1. The combination of sounds arranged in a manner pleasing to the ear is ———-
{A} augment (B) diminish (C) tie (D) music (E) dance

2. What are the letter names of bass staff? (A) A,B,C,D.E.FG,A,B (B)A,C.D,F,G,A,B (C)B,C,D,F,G,A (D)B,D,F,G,A,B,C (E)C,D,E,F,G,A,B

3. What is the role of a violin in an orchestra? (A)tenor (B)soprano (C)alto (D)bass (E)baritone.

4. The period of silence is ———- (A) skip (B)staccato (C)tie (D)bass (E)rest.

5. In an orchestra, cello plays —— (A)soprano (B)alto (C)bass (D)tenor (E)baritone

6. The major key with two sharps is ——- (A)C (B)E (C) D (D) F (E) B

7. Viola plays —– in an orchestra (A)bass (B)tenor (C)baritone (D)alto (E)soprano

8. The major key without sharp nor flat is —– (A)E (B)C (C) F (D) B (E) A

9. A tetrachord is ——- of a scale (A)full length (B)twice (C)half (D) quarter (E) minim

10.The symbol that lowers a note by semitone is —- (A)tetrachord (B)slur (C)flat (D)sharp (E)augmentation

11. Double bass plays —- (A)soprano (B)alto (C) tenor (D)baritone (E)bass

12. A major scale with one sharp is —-(A)E (B)F (C)G (D) A (E) C

13. The symbol that raises a note by semitone is — (A) sharp (B) accidentals (C) flat (D) dominion (E) perfect

14. In a major scale, the 3rd and 4th is known as —– (A) tone (B) slur (C) tie (D) semitone (E) bass

15. How many semitones are there in a scale? (A) five (B) six (C) two (D) one (E) ten

16. The term Drama came from a Greek word meaning —– (A) sluggishness (B) wickedness (C) faithfulness (D) action (E) holiness

17. The division of scale into two equal halves is —– (A) diatonic (B) tetrachord (C) viola (D) poco a poco (E) soft

18.The people that make the dream of actors a reality are called the  —- (A) the crew (B) producer (C) audience (D) journalist (E) parents

19. ——- transform themselves into human, animals (A) crew (B) opera (C) audience (D)actors (E) producers

20.The music that is used to tell the stories is —– (A) mask drama (B) opera (C) tragedy (D)comedy (E) pantomime

21. A patterned and rhythmic movement is —– (A) rest (B) comedy (C) mime (D) dance (E) music

22. A dramatic type that presents sad events is —- (A)comedy (B) tragedy (C) mime (D) mask drama (E) opera

23. Another name for Timpani is ——(A) trombone (B) tuba (C) kettle drum (D) flute (E) sekere

24.Violin belongs to —- family (A)bass (B) string (C) wood (D) percussion (E) brass

25. The trumpet belongs to the —- family (A) string (B) wood (C) brass (D) percussion (E) opera

26. The major key with one flat is —- (A) G (B) F (C) A (D) I (E) Z

27.Saxophone belong to —– family. (A) wood (B) brass (C) percussion (D) string (E) tape rule

28. Foreign musical instruments are classified into —- (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3 (E)10

29. Dance for presentation needs ——– (A) no audience (B) drums (C) audience (D) saxophone (E)stage

30. Temple is a place for ——— (A) feeling (B) farming (C) sailing (D) performing (E) conducting

31. J.S Bach was born on 21st march, ——- (A) 1966 (B) 1947 (C) 2010 (D) 1685 (E) 1690

32. The full name 0f J.S Bach is ——— ———— (A) Johnson Stephen bach (B) johanny sunny bach (C) Johann Sebastian bach (D) Johann Solomon bach (E) John Sebastian bola

33. Bachs parents died when he was —— (A) six (B)two (C) five (D)ten (E) one

34. J.S Bach had how many children? (A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 7 (D)2 (E) 20

35.Johann sebastian was born in —— (A) Africa (B)U.S.A (C) Germany (D)England (E) Togo

36. The school anthem is in —– key (A) B (B) F (C) D (D) A (E) C

37.Another name for G clef is —- (A) slur (B) treble (C)tie (D)octave (E) F

38. What do you understand by lullaby? (A) sharp (B) music for adult (C) music for babies (D) drama (E) jumping

39. When you move your body rhythmically is (A) setting (B) dancing (C) singing (D) clapping (E) Jumping

40. Pantomime is —- (A) tee (B) mime (C) mick (D) melody (E) moderate

41. Music is all about combination of (A)balls (B)slates (C)sounds (D)shirts (E)noises.
42. E.G.B.D.F are the letter names of the lines of the …… stave. (A) bass (B) treble (C) alto (D) tenor (E) movable
43. The ………… circles round the fourth line of the staff and fixes that line as “F” (A) bass clef (B) alto clef (C) treble clef (D) tenor clef (E) solo clef
44. The musical note with four tails is ………. (A) minim (B) tails (C) quaver (D) note (E) hemi demi semi quaver
45. All these are musical instrument except (A) quitar (B) organ (C) trumpet (D) hand trowel (E) flute
46. Two crotchets added together is equal to a (A) minim (B) crotchets (C) semibreve (D) quaver (E) semi quaver
47. When a dot is placed after a note, it ……… (A) doubles the note (B) increases the note by half of its value(C) decreases it by half of its value (D) increases the note by a semitone (E) decreases the note by a tone.
48. The short extra lines drawn above or below the staff to accommodate more notes is know as ………. (A) double bar (B) extension (C) pitch (D) rhythmic (E) ledger
49. The combination of the Treble and Bass staff is known as ……………. Staff. (A) combined (B) orchestra (C) great (D) baritone (E) movable
50. …………… lowers a note by one semitone in pitch. (A) Natural (B) Sharp (C) Flat (D) pause (E) Dot
51. The first line of the Treble stave is …………. (A) G (B) A (C) A (D) E (E) C .
52. Double bar lines in music signifies the ……….. of a piece of music (A) end (B) cadences (C) beginning (D) middle (E) pitch
53. The song tittle “Aye” was composed by …………. (A) Davido (B) Wiskid (C) Sunny Nneji (D) Sir Sina Peters (E)P Square.
54. Rhythm is the ………. (A) length of a note value (B) movement or flow of musical sounds (C) volume of musical sounds (D) depth of musical instruments (E) length of musical chords.
55. ……….. is the Nigerian masked music exponent. (A) Sunny Ade (B) Ebenezer Obey (C) T . K . E Phillips (D)Fela Anikulapo Kuti. (E)Lagbaja.
56. The person who leads the group of player or singers is called ………. (A) leader (B) choir master (C) song director (D) conductor (E) choir leader
57. The level of sound is referred to as …………. (A) triad (B) rhythm (C) pitch (D) octave (E) interval
58. A double bar line marks the ………… in music (A) rest (B) sound (C) end (D) note (E) chord
59. How many crotchets are there in a dotted minim? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5. (E) 6
60. The symbol which is written at the beginning of the staff to determine the letter names of the lines and spaces is called (A) clef (B) rest (C) pause (D) sharp (E) natural.
61. The musical note with four tails is ……….. (A) quaver (B) semiquaver (C)demi semi quaver (D) minim (E) hemi demi semi quaver.
62. There are……. Musical alphabet(s) (A)1 (B)3 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7.
63. “Half note” is another name for ……. (A) quaver (B) minim (C) semibreve (D) crotchet (E) semibreve.
64. GBDFA are the letter names of the lines of the …… stave. (A) bass (B) treble (C) alto (D) tenor (E) movable
65. The letter name of the third line of the treble stave is (A) B (B) C (C) D (D) E (E) A

66. The alphabetical name for Bass clef is (A) C (B) D (C) E (D) F
(E) G
67. Identify the staff which has “D” as its 3rd line (A) Alto (B) Bass
(C) Soprano (D) Tenor (E) Treble.
68. Which of these notes has 4 beats? (A) Allabreve (B) Crochet
(C) Minim (D) Quaver (E) Semibreve.
69. Sound is produced in a trumpet by being (A) Beaten (B) Blown
(C) Plucked (D) Shaken (E) Struck.
70. Identify a crotchet note among these (A) (B) (C) (D)
71. Which of these note is called a whole note (A) (B) (C)
(D) (E)
72. Identify the accidental used to raise a pitch of a semi tone
(A) (B) (C) (E)
73. A quarter note is known as (A) Semibreve (B)Semi quaver
(C) Minim (D) Crochet
74. The…………………….circle round the second line of the staff and
fixes the line as “G” (A) Bass clef (B) Alto clef (C) Treble clef
(D) Tenor clef.
75. ……………………placed before a note raises it by a semitone
(A) Sharp (B) Flat (C) Natural (D) Rest

76. A period Of silence in music is known as (A) Rhythm (B) Rest
(C) Candence (D) Accidental.
77. The sharp, flat and natural sign are know as (A) Rhythm
(B) Accidental (C) Rest (D) Staff.
78. bass clef is alternatively known as (A) D clef (B) E clef (C) F Clef (D) G clef.
79.Movement in music is known as (A) Sharp (B) Flat (C) Rest (D) Rhythm .
80.Two semibreve notes added together equals to (A) Semibreve (B) Breve (C) Seminote (D) Minim (E) Quaver.
Provide the correct answers in this segment.
81.In conducting 4/4 time, the hand goes ……………
82. Duet is when ………. Person(s) perform together
83.The technical name of “soh” is ……….
84. Key a Major has……… sharp(s)
85.The term “forte’ means………….
86. The musical notes with a tail is known as………
87.Ekwe (slit drum) is commonly used by ……….. tribe in Nigeria.
88. The four major voice parts are………..
89………………………. Is the technical name of “ ray”.
90.The accidental sign that decreases a note by a semitone is……………

91.Johann Sebastian Bach is a composer of ……………….. period.
92.Trio means …………
93.The level of sound is referred to as ………….
94.A double bar line marks the ………… in music .
95.How many quavers are there in a dotted crotchet?
96.The symbol which is written at the beginning of the staff to determine the letter names is referred to as………..
97.When a dot is placed after a note, it ………..
98………… is the technical name “fah” .
99.“whole note” is another name for …….
100.E.G.B.D.F are the letter names of the …… stave lines.






  1.  What is the major scale?
  2.  What are the notes of the major scale?
  3.  How do you find the tonic of the major scale?
  4.  What is an octave?
  5.  What is the pattern of whole and half steps in the major scale?
  6.  Define Primary Notes of The Major Scale
  7.  List the primary notes of the major scale.
  8.  Say the technical names of the notes of the major scales
  9.  Explain three primary notes as well as the others secondary notes.
  10. What is a simple time signature?
  11. How do you use figured bass to communicate harmonic information?
  12. What is figured bass?
  13. Construct the scale of D major .
  14. Classify these instrument under, strings, woodwind, brass, percussion A, flute B, timpani C, violin D, trumpet E, saxophone
  15. Mention five of the western musical instruments
  16. Write out five forms of drama
  17. List and explain five music scores
  18. Indicate in the stave the key signature of the following respectively: G,D,A,E and B.
  19. Draw a five octave dummy keyboard with letter names indicated on it.
  20. Give three classifications of western musical instrument with two examples each
  21. Write short notes about the following:i.pitch ii .rhythm iii. Interval iv. Transposition
  22. What is Time signature?
  23. Write the symbols used for time signature.
  24. What key is three sharps ?
  25.  Write the following major keys on the treble stave, D major, A major, B major and F major.
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