Features of Richard Constitution of 1946


Civic Education


First Term


Week 8



Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of

Features of Clifford Constitution of 1922

that was taught in their previous lesson


Features of Clifford Constitution of 1922

Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • explain when and why the Richard constitution was formed
  • mention the important features of the Richard constitution
  • explain the advantages and disadvantages of Richarde constitution

Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation

Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks



Meaning of Richard Constitution of 1946

The Constitution of 1946 was the first constitution of Nigeria, which granted Nigeria independence from British colonial rule. The Constitution of 1946 was created as a result of the Richard Constitution of 1945, which aimed to establish self-governing colonies in Africa. The Constitution of 1946 granted Nigeria autonomy within the British Empire and paved the way for the country’s eventual independence. The Constitution of 1946 is significant as it set the foundation for the modern Nigerian state.




Features Richard Constitution of 1946.

1. Richard’s Constitution of 1946 created a unicameral legislature.

2. It also increased the power of the executive branch, while curtailing the power of the judiciary.

3. The Constitution placed more emphasis on individual rights and liberties.

4. It aimed to decentralize the government and promote regional autonomy.

5. Finally, it provided for a system of proportional representation in the legislature.


Advantages of Nigeria Colonial Richard Constitution of 1946.

The Richard Constitution of 1946 was the first constitution of Nigeria as an independent country. It remained in effect until the independence of Nigeria in 1960.

Nigeria’s Colonial Richard Constitution of 1946 was a major step forward in the country’s move towards self-governance. It granted Nigeria

Advantages of Nigeria Colonial Richard Constitution of 1946.

1.The Richard Constitution of 1946 granted Nigeria a considerable measure of self-rule.

2. It expanded the scope of the Nigerian legislature and increased the number of seats in the House of Representatives.

3. It created a more centralized system of government with a powerful executive branch.

4. It abolished the indirect rule system of colonial governance and replaced it with a more representative form of government.

5. It laid the groundwork for Nigeria’s independence in 1960.


Disadvantages of Nigeria Colonial Clifford Constitution of 1946.

1. The Clifford Constitution of 1946 did not adequately represent all Nigerians, as it was drafted without input from Nigerian representatives.

2. The Constitution concentrated power within the central government, which was dominated by British officials.

3. The Constitution did not address the issue of regionalism,

4. The governors had no veto power

5. The constitution divided Nigeria into three unequal parts which are the north, west and east .

6. No Nigerian was found in the executive council


Step 1

The subject teacher introduces the new topic

Step 2.

He introduces the new topic

Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


  1. Mention three features of Richard constitution of 1946
  2. Mention two advantages of Nigeria Colonial Richard Constitution of 1946.


The subject goes round to mark the pupil’s notes. He does the necessary corrections

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