Steps to be taken taken in cleaning our sitting room Home Economics Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Home Economics

Class: Primary 3

Topic: Steps to be taken in cleaning our sitting room

Sub-topic: Cleaning the Sitting Room

Duration: 40 minutes

Period/Day: Lesson 3

Week :Week 8

Term: First Term

Previous Knowledge: Students have been introduced to basic cleaning materials and their uses in the home.

Set Induction: Start the lesson by asking the students if they help with cleaning their homes. Discuss the importance of keeping the sitting room clean.

Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify the steps involved in cleaning a sitting room.
  2. Describe the importance of keeping the sitting room clean.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Decision-making
  • Problem-solving

Learning Materials:

  • Chalkboard and chalk
  • Cleaning materials (broom, mop, bucket)
  • Images or flashcards showing the cleaning steps
  • A model of a sitting room

Reference Books:

  • Home Economics for Primary 3 by XYZ Publishers

Instructional Materials:

  • Cleaning materials
  • Images or flashcards


  1. Introduction to the importance of a clean sitting room.
  2. Identifying the steps involved in cleaning a sitting room.
  3. Demonstrating each step using images or flashcards.
  4. Guided practice with students participating in a demonstration.


Here are the steps to be taken in cleaning the sitting room for Primary 3 Home Economics:

Step 1: Gather the necessary cleaning materials and equipment. This includes a broom, dustpan, mop, bucket, cleaning cloths, and cleaning solutions.

Step 2: Begin by removing any clutter from the sitting room. Put away toys, books, or other items that are not in their proper place.

Step 3: Start with dusting. Use a clean, dry cloth to dust all surfaces, including shelves, tables, and electronic devices. Make sure to get into corners and along baseboards.

Step 4: Sweep the floor using a broom and dustpan. Start from one corner and work your way towards the door. Collect all the dust and debris.

Step 5: Mop the floor. Mix a suitable floor cleaner with water in a bucket, dip the mop, and wring it out. Mop the floor from one end to the other, making sure to cover the entire surface.

Step 6: Pay attention to specific areas that might need extra cleaning, such as spills or stains. Use the appropriate cleaning solution for these spots.

Step 7: Wipe down any glass surfaces like windows and mirrors. Use a glass cleaner and a clean cloth for streak-free results.

Step 8: Clean and dust any furniture in the sitting room. Wipe down tables and chairs.

Step 9: Return items you removed in step 2 to their proper places.

Step 10: Take out any trash or items that need to be disposed of properly.

Step 11: Evaluate the sitting room to ensure it’s clean and tidy. Look for any missed spots or areas that need additional attention.

Step 12: Finally, sit back, relax, and enjoy your clean sitting room!

These steps should help maintain a clean and comfortable sitting room.


  1. The first step in cleaning our sitting room is to gather the necessary cleaning __________ (a) toys, (b) materials, (c) clothes, (d) food.
  2. In step 2, what should you remove from the sitting room before cleaning? Remove __________ (a) clutter, (b) shoes, (c) food, (d) curtains.
  3. What should you use to dust surfaces in the sitting room? Use a clean, dry __________ (a) broom, (b) mop, (c) cloth, (d) plate.
  4. In step 4, what should you use to sweep the floor? A __________ and __________ (a) broom and dustpan, (b) cloth and plate, (c) book and toy, (d) flower and tree.
  5. To mop the floor, you should mix floor cleaner with __________ in a bucket. (a) water, (b) oil, (c) juice, (d) sand.
  6. When you mop the floor, start from one end and work your way to the __________ (a) ceiling, (b) floor, (c) door, (d) window.
  7. What should you use to clean glass surfaces like windows and mirrors? Use a glass cleaner and a clean __________ (a) broom, (b) cloth, (c) chair, (d) toy.
  8. Which step involves cleaning and dusting furniture in the sitting room? (a) Step 8, (b) Step 2, (c) Step 6, (d) Step 10.
  9. To mop the floor, you should mix floor cleaner with water in a __________. (a) bucket, (b) box, (c) bag, (d) shoe.
  10. To remove clutter in the sitting room, put away __________, books, and other items. (a) toys, (b) plates, (c) cups, (d) chairs.
  11. True or False: In step 6, you should mop the floor from the door to the end. (a) True, (b) False.
  12. What should you do with items you removed in step 2? (a) Throw them away, (b) put them in the right place, (c) leave them on the floor, (d) keep them outside.
  13. What should you do with any trash or items that need to be disposed of properly? (a) Keep them, (b) take them out, (c) throw them in the sitting room, (d) hide them.
  14. In step 9, you should evaluate the sitting room to ensure it’s clean and __________. (a) tidy, (b) messy, (c) noisy, (d) dark.
  15. What’s the final step in cleaning the sitting room? (a) Going outside, (b) sitting back and enjoying the clean room, (c) making a mess, (d) taking a nap.


Step 1: Start by discussing the importance of a clean sitting room.

Step 2: Identify and discuss each step involved in cleaning a sitting room.

Step 3: Use images or flashcards to visually demonstrate the steps.

Step 4: Engage the students in a guided practice. Demonstrate each step using cleaning materials.

Step 5: Encourage students to participate actively in a classroom activity involving cleaning materials.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Introduce the topic.
  • Explain each step.
  • Use images or flashcards for visual representation.
  • Engage in the demonstration of cleaning steps.
  • Guide the students during the practical activity.

Learners Activities:

  • Listen attentively to the teacher.
  • Participate actively during the practical demonstration.
  • Ask questions for clarification.
  • Clean a designated area in the classroom as a group activity.


  • Observe students’ participation and understanding during the practical cleaning activity.
  • Ask students to name the steps involved in cleaning a sitting room.
  • Evaluate students’ ability to explain the importance of a clean sitting room.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Why is it important to keep your sitting room clean?
  3. Name three cleaning materials you would use in the sitting room.
  4. What is the first step in cleaning your sitting room?
  5. What do you use to sweep the floor?
  6. In step 3, what should you mix with floor cleaner in a bucket?
  7. What should you use to clean glass surfaces like windows and mirrors?
  8. Which step involves cleaning and dusting furniture in the sitting room?
  9. In step 9, what should you do to evaluate the sitting room?
  10. What is the final step in cleaning the sitting room?

Conclusion: In today’s lesson, we’ve learned the importance of a clean sitting room and the steps involved in cleaning it. It’s important to keep our homes tidy and clean for a healthy and pleasant living environment. Remember these steps and help keep your sitting room clean!

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