. c. Assign a short written reflection task for homework, asking students to express their personal views on gender roles within the family.

Note: Throughout the lesson, encourage active participation, active listening, and respectful communication. Monitor the discussions to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment. Adjust the duration of activities based on the pace of the class


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