1st Term Examination COMPUTER STUDIES CLASS: NURSERY 2 NAME:__________________________ Computer is an __________ machine (a)electronic (b)electrical (c)light We use our ____________ to control mouse (a)hand (b)leg (c)mouth Letter A stands for ________ (a)abacus (b)a head (c)a brain Letter B stands for ________ (a)bucker (b)boxfile (c)bag Letter C stands for ________ (a)computer (b)come (c)cook Letter D
1st Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE NURSERY 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Attempt all questions ____________ things are things that have life (a)living (b)dead Goat is a living thing (a)yes (b)no Non – living things are things that have no _________ (a)motor (b)life House is a living thing (a)yes (b)no __________ is a vegetable (a)stone (b)okro
PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PSED) The goals of this subject area are: To help the children to develop positive feelings about themselves and people around To build and nurture positive relationships and respect among the children To develop positive skills, cultivate appropriate habits and build their self confidence To help the children to manage
EDU DELGHT TUTORS (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 15 ERIYO STREET GBADA PIPELINE THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2021 CLASS: NURSERY I SUBJECT: READING READINESS NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… Read and write Capital and Small letters Aa Write the name of these objects _________________________ _______________________ _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ _______________________ _________________________ _______________________ Fill in the missing gaps F l ____ g G
Edu Delight Tutorss Tapa Lagos Island EASTER TEAM 2020 / 2021 EXAMINATION Subject : Computer Science Class: Nursery Two Name Of Pupil : ___________________________________________________ Date : ____________________________________________________________ Answer all the b questions. 1. The letters on the computer keyboard has letters Aa to _______ (a) Qq (b) Vv (c)
Edu Delight Tutorss Tapa Lagos Island EASTER TEAM 2020 / 2021 EXAMINATION Subject : Basic Science Class: Nursery Two Name Of Pupil : ___________________________________________________ Date : ____________________________________________________________ Answer all the questions. Part A 1. Wild animals live in the ______ (a} forest (b) fire. . (cl flame 2. Animals
Edu Delight Tutorss Tapa Lagos Island EASTER TEAM 2020 / 2021 EXAMINATION Subject : Verbal Reasoning Class: Nursery Two Name Of Pupil : ___________ ________________________________________ Date : ____________________________ ________________________________ Answer all the questions Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo I 2
Edu Delight Tutorss Tapa Lagos Island EASTER TEAM 2020 / 2021 EXAMINATION Subject : Number Work. Class: Nursery Two Name Of Pupil : ___________________________________________________ Date : ____________________________________________________________ Part A Answer all the questions Arrange and solve the followings. 1). 23 + 35 = ______________ (2). 96 – 54 = ____________
Nursery 2 Basic science Second term Nursery 2 Civic Education Second term Nursery 2 P H E First Term examination Nursery 2 P H E Second Term examination Nursery 2 Second Term examinations Home Economics Nursery 2 Second Term examinations CRS