English Grammar Primary 2 Second Term Weekly Topics Brief
Week 1: The Use of This, These, That, and Those
Understanding demonstrative pronouns and their use in sentences.
Week 2: Sentence Types
Exploring different sentence types: statements, questions, exclamations, and commands.
Week 3: Present, Past, and Future Actions
Identifying and using verbs in present, past, and future tenses.
Week 4: Introducing Adjectives with Examples
Understanding adjectives and their role in describing nouns.
Week 5: Introducing Adverbs with Examples
Exploring adverbs and their function in modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
Week 6: Nouns: Meaning, Types, and Uses in Sentences
Learning about nouns, including common, proper, countable, and uncountable nouns.
Week 7: Mid-Term Assessment and Break
Review and assessment of topics covered in the first half of the term.
Week 8: Possessive Pronouns: Meaning and Uses in Sentences (e.g., mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs )
Understanding possessive pronouns and their role in showing ownership.
Week 9: Synonyms
Learning about synonyms and how words with similar meanings are used in context.
Week 10: Antonyms
Understanding antonyms and how words with opposite meanings are used.
Week 11: Revision
Comprehensive review of all topics covered in the second term with practice questions.
Week 12: Examination Questions
Final examination based on topics covered during the term.
This weekly list provides a concise overview of the topics to be covered in the second term of Primary 2 English Grammar.
Primary 2 First term English Grammar Scheme of Work
Primary 2 English Grammar Scheme and Lesson Plan for Third Term
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