Use of Music in our society Primary 1 Cultural and Creative Arts

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Topic: Use of Music in Our Society

Sub-topic: Exploring the Role of Music in Celebrations

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Children should be able to name a song they enjoy.

Key Words: Music, Celebrations, Emotions, Society, Learn, Fun

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify one way music is used in celebrations.
  2. Express emotions through simple movements to music.
  3. Share a song they enjoy.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Emotional Expression: Moving in response to music.
  2. Social Skills: Sharing favorite songs with classmates.
  3. Cognitive Skills: Identifying the role of music in celebrations.

Learning Materials:

  1. Recorded music for different moods.
  2. Pictures of celebrations.
  3. Drawing materials.
  4. Chart with keywords.
  5. Small rhythm instruments (optional).


Use of Music in Our Society 🎶:

  1. Celebrations 🎉:
    • Example: We play music at parties and birthdays to make them fun! 🥳🎵
  2. Expressing Emotions 😢😄:
    • Example: When we feel happy or sad, we can listen to music that matches our feelings.
  3. Traditions and Festivals 🎊:
    • Example: During cultural events or holidays, we use music to celebrate and express joy. 🌍🎼
  4. Communication 🗣️:
    • Example: Long ago, people used drums and songs to send messages in our communities.
  5. Learning and Fun 📚🎤:
    • Example: We learn through songs and rhymes, making learning exciting and enjoyable. 🤓🎵
  6. Unity and Togetherness 👫👬:
    • Example: When we sing together, it makes us feel connected and happy as a group.

Remember, music is a wonderful way to express, celebrate, and have fun together! 🌟

1. We play music at parties to make them ____.
a) Boring
b) Fun
c) Quiet
d) Sleepy

2. When we feel happy or sad, we can listen to music that matches our ____.
a) Colors
b) Feelings
c) Shapes
d) Toys

3. During cultural events, we use music to celebrate and express ____.
a) Sadness
b) Joy
c) Anger
d) Silence

4. Long ago, people used drums and songs to send messages in our ____.
a) Communities
b) Schools
c) Houses
d) Parks

5. We learn through songs and rhymes, making learning exciting and ____.
a) Boring
b) Sad
c) Difficult
d) Enjoyable

6. When we sing together, it makes us feel connected and happy as a ____.
a) Group
b) Alone
c) Animal
d) Plant

7. Music helps us express our emotions during ____.
a) Celebrations
b) Sleep
c) Meals
d) Learning

8. In our society, we use music at birthdays to make them ____.
a) Sad
b) Quiet
c) Fun
d) Dark

9. During festivals, we use music to celebrate and express ____.
a) Boredom
b) Joy
c) Anger
d) Sleepiness

10. People in the past used drums and songs to send messages in their ____.
a) Communities
b) Gardens
c) Deserts
d) Forests

11. Music makes learning exciting and ____.
a) Fun
b) Difficult
c) Quiet
d) Boring

12. When we feel happy or sad, we can listen to music that matches our ____.
a) Feelings
b) Colors
c) Numbers
d) Animals

13. During cultural events, we use music to celebrate and express ____.
a) Joy
b) Sadness
c) Sleepiness
d) Anger

14. Long ago, people used drums and songs to send messages in their ____.
a) Communities
b) Schools
c) Houses
d) Parks

15. Music helps us express our emotions during ____.
a) Celebrations
b) Meals
c) Sleep
d) Silence


  1. Presentation – Step 1:
    • Previous Topic Revisal: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Types of Crafts.”
  2. Presentation – Step 2:
    • Introduction of New Topic: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Use of Music in Our Society,” by discussing how we use music in celebrations.
  3. Presentation – Step 3:
    • Teacher’s Activities:
      • Show pictures of celebrations and discuss.
      • Play different music samples for happy and sad moods.
      • Guide pupils in expressing emotions through simple movements.
      • Encourage sharing of favorite songs.
    • Learners’ Activities:
      • Observe pictures and discuss.
      • Move and express feelings to different music.
      • Share a song they enjoy with classmates.


  • Observe participation in movement activities.
  • Evaluate the ability to identify the mood of music.

Evaluation :

  1. Can you name a way we use music in celebrations?
  2. How does happy music make you feel?
  3. What do we use to express feelings through music?
  4. Can you share a song you enjoy with your friends?
  5. What was the previous topic we discussed?
  6. How does music make celebrations more enjoyable?
  7. Show with your hands how sad music might make you move.
  8. What is your favorite type of music?
  9. How do we express our feelings when we hear music?
  10. Why do you think people use music during celebrations?


  • The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on pupils’ participation and understanding of the role of music in celebrations. Encourage continued exploration of music in daily life.
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