1.) All are forms of energy except ____
(a) sandy energy (b) stone energy (c) light energy (d) heat energy

2.) The two main sources of light are ____
(a) sun and moon (b) food and light (c) natural and artificial (d) all of the above

3.) ______ is the drawing which does not involve the use of any instrument except pencil
(a) stone drawing (b) still-life drawing (c) free hand drawing (d) biro drawing

4.) The act of representing a picture of an object on a paper is ____
(a) drawing (b) playing (c) stealing (d) smoking

5.) ______ is a colorless liquid which is needed in our daily life
(a) stone (b) chemical (c) blood (d) water

6.) All are sources of water except ____ (a) river (b) stream (c) blood (d) well

7.) When two or more colours are mixed together the result is called ___
(a) temporary (b) secondary (c) primary (d) permanent

8.) Which of the following is not an example of colour (a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) water

9.) One of the following is not a property of clean water
(a) it has no colour (b) it has no smell (c) it has colour (d) it is tasteless

10.) Kinetic energy is ____ energy (a) sleeping (b) moving (c) elastic (d) none of the above

11.) _____ is described as how long an object is (a) length (b) perimeter (c) width (d) volume

12.) Which of the following is not an instrument for measuring length
(a) ruler (b) measuring tape (c) rope (d) table

13.) _____ is the force of gravity of an object (a) volume (b) weight (c) spring (d) length

14.) The passing of days, months and years is known as ____
(a) minutes (b) time (c) hours (d) seconds

15.) The degree of hotness or coldness of a body is ___
(a) temperature (b) pressure (c) water (d) sun

16.) Plants and animals are living things (a) true (b) false (c) true and false (d) all of the above

17.) Living things can do the following except _____ (a) move (b) grow (c) water (d) feed

18.) The instrument used to measure temperature is
(a) barometer (b) thermometer (c) rain guage (d) wind vane

19.) Which of the following is not a type of soil (a) sandy (b) swampy (c) clay (d) loamy

20.) The best soil for planting is _____ (a) loamy (b) clay (c) water (d) sandy

21.) Example of plant that grows in water is _____
(a) mushroom (b) water lily (c) cassava (d) rose flower

22.) One of the following is an example of plant that grows on other plants.
(a) bitter leaf (b) moss (c) water lettuce (d) bitter lemon

23.) Force means ___________________________________
(a) run and fall (b) resting or working (c) pull or push (d) moving or standing

24.) Which of the following is not a type of force
(a) Conditional force (b) frictional force (c) electric force (d) magnetic force

25.) _____ can be used to stop things from moving (a) force (b) water (c) tension (d) magnitude

26.) Materials for cleaning the school compound include the following except ____
(a) hoe (b) rake (c) dustbin (d) waste

27.) ____ is anything that is not useful and needs to be thrown away
(a) water (b) house (c) waste (d) disposal

28.) Reasons for painting our houses include the following except ____
(a) to make it dirty (b) to make it beautiful (c) to make it last and long (d) to make it attractive

29.) A dirty environment will attract _____ (a) ventilation (b) diseases (c) happiness (d) honey

30.) The force that returns every thrown up object down is called _____
(a) tension force (b) frictional force (c) gravitational force (d) electrical force

1.) What is force ________________________________________________________________

b.) Mention any three types of force
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

2.) What is water ________________________________________________________________

b.) List any three sources of water
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

3.) State any three plants that grow in water
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

b.) Mention two plants that grow on other plants
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

4.) Mention two reasons why we paint our house
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) State three materials we can use to clean our school compound
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

5.) What is energy ______________________________________________________________

b.) Mention the two kind of energy
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

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